animal liberation front

ELF and ALF are responsible for estimating conservatively, over $110 million in damages and 1,100 acts of terrorism in the decade 1995-2005. @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) { Buy It Now. In the former category, it set off a surge of anonymous research, document leaks, and other industry information coming to light at a pace I have not seen in the 15 years I have tracked the industry. Both myself and platforms like received anonymous submissions regularly in the years that followed. These are simply not ingredients in incendiary devices. } The true threat we face isn’t “government repression,” it’s how we respond to it. In a communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Fur Farm Intelligence Unit announced it had mailed a copy of the Animal Liberation Front guide The Final Nail #4 to every address within 0.5 miles of a proposed Idaho mink farm. This report and overview focus on criminal incidents committed by environmental and animal rights extremists in the United States between 1995 and 2010, and specifically, the arsons and bombings conducted by individuals affiliated with the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal Liberation Front (ALF). A multi-story chicken barn went up in flames at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center on March 14th. A look at the data released by the FFIU to date: August, 2009: Released a list of attendees at the Canadian Mink Breeder’s Association, and the dates several fur farmers were booked at nearby hotels (and consequently would not be home to protect their farms from the ALF.). script.setAttribute("src", "//"); I learned that giving an individual a new option for a new future—one free of abuse—is not only liberating for those freed, but also for those doing the freeing, and this feeling stays with you, forever. Political objectives and economic goals [edit | edit source] The movement has underground and above-ground components, and is entirely decentralized with no formal hierarchy, the absence of which acts as a firebreak when it comes to legal responsibility. There are four other mink farms in Preston which can be raided in the meantime.”. The manual contains a step-by-step, “proven method” for raiding a fur farm and shutting it down. The 2006 revision to the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, which toughened penalties, created additional protections for people (the original law only covered property damage), and included secondary targets (often times companies that do business with primary targets are themselves targeted). This is a letter to Renee, to Alice, to Oscar and to the 281 other beings I removed from abuse. This updated Blueprint offers many times more new info than the original Blueprint (without this editor spending a summer driving to farms). Jackley: While our family is involved in ranching/farming and I proudly display the state bird and fish in my office, I respect its free speech until it is acted upon or causes harm to person or property. Quite obviously, the only response that would “fuel” future actions would be one that confirmed what is already known: Loss of breeding records can be devastating to a fur farm. Alice was born at a breeder for vivisection and lived for six months in a holding pen for reserve research animals, en route to testing facilities. Some special interest extremists -- most notably within the animal rights and environmental movements -- turned toward vandalism and terrorist activity in attempts to further their causes. stop animal testing. The damage to the mink, which was the sole livelihood of the farm, together with the physical damage to the vehicles, the barn, and the fence, devastated the farmers, resulting in a loss in excess of $125,000. Fur farmers distribute new “Wanted” poster to convenience stores, coffee shops, more. Tags: for-the-animals, compassion, vegan-gift, plant-based, black-lives-matter Animal Liberation Front Sticker. By way of trying to explain–but not excuse–my actions, I reached a point in my early twenties when I could longer contain or appropriately channel the grief, despair, and powerlessness I felt in response to the mistreatment of animals and the natural world.”. All that remained for the effort was a stack of boarding passes, cheap applause, occasional audience feedback, and a cobbled- together folder on my computer of video recordings and audio files from the rare organizer (with more initiative than me) who thought ahead to preserve the moment. All Cats Are Beautiful $17.45 $17.45 Animal liberation $17.45 Fuck corrida stop cruelty $17.45 $17.45 Animal liberation $17.45 A.C.A.B. * The group originated in the United Kingdom but has a presence in 40 countries around the world. They believe that all animals have the right to live a life free of suffering and particularly target those who seek to exploit animals for financial gain. And it’s a strange one. Agents reviewed the publications, which revealed that the authors of the publications advocated the release of minks and foxes from fur farms and also advocated vandalism of the farms. Upon entering the bobcat enclosures, we viewed these majestic creatures reduced to market commodities and felt shame that such humans would bestow an existence like this. October, 2010: Released the addresses of three unknown mink farms, a new feed supplier, and a new fur industry researcher. Aleutian Disease }, Page last modified: To be clear, our mission extends far beyond fur. The most erroneous of the government’s claims is that acid, bleach and peroxide allegedly found in the car are “necessary components to build an incendiary device.” The specific quote: Five bottles of muriatic acid; two bottles of Clorox bleach; one container of hydrogen peroxide. If The Blueprint accomplishes nothing else, it’s this small bit of accountability: There’s nowhere to hide, your vulnerabilities are laid bare, and only the reason you still exist is that a small group of dedicated people have yet to apply the knowledge contained here to its maximum impact.”, The Blueprint: Ending The F… by fur_industry_docs on Scribd. • Fox farms are small, with animal numbers usually in the dozens. The Blueprint was released in December 2009. The transcripts – along with other loose ends comprised of published writings, unpublished writings, and podcast interviews –  came together to form Liberate. For all those, human and non-human, continuing to struggle for dignity and peace on occupied land.”. This includes removing animals from laboratories and fur farms, and sabotaging facilities involved in animal testing and other animal-based industries. Every copy of The Final Nail #4 sent to Preston residents included the following note: Enclosed, you will find The Final Nail #4, a proven method for shutting down fur farms. The last action took place in Colorado, where a previously unknown mink farm had every animal released and subsequently announced its closure. The recordings were few, but I did preserve about a dozen records that I thought had been lost forever (or never knew existed at all). Every stop we made to open the back of the truck to allow cool air in was another risk of being caught and every moment above 80 degrees was another risk to the safety of the birds inside. Prison has an on-site “meat processing” facility. 23778 Fairview Road A few days after the action, the rabbits give birth to 10 babies. Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is a decentralized, non-membership based animal-rights activist group. We encourage the public to adopt a vegan diet first; raid farms second. (A.L.F.) Animal rights extremists have been attacking family mink farms all over North America. Feed Suppliers The American branch of the ALF began its operations in the late 1970s. • Operational status of over 200+ farms confirmed. Inmates can receive publications from a vendor, friend or family. With direct actions such as cutting the brake lines of 38 seafood delivery trucks, or the use of fire bombs and incendiary devices, it is through luck not planning, that there have been no ELF and ALF casualties. The Animal Liberation Front is an organization of sadistic eco-terrorists and furries that use propaganda and Weapons of Mass Destruction to save the cute wittle squirrels. I’ve spent years looking at this question and deliver specific insights. There is a large and thriving wild fox population in Iowa. The failure to condemn the Animal Liberation Front triggers complaints from the conservatives, while the more radical activists say the group has lost touch with its grassroots, is soft on the idea of animal rights, and that it should stop the media stunts, the pie-throwing, and the use of nudity. Despite the … I’ll never forget this selflessness in Renee. “One day while walking on a New York sidewalk, a couple stopped in front of me and embraced. This is a country where animal rights have always had a strong voice. History of Fur Farm Intelligence ALF Animal Liberation Front support crew . Now is our time to lend a hand toward their freedom, and return to the wild. I rarely do reposts, but this article from Sparrow Media is too good to not share. Hundreds of animals have now suffered and painfully died due to these assaults on hard working families and their farms. frente de liberacion aniaml a.l.f. But I never thought I was within a light-year of having a books-worth of content, and never considered doing one. Later this year, the Supreme Court is set to take up this issue when it hears arguments in a case in which rap lyrics were used in a man’s conviction. $17.99. In Part Five, guerrilla media-generation. I was left to lament the transience of messages delivered from a podium. From July to November, there were 10 releases of animals from US fur farms. No matter how large or how small, each of these individual situations mattered…”. Animal Liberation Front; Animal Liberation Front. S p B o H n s o r H e 1 d P W H. Animal Liberation Front. [Source: Animal Liberation Front] The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) forms. I’ll never forget about how her prolonged poor health rendered her barren, and I’ll never forget about how her inherent desire to be a mother made her the perfect guardian for an infant monkey who ended up at her sanctuary a year later. Other than the stories contained in OBB, the best information available comes from this anonymous report, circulated after anonymous activists visited the farm during the daytime in 2009. The note to Preston residents included in the packages reads, in part: The guide, sent free of charge to everyone within half a mile of the proposed farm, contains instruction on: • How to bypass farm security. University of Arizona (1,200 animals rescued, 1989), Texas Tech University (5 cats rescued, 1989), Washington State University (7 coyote, 10 mice, 6 mink rescued, 1992), Oregon State University experimental fur farm (building set on fire, farm forced to close, 1991), Santa Rosa fur store arson (store set on fire, forced to close, 1988), Loma Linda University (2 goats and 8 dogs rescued, 1988), UC Davis (under-construction vet lab set on fire, 1987), University of Oregon (150+ animals rescued, 1986), ALF press clippings collection, 1984-1994 (52 pages), Leaked fur industry security alert collection (45 pages). An aerial view of the Rob Roman fox farm. After turning herself in in 2012 following 7 years on the run, and pleading guilty last October, this week Rebecca Rubin was sentenced to 5 years in federal prison. Oscar was also born into a facility that bred waterfowl for vivisection. One day shortly thereafter I was taking my son and our dog Morgan for a walk to the park. We fumbled to find her pulse; we thought the worst and my friend to my right began to cry. There is no limit through the mail. According to police and the fur farmer, only two animals actually left their pens, and both were recaptured. Jackley: Through intelligence sharing law enforcement has been aware of this list for some time, prior to the New York Times article. The past two years has seen a tenfold increase in the number of known fox farm addresses. After 7 years on the run, an ALF saboteur is sentenced for freeing horses, more. Few subjects relevant to the animal liberator are both so under-reported and so willfully misrepresented when they are. carries out direct action againstanimal abuse in the form of rescuing animals and causing financial lossto animal exploiters, usually through the damage and destruction of property. Bobcats: 87. Animal rights activists, including members of the Animal Liberation Front, Peta, various animal rescue groups, and vegans, participate in the annual Animal Rights March on September 1, 2018 in New York City. I sat for two hours in a thunderstorm before jumping the gates to the compound where she was held and bringing her to sanctuary. The sentence is much less than the 7.5 years the government was requesting. “A flash drive which contained two known and widely circulated publications amongst animal rights extremists. Fraser Fur Farm is believed to be the largest bobcat farm in the country. var setNptTechAdblockerCookie = function(adblocker) { This fur farm first came onto the radar of activists in the early-1990s, when it was infiltrated by Rod Coronado, who worked there undercover when posing as an aspiring fur farmer. He was not shaking the water off. Animal Liberation Worldwide is with Manuela Antona and Ildikó Márki. This document makes a strong case that the ALF generates invaluable – and positive – media for the animals. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); Liberate comes in at nearly 400 pages with essays spanning nearly 20 years. The Animal Liberation Front was born in England. Now 12 beautiful souls are free and happy and will live the rest of their lives far from exploitation and cruelty. (function(src){var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.async=true;a.src=src;var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)})("//"); The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) are loosely-organized movements whose adherents engage in crimes like arson, fire bombings, vandalism, intimidation, assaults, stalking, etc. that being gay was a mental illness, because living a “normal” life consists of a man marrying a woman, and not man and man, nor woman and woman. A cursory Google search (which I don’t recommend on your home compuster) shows this claim to be completely false. I found something comforting there, something that made me realize that those days when I restored someone else’s freedoms were the freest days of my life. Rubin was sentenced for four Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front actions: Attorney General Marty Jackley weighs in on the threat of The Final Nail #4. Breeding records are crucial to the sustenance of a fur farm. For example, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, has given money to ELF and ALF members, while acting as the spokesgroup for ELF and ALF after committing acts of terrorism. 3+ watchers. Generally, extremist groups engage in much activity that is protected by constitutional guarantees of free speech and assembly. They seem to indicate books can be mailed directly to prisoners, provided they are in the correct type of envelope. These photos were taken anonymously in 2009, by activists who visited the farm: “In the early morning hours of March the 7th, anonymous individuals breached the property lines of Fraser Fur Farm, a target of anti-fur activists and compassionate individuals for nearly a quarter century. More usefully, she refused to confirm (or deny) that the raid had a significant impact on the farm. She will also be on probation after she leaves prison, and must make monthly payments toward a restitution bill of over $13 million. While the FBI has never been accused of having a sense of humor, or being versed in hip hop, they should either: The issue of rap lyrics being used in criminal cases has been put before the courts many times, as an NPR story from August covers well: “Court Says Rap Lyrics Can’t Be Used As Evidence In A Criminal Trial.”. January 24th, 2014, The farm is not scheduled to open until 2016. We hope and pray for the day when those who reap profits at the expense of all that is sacred will be made to stop the violence, until the last fur farm meets its end. According the fur farmer Robert Roman, he detected the break-in at 2am when his dogs began barking. But it wasn’t enough. $17.99. Future visitors to fox farms should be aware that foxes are extremely timid. Estimates of damage and destruction in the United States claimed by the ALF during the past ten years, as compiled by national organizations such as the Fur Commission and the National Association for Biomedical Research (NABR), put the fur industry and medical research losses at more than 45 million dollars. Eventually, the movement would inspire the formation of the Animal Liberation Front, one of the most radical animal rights groups, which the FBI has classified as a terrorist group. We aim to eradicate all animal-exploitation industries – meat, dairy, egg, animal research, and beyond. And that if your sworn representatives fail to represent you, that you apply the methods in this guide and shut the proposed mink farm down forever.”. The instructions in this manual may represent your last hope in ridding this fur factory farm from your neighborhood. Main Tag Animal Liberation Human Liberation Sticker. This is a cool one sent by a reader: The “Animal Liberation Front Press Cuttings Pack,” published by the University of Minnesota’s Student Organization For Animal Rights in the mid-90s. The judge has yet to rule on the dueling motions, which determine whether he will be released on bail at the conclusion of his state sentence on October 15th. After handing off my files to them, they returned a megafile of over 15 hours of edited transcriptions. • Foxes are rarely a primary income source for farmers, who can be more easily persuaded to discontinue fox farming. The mass-mailing is the latest move for what (in all likelihood) is a nebulous group called the Fur Farm Intelligence Unit. I advanced to Phase Two of my archivist mission: rounding up the very few lecture recordings that existed from my time speaking at colleges and elsewhere. “I think they fled.”, Media continues to quote fur farmers on animals’ likelihood of survival. The organization became especially controversial in the early 21st century, when it was classified as a domestic terrorist organization by both the United States and Great Britain. There was a growing network of support for extremists like ELF and ALF. While this report identified the animals imprisoned as lynx (and lynx were confirmed held there at the time of Rod Coronado’s undercover work), the latest information indicates the only wildcats on site are bobcats. It seemed as if the woman wanted nothing more than to capture this reflection and emotional embrace in her memory. Foxes are genetically wild. In it are 45 news articles covering a period that saw the majority of the ALF’s most well-known raids, such as: It’s a fascinating read, including articles that feature anonymous interviews with ALF activists, rare photos showing the aftermath of lab raids, and more. Buy it NOW for yourself or as the perfect gift for a fellow vegan or animal rights activist. The research center was the target of a raid claimed by the Band of Mercy, who broke into the facility in 1987, rescuing 36 cats and 7 pigs. Their argument for sabotage is that the removal of animals from a laboratory simply … Do you anticipate that Law Enforcement in the affected counties where these businesses are located will have to add additional safety measures at taxpayer cost to respond to the threat? The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) became one of the most active extremist elements in the United States. Just like Al Qaeda and other terrorist movements, ELF and ALF cannot accomplish their goals without money, membership and On the night when we freed Oscar from his confines, he rode on a truck with hundreds of those peers. Stay up to date on developments in the case on the Support Kevin & Tyler website. The facility, run by the USDA, conducts animal research to benefit various animal and non-animal industries, including the meat industry. If you see the man in the above photo, you know what to do. And as a result, many have had to shut down. “Hit List”. I opened Alice’s pen and carried her to safety. I get my protein when I hunt and eat people. Animal Liberation Front antifa division - equality among peoples, equality among species . Throughout history, some people have felt the need to break the law in order to fight injustice. When asked to justify to their captive bobcat operation, Kathy Richwine said: …her family and the ecoterrorists have completely different ideas about the natural order of the world. Vandalia Correctional Center Although the ALF rejects violence against people, many activists support attacks on property, comparing the destruction of animal laboratories and other facilities to resistance fighters blowing up gas chambers in Nazi Germany. I have never been able to forgive my recklessness of that day. In a Montana newspaper article this week, Kathy Richwine of Fraser Fur Farm told activists that Jesus loves them. “The Animal Liberation Front is taking responsibility for the release of 30 foxes from a fur farm in Anamosa, Iowa in the late-evening of Thursday, September 25th 2014. I had to run over a mile and a half with Alice before reaching our exit vehicle and while I was running, Alice threw up on me. Animal Liberation Front T-Shirt Shirt Vegan Vegetarian Rights ALF Crust Punk ELF Top Rated Seller. Rushmore that sent two of our federal agents to the hospital (they were not seriously hurt so it could have been worse). Farmer cites biblical basis for animal abuse. Among the most absurd: satirical hip hop lyrics and baseball hats. 161161. An Iowa fur farm is raided in first fur farm raid of the year. Morgan’s eyes are starting to glaze over with age, and it’s only in a vast open field at the rear of the park that I let her off her leash. The temperature outside was in the 50s but the back of the truck was 80 degrees and climbing. Description. And with no known recording of the talk and forced to write from scratch or decline the invitation, I choose the latter. In the media, the arson elements of her charges overshadowed the two actions in which she admitted to freeing wild horses from BLM corrals, where the horses were to be auctioned for slaughter. Do you think the release of this ‘animal activist hit list’ creates a heightened risk for these farmers & business owners? These figures are always to be considered extremely suspect, as they originate from the fur farmers themselves. Small Farm List Jackley: Exercising free speech is not a crime; however, if acted upon to harm person or property it could fall under trespassing, vandalism, theft, intentional damage to property etc, including the act of “aiding and abetting.”  You may recall as US Atty, I charged Greenpeace for their conduct/involvement at Mt. 4. ― Chris Hedges. In mid-January, local media reported construction was to begin on a mink farm at the intersection of 800 East and Hwy 91 in Preston, Idaho. And they had no idea of how credible their concerns were, as the next six months would see 10 fur farm raids. or Best Offer. Look it up now! In freeing you I learned things not only about you, but also about myself. The guide was delivered to 95 homes in total. We hope you can defeat this farm legally. In the interview, he states the fur farm raiding guide creates…, “…a heightened risk and those in the potentially affected areas have been and are being contacted by local law enforcement.”. Envelopes that have this type of padding can be easily scanned. the media. This inspired me to take steps to preserve what content I did have in my possession, mostly written. First fur farm Intelligence Unit ” stated: “.. post [ the Final Nail 4! Capture this reflection and emotional embrace in her memory at this question and deliver specific insights operations, …! 150 fox farms are small, with humans having dominion over the earth and its creatures the years that.! Ridding this fur factory farm from your neighborhood forever of the University of Iowa animal liberation front the distribution an..., our mission extends far beyond fur flames at the time of the truck were with... 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