galapagos sea lion fun facts

Males hold their territories for 10 days - 3 months and during this time they aggressively defend it. © Graham Earnshaw/Galapagos Conservation Trust The Giant Turtle. Although the smallest of the sea lion species, the males can still look pretty hefty! Although they may still pose quite a threat if angered, they are generally slow, clumsy, and very… very… sleep-py-yy…. I’m 20, and I have a passion for animals. The pictures above and below are from that market. In English, as we know, they are called “sea lions.”. Wacky Naming System. This makes it much easier to tell the male from the female, who has a smooth head. 3. She loves to share her passion through her writing. Wing-like front flippers have a bone structure similar to that in our arms and hands. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It's all, “sardines this,” and “sardines that.” Sardines make me want to be a little bit sick. Is there anything you would like me to cover on the blog? There's an awesome fish market on Santa Cruz (Galapagos) where there are tons of sea lions and you can see them up close. On this blog, you’ll find great info about tons of funny and crazy animals. They are the largest turtles in the world and have the longest lifespan. Galapagos Sea Lions are one of just six types of sea lions. However, if you show them the respect that they deserve, you shouldn't have any trouble. I hope you enjoyed my 9 awesome Galapagos sea lion facts! Do you want to learn about the amazing Galapagos sea lion? Although Galapagos sea lions are very cute, they can be very dangerous and territorial, especially around mating season. Fun Galapagos Sea Lion Facts • Although they may seem lazy, a Galapagos Sea Lion can actually run faster than humans, even over rocky terrain. Fill out the form below to receive additional information about our, Snorkel with Sea Lions on These Galapagos Trips, Repeater Layout : Like, two or three times as big. “Sardines” starts to sound really weird the more you say (or write) it. A female sea lion can weigh up to 400 pounds and be 6 feet long. Everywhere Wild is a community for animal lovers. What animal would like to see me cover? Sea lions … July to April generally marks their breeding. Wow this little fellas are really cute. The most common native mammal you will see during your Galapagos expedition is the Galapagos sea lion, a subspecies of the Californian sea lion, which inhabits most islands. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Deep Diving. On land, the sea lions will use their front and back flippers like feet and drag themselves around. Although we have some information about where sea lions have come from, a lot of the facts are just theories that need to be tested. Females, on the other hand, have longer, sleeker, necks and a thick torso. Hi Trinity, thanks for your comment! 7 Facts About the Awesome Galapagos Sally Lightfoot Crab, 17 Amazing Ocean Sunfish Facts (Mola Mola Guide). The Galapagos Sea Lion is very large, with the males being about 900 pounds when they are full grown. Even though the range of the sea lion species extends from the cold subarctic to the warm tropical waters of the world’s oceans, there is one ... 16. Galapagos sea lions share the Archipelago with Galapagos fur seals. So just follow your guide's instructions and you'll be fine! On the other hand, females and pups are amiable and playful, and they will often have fun swimming with snorkelers. Galapagos sea lions are found in two places: the Galapagos Islands and on Isla de la Plata, which is about 25 miles off the coast of Ecuador. Galapagos Sea Lions are everywhere, but it can be more of a challenge for visitors to find Galapagos Fur Seals. Endangered means “likely to become extinct.”. Dominant males patrol and guard particularly attractive beaches, territories that may contain up to 30 females. Small-group adventures aboard your choice of private yachts, led by our outstanding naturalist guides and photo pros. We were in Galapagos last October and we saw lots of sea lions. 17. Even then, the pup will continue to supplement its diet with its mother’s milk; some females may even nurse two pups, born in subsequent years, at the same time. Forget the Big Macs…, Some people love sardines. (Based on an average weight of 7.6oz per burger. Thereafter, she will continue nursing, after her fishing trips, until the pup is 5 or 6 months old, when it learns to fish on its own. They spend up to 30% of their time on land and subsequently have many behaviors that avoid the heat of the sun, including lying in shade next to boulders, under lava ledges and in caves, and making trips to the sea. Okay, so maybe their size doesn't have anything to do with their ego, but they do seem to be proud of it. A California sea lion pup. Sardines, sardines…. Learn Sea Lion information & facts here from Quasar, the leading provider of Galapagos travel and Galapagos Sea Lions. In English, as we know, they are called “sea lions.” In Spanish, Galapagos sea lions are called “lobos del mar” wich translates to “wolves of the sea.”, Back to English, a male Galapagos sea lion is referred to as a “bull,” a female is known as a “cow,” and a baby is called a “pup.”. How Can I Tell Male and Female Galapagos Sea Lions Apart? She graduated high school at sixteen and started her own business, Everywhere Wild Media. In the past, they have chased swimmers out of the water. But to a sea lion sardines are fine dining! The Japanese sea lion species became extinct in the 1950s. Say what?! – Drew Haines. Galapagos sea lions are sexually dimorphic, and tend to live among social groups of approximately 30 individuals (Wolf et al., 2005; "Galapagos Sea Lion," 2006), which consist of mature females, their young, and one dominant male. Sea lions are truly amazing! There was one baby sea lion being rejected by her mom because apparently, some "world-class idiot" touched it. The Galapagos Sea Lion is a common mammal in the islands and is endemic to the archipelago. They are called sea LIONS for a reason. ), The diet of the Galapagos sea lion consists of 70% sardines. If they are going to dive deeper than that, they need special gas mixtures in their tanks so they don't experience nitrogen narcosis, which can basically make a person feel and experience the symptoms of being drunk or high. Sea Lions are very interesting animals that can end up being extremely large. The largest … That's like a guy eating 63 to 94 Big Mac's every day! They have also been known to bite if harassed, so do not approach them too closely. wollebaeki. As soon as they are born, a mother sea lion knows her pup's unique bark and can find him/her in a crowd of 30 or more barking sea lions. Learn about the playful and intuitive Sea Lion (Zalophus Wollenaeki) of the Galapagos Islands! I hope you enjoy these great Galapagos sea lion facts! Defending a territory is very demanding work, and males may go for days without getting much food or sleep. Also, you will get to learn why they are endangered animals in this article. It was totally awesome! It can get very bloody and violent. The Galapagos sea lions diet is mainly fish. They easily propel themselves through crashing surf … Why? It has a lot of good info and I like the way you write. Both of them feature very thick necks but the males also have a thickness in the chest and shoulder regions as well. Females reach sexual maturity at age 5; males are capable of mating then, too, but usually do not do so until they are older. When sea lions fight with each other, it's scary to see. And she runs Everywhere Wild and JustBirding. Fortunately, this doesn't happen very often. After several weeks putting up this front, the harem master may become weary and susceptible to defeat, causing him to lose his position to a new, well-rested male. Galapagos sea lions are very playful animals, and the sound they make is similar to a dog’s bark. vertical-2up, Classic Galapagos: The Natural Habitat Experience. Here’s more about how we work. The Galapagos sea lion is a species that primarily breeds in the Galapagos Islands, although some breeding colonies also occur on Isla de la Plata just off of mainland Ecuador. While they are dangerous, they don't attack people – unless the people are being world-class idiots. Please tell me in the comments and I will do my best to write about them. Male Galapagos sea lions are larger than females, with a thick, strong, neck, chest, and shoulders but have a small, slender butt (“abdomen”). The adult males are … Galapagos sea lions can eat, eat, eat! Galapagos and South American fur seals have thick pelage and look shaggier, especially when wet, than Galapagos sea lions. In Spanish, Galapagos sea lions are called “lobos del mar” wich ... 2. La Loberia. They reminded me of adorable, lazy dogs. How Long Can Galapagos Sea Lions Hold Their Breath? Learn about Galapagos Marine Iguanas and Giant Tortoises. The gestation period lasts nine months and the (usually) solitary pup is born around the beginning of the dry season. I even got to snorkel with a juvenile male, who was not aggressive at all. Definitely a dangerous thing, especially when you're 100 ft under! I’m Drew. They are highly intelligent and, in captivity, have been trained to perform many entertaining tricks. Hi! Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki), Puerto Ayora Slightly smaller than their Californian relatives, Galápagos sea lions range from 1.5 to 2.5 m (4.9 to 8.2 ft) in length and weigh between 50 to 250 kg (110 to 550 lb), with the males averaging larger than females. The Otariidae family has 6 living species of sea lions: Steller sea lion, Australian sea lion, South American sea lion, New Zealand sea lion, California sea lion, and the Galapagos sea lion. Dominant bulls are very territorial, and when an intruder is sighted, the bull takes immediate action. They seldom go farther out than that because then they risk being eaten by sharks and whales. So, we've got: lions, wolves, cattle, and dogs; all in one species! Galápagos fur seals live in a mainly tropical environment and are a non-migratory species. Enjoy! 8 or 10 Days / Year-Round / From $5295 (+air). Learn how your comment data is processed. Snorkel and swim with sea lions, sea turtles and penguins on this incomparable nature odyssey. Galapagos giant tortoises keep growing for 30 or 40 years to almost 5 feet and weigh around 500 pounds. Galápagos sea lions are the smallest of the sea lion species – adult females weigh around 80kg compared to California sea lions, the next smallest species, whose females weigh around 95kg. In contrast, females average around 165 lbs (75 kg). If you've ever seen two males fight, it will definitely teach you to respect these giants animals. I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog, I love writing it. Thanks again for your comment! Hi Drew, I enjoyed this post and I really like your blog. Blaaaahhh! Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!! El Niño is their biggest threat, as it can result in many of them being killed due to lack of food, the females may not want to mate and many will abandon their offspring. For one thing, the males are much, much larger than the females. The Galapagos sea lion is one of the most emblematic animals of the Galapagos, with a hight of 1.50m to 2.50m (60 to 100 inches) and can weigh up to 250k (550lb). They were thought to be Californian Sea Lions until recently but the latest DNA research confirmed them as a distinct species that separated from the California Sea Lion about 2 million years ago. 15. Galapagos sea lions are found throughout most of the archipelago. How Long Can Galapagos Sea Lions … As vagrants, they may show up in the range of South American sea lions and South American fur seals, and there is a record of the former from the Galapagos. Currently based in N.S., Canada. There are seven different species of sea lions: 1) California sea lion, 2) Steller sea lion, 3) Australian … There are about 50,000 sea lions in the islands. 5. wollebaeki. Marine Iguanas are the only sea-going lizards in the world. Difference Between Sea Lion and Seal. They are very territorial and may view you as a threat. “How could something so sweet-looking possibly be dangerous?” That was my first thought. 18. Sea lions are ubiquitous throughout the world and commonly observed by humans in bays, harbors, or at the zoo. Please share your facts and help me improve my article in the comments, I love to hear from you!! Females become sexually receptive once a year. When you use my links, I may earn an affiliate commission. Sad, but hopefully your blog will help educate people. The females average about 244 pounds at maturity. Male sea lions can weigh around 440 lbs (200 kg). How deep can a Galapagos sea lion dive? The dominant male has mating access to females but only for as long as he is able to keep other males at bay. The California sea lion shares the genus Zalophus with the Galapagos sea lion (Z. wollebaeki).Both species are similar in appearance, the Galapagos sea lion being the smaller of the two. Adult males weigh as much as 250 kg (550 pounds), and adult females weigh between 50 and 100 kg (110 and 220 pounds). They freedive up to three times deeper than most people can with all of their special gear. Drew Haines is an animal enthusiast and travel writer. Fun Facts for Kids In Spanish, Galápagos sea lions are called “Lobos del Mar” which translates as “wolves of the sea.” Although somewhat clumsy on land with their flippers, Galápagos sea lions are amazingly agile in the water. On land, though, it's a different story. After a gestation periodof approximately 11 months, females give birth to 1 pup. After nursing her pup for one week, the mother will return to the water to feed. A male can eat 30-45 lb (13-20 kg) and a female can eat 15-25 lb (6-11 kg) – every day. 1. Unfortunately, the Galapagos sea lion is endangered. She lived in Ecuador for 6 years and explored the Galapagos Islands. Nazca boobies are the largest of the three species (blue footed, red footed and Nazca). Their playful inquisitive nature, speed, agility on land and bark quickly make them an island favourite. Sea lions are adapted for movement on land as well as in the water. This raises the question: how long can the Galapagos sea lion hold its breath? The islands sit above the Galapagos hot spot where the Earth’s crust is being melted from below by … I loved seeing the sea lions in Galapagos, definitely a highlight! 4. Do you have any facts to add? She also guest blogs on Storyteller.Travel. There are an estimated 50,000 individuals in the Galapagos Islands. 17. 21. There are only about 20,000-50,000 Galapagos sea lions left. Facts Summary: The Galapagos Sea Lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "mammals" and found in the following area(s): Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador.This species is also known by the following name(s): Zalophus californianus ssp. Galapagos Sea Lion. 20. I can't even hold my breath for 1 minute! Territorial bulls can exhibit aggressive behavior. We're Proud of the Reputation We’ve Earned, Homepage Image: African leopard, Okavango Delta, Botswana, Please send me a free 160-page catalog of the World's Greatest Nature Journeys, /know-before-you-go/galapagos-islands/wildlife-guide/mammals/galapagos-sea-lion/, Bulls weigh about 550 pounds on average but can reach up to 900 pounds, Females weigh about 200 pounds on average but can reach up to 250 pounds, They have thick necks, and the males are also thick through the shoulders and chest, Females are longer and slimmer than males. They all belong to a group of animals known as pinnipeds. At least sea lions don't waggle their eyebrows. They are like real life mermaids in the water; quick and graceful. The seclusion of the Islands has allowed for wildlife to … Males actively defend their harems for lengthy stretches of time. What does this really mean? Below are interesting facts about sea lions. This is possible thanks to their special pelvic girdle which allows them to gallop. Introduction to Sea Lions. A picture of a baby Galapagos Sea Lion. The average lifespan of sea lions is about 20-30 years. I wish i had one. When we were in Galapagos, I would sit in the common area at our resort and just watch the sea lions. El Niño is their biggest threat, as it can result in many of them being killed due to lack of food, the females may not want to mate and many will abandon their offspring. For sea lions, though, this is the primary means of communication between mother and pup. Sea lions are part of the Otariidae family, which also includes the fur seal. The sea lion is the most common mammal in the Galápagos. (Don't tell anyone.) In people, brain damage starts to set in after 4 minutes without oxygen. The males also develop a conspicuous bump on their foreheads when they reach the sea lion version of puberty. Galapagos sea lions are so cool! Galapagos sea lions are heavily protected, even though there are about 50,000 of them. I, for one, don't like it when my mom “barks” at me. 6. Sea lions eat a variety of fish that can be found within a few miles of shore. This definitely gives me a new appreciation for how amazing the sea lions are. Fun Facts about Sea Lion! Facts Summary: The Galapagos Sea Lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "mammals" and found in the following area(s): Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador.This species is also known by the following name(s): Zalophus californianus ssp. The dominant male will have mating access to these females but only for as long as he is able to keep other males at bay. More interesting facts about sea lions. The three Galapagos sites for easiest sightings are at James Bay (Santiago), Darwin Bay (Genovesa), and on the west coast of (Isabela island). Hey there! 19. 5. Our weekly eNewsletter highlights new adventures, exclusive offers, webinars, nature news, travel ideas, photography tips and more. La Loberia is a small, crescent-shaped bay that’s well off the tourist trail. You can tell males and females apart by their size, color, and forehead shape. A mother will also bark to warn her pup of an approaching shark or other danger. These sea lions are different from their relatives in California, being smaller and more sociable. ), 69 Strange, Cool, and Weird Animals: Mammals, Reptiles, Insects…, 74 Scary and Creepy Animals (That Actually Exist), 68 Axolotl Facts: Ultimate Guide to the Adorable Mexican Walking Fish. All the sea lions have a lion-like mane and make the roaring sound in guarding their harems, except California sea lion, and hence they are named lions. Sea Lion evolution. Colonies of the Galapagos sea lions are found on most gently-sloping rocky shores and beaches on the islands. However, sea lions can be very dangerous, especially the males in mating season. • The Galapagos Sea Lion is an endemic species. They tend to average about 98-196 ft (30-60 m), but some have been recorded to dive up to (down to/up to?) These are all cold water regions of the archipelago, rich in nutrients and marine life. There are actually seven species of Sea Lions in the world, but people tend to lump them all into one category. To add a bit of context, humans, equipped with scuba gear and oxygen tanks, generally refrain from venturing deeper than 100 ft (30 m). It’s well worth … Keep on doing what you're doing. Posted on Last updated: May 5, 2021 By: Author Drew Haines. They are one of two types of seal found in Galapagos and are part of the eared seal family – having external ear pinnae. What Do Galapagos Sea Lions Eat? 328 ft (100 m)! Look no further – I've got you covered with 9 Galapagos sea lion facts! Galapagos sea lions are heavily protected, even though there are about 50,000 of them. In short, Galapagos sea lions can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes. 70 Super Fun Llama Gifts (The Best Gift Ideas for Llama Lovers), 31 Goliath Tigerfish Facts: What You Need To Know, 62 Purrfect Gifts for Cat Lovers: Best Gifts, Useful Gear, Decor, Clothing…, 53 Amazing Elephant Gifts (Clothes, Books, Kid Gifts for Elephant Lovers), 30 Tailless Whip Scorpion Facts (Harmlessly Terrifying! 9 Cool Galapagos Sea Lion Facts. Please share your experiences with these beautiful (lazy) animals! Galapagos Sea Lions breed between May and January and mating usually occurs in the water. Just watch the sea lions is about 20-30 years and help me improve my article in the islands is! And pup are generally slow, clumsy, and dogs ; all one..., in captivity, have longer, sleeker, necks and a female can eat, eat 30 females tell. 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