lost technology of the ancients

Some people thought this was an argument for claiming that the lens in question was ‘useless’ because it was perforated in the middle and thus clearly no lens. Was The Egyptian Pyramid Complex Built Up Over Time? See more ideas about ancient technology, ancient, ancient mysteries. Exposed! Indeed, there are good reasons for suspecting that the real purpose of the trilithon lintels at Stonehenge were to support a wooden observation platform for telescopic observations of the moon. I was surprised as I strolled through the museums of the world and saw ancient lenses on public display labelled as all kind of crazy things –  as anything but lenses! An Antidote to All Poisons. MessageToEagle.com – The ancient Greek Pythagoreans of the 5th century BC believed that the sun was a gigantic crystal ball larger than the earth, which gathered the ambient light of the surrounding cosmos and refracted it … Lost History: Dinosaurs In Ancient Popular Culture - "Lions Paws" Of The 5th Century Sigiriya Of Sri Lanka Which May Be Dinosaur Claws! BREAKING: "WTC 7 Did Not Collapse from Fire" Dr. Leroy Hulsey... Engineering Experts, 9/11 Families And A Former NIST Employee Call On Congress To Launch A New Investigation Into 9/11! These sewage systems were so advanced that they were designed to automatically self-clear systems blockages, as well as account for smell and odour. I call it consensus blindness. This ?apothegm?, as geometers call such vertical lines, forms the right angle to transform the solstice shadow into a perfect golden triangle. How Mainstream Media Helps The Republicans Lie To The People - Part 4, CNN Documentary: God's Christian Warriors (Nazi's are a white CHRISTIAN Movement), Environmental Solutions Collage: The Climate Change Debate Is Over... Now Lets Prepare 4 Floods, The Heart Of Culture and Society – The Golden Rule, Phil Donahue on His 2003 Firing from MSNBC, When Liberal Network Couldn’t Tolerate Antiwar Voices. Fearing the Backlash the Trump Administration Calls For Civility After Showing None Since The Campaigning Days! Inventions are like humankinds stock of toys that they use to make, life easier doing what they have always done (commerce and baby making, empire. These are to be found in the Cairo Museum and two are in the Louvre in Paris. To carve out the entire temple complex 400,000 tons of rock had to be moved which is at least a century of work (or so it would seem) and where was the rock moved to? I call their achievements ‘micro-optical technology’. Reality Bites: A Simple Scientific Explanation For Why Astrology Can't Work, {Mainstream Documentary - Lost Civilizations} History: Lost Worlds: Atlantis, {Mainstream Documentary - Lost Civilizations} National Geographic: Legend of Atlantis - Drain the Oceans, {Mainstream Documentary - Lost Civilizations} National Geographic: Lost World of the Maya, Built 6000 Years Before Stonehenge, Göbekli Tepe Is The Oldest Megalithic Stone Site We Have Found So Far, Breaking News - The Shaman Of Gobekli Tepe: The Link Between The Shaman Of Lascaux Cave, Shiva & The Headless Man Of Gobekli Tepe, The Discovery Of A Proto-Proto-Proto Shiva At Göbekli Tepe? Mar 15, 2020 - The ancient Greek Pythagoreans of the 5th century BC believed that the sun was a gigantic crystal ball larger than the earth, which gathered the ambient light of the surrounding cosmos and refracted it to earth, acting as a giant lens. To return to the subject of the ancient British lenses, I should mention that they provide the missing physical evidence that the late Professor Alexander Thom was looking for when he said the accuracy of the astronomical observations of the ancient Britons exceeded the capacities of the naked eye, and he wondered about their optical technology. The Whole Building Wasn't Even On Fire, How Could The Steel AND Concrete Dissolve So Fast That It Collapses In Seconds Without Even Being On Fire?! How Can Psychiatrists Be Allowed To Prescribe A Physical Substance For A Mental Disease That Has No Biological Source? His modern-day engineering expertise provides a unique view into the sophisticated technology used to create these famous monuments in prehistoric times. Far from being put out with my findings, they were delighted by them. Resurrection will be now. A Short Look At Correlations Between Göbekli Tepe And Other Cultures (Includes Observations By Graham Hancock). (Where I Stand), Discoveries Of Fossils Have Been Going On Forever! Since We All Seemed To Have Evolved From The Same Root/Source Species? And here is where it all gets very interesting. ), {Subject Psychology} Fragmentation Of Knowledge 2 - [Or, The case against over-specialization in theory based academics], Animals And Humans Share DNA, A Nervous System, Intelligence, Creativity And Emotions, UFOs/UAPs & Ancient Aliens VS Ancient Civilizations, UFO Facts: Pentagon Calls UFOs "UAPs" (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) And Have Just Confirmed A Green Triangular UAP & A Spherical UAP That Was Leaked By A Navy Pilot, Pentagon Confirms UFO Videos Released By Department Of Defense, And Confirmed As Real By The Navy, Are, In Fact, Real, UFO Facts: The Navy Confirmed That 3 Videos On The Web Are In Fact Real UFOs, Providing A Confirmed Starting Point For UFO Research, UFO Facts: A Navy Pilot Did An Interview With Mainstream News Media Outlets And Revealed That UFOs Are Shaped Like White Tic Tacs & Can Move At Hyper Velocity, Vertically Or Horizontally, Showing Capabilities Beyond What An Air Force Pilot Or Physicist Can Imagine Modern Aircraft Doing, UFO Facts: Civilian/Commercial Airline Pilots Have Reported Seeing UFOs/UAPs, UFO Facts: The Chilean Navy Released A Video Of A Tic Tac Shaped UFO In January Of 2017. This is all described at great length in my book, and I urge anyone interested in the pyramids to read all about it. There is much weird lore in my book, so much so in fact that it cannot all be absorbed as casual reading. If there is all this evidence, why has no one ever talked about it before? UFO Facts: Debunking The Abydos UFO/Helicopter/Jet-Plane/Glider And A Look At The Possibility Of An Ancient Flying Machine. The legendary Indian Wootz Steel was a source of astonishment to other great civilisations from Ancient Greece to Persia, and from Arabia to Ancient Rome. Is The Missing Link Between Man And Ape Psychological? As Anti-American As A Party Can Get: Trump Sees Himself As A King And The GOP Are More Than Willing To Comply And Treat Him Like A King (Fighting A King Is What Created The USA In The First Place!). Schliemann excavated about 48 crystal lenses at Troy, but these all disappeared during the Second World War, and all that remained were catalogue descriptions and a single photo of four of the lenses in a group (reproduced in my book). If You Can't Beat 'Em Join 'Em? It would make a change!’. {Updated Debunking}Problems In Anthropology: Fragmentary Fossil Evidence, Rigidity In Science, Homo Erectus Lived Until Too Recently etc. 72 for the year 2000). Trump's Legacy: A Look At The January 6th Insurrection And Attempted Coup By Trump/GOP/FoxNews, For Fox News, Mass Murder In The U.S. Was Just The Cost Of Doing Business, Trump's Top 100 Scandals That The Trump Presidential Library Is Going To Have To Explain Away, How Mainstream Media Helps The Republicans Lie To The People - Part 9 (Promoting A Fundamentalist Domestic Terror Group), How Mainstream Media Helps The Republicans Lie To The People - Part 1, How Mainstream Media Helps The Republicans Lie To The People - Part 8 (Helping Cover Up GOP Discrimination Against Jews), How Mainstream Media Helps The Republicans Lie To The People - Part 3. & "Advanced Ice Age Civilizations & Atlantis". When I was in the Athens Archaeological Museum studying Mycenaean lenses, which were clearly on display in the Mycenaean Room (where they are mislabeled), I could not help but be aware that a former Deputy Director of the same museum had written an article about an apparent crystal lens which he had himself excavated on Crete, but he neglected to mention in his article that his own museum had many such lenses in display cabinets which anyone could walk into the museum and see on any day of the week. Therefore, the fact that more than 450 ancient lenses have been sitting around in the world’s museums for all of these years and have been invisible is explicable only by invoking the theory that people subconsciously conspire not to see what they don’t want to see. The Vikings were the last of the ancients, as far as optical technology went, and they accomplished miracles of crystal engineering. Paperback. What is important is the nature of that shadow. They actually produced crystal lenses as small as water drops that could magnify three times. The Russian Takeover Of ... Earth has been a hotbed of natural disasters since its formation but an ice age has it all. That is not the case with my book at all. Graham Hancock: The First Fall Of Civilization Happened By Comet 12800 Years Ago And It Remnants By A Flood 11600 Years Ago (Atlantis). Often referred to as Arabic numerals, after the Arab traders who brought Indian mathematical concepts to the West, this path-breaking Indian invention replaced the cumbersome Roman numeral system in use in the West until then, and stands as one of the greatest human inventions of all time. Photos of many of these ancient lenses appear in my book. The ancient megalithic site of Baalbek boasts perfectly fitted stones weighing up to 2,000 tons aligned together forming one of the greatest ancient … Tracing Lost Megalithic Cultures From 9500 BC To The Present. ), Incredible Animals: A Look At Parrot Intelligence, Incredible Animals: A Look At Raccoon Intelligence, Incredible Animals: A Look At Whale Intelligence, Incredible Animals: A Look At Dolphin Intelligence, GOP's War On America 2: Republicans Are Running Against Democracy Not Democrats, After Canceling Over 500,000 Lives With Covid19 Misinformation, Republicans Focus On Fake News Of Biden Cancelling Beef (From Fox News) To Get Outraged About, After Helping To Cancel 500,000 Lives With Coronavirus Misinformation, Fox News Conservatives Go On TV To Complain About Cancel Culture, The GOP Are Lying Repeatedly And Passing New Voting Laws Based On Their Lies, Trump's Legacy: Taxpayers As ATM? Earlier scholars had commented that the accuracy of the surface of the Great Pyramid was equivalent to the accuracy of the grinding of an optical reflective mirror in a giant modern telescope. But bearing in mind how the ancient Egyptians loved a good tease, it was wonderfully amusing and surprising for me to discover that at sunset on the winter solstice they had chosen to project a giant shadow on the exterior of the same structure having the same slope as the passages concealed on the inside! The Debate Is Over. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society." Just Accept It. Trump Is Crazy. Much of modern science was known in ancient times. Anyone interested in full details of the actual lenses themselves should obtain the hardback edition of my book, because ten appendices full of such detailed information have been omitted from the paperback because the book was too thick. Complex Hydraulic Engineering: Since the time of the Indus Valley civilisation over 5,000 years ago, and until the onset of the European colonial era in the recent past, India had created and sustained a vast and highly advanced network of canals, along with intricate irrigation, water management and sewage systems. Or was that just the solution of another time? They could have their little laugh to themselves, but nobody else knew what the hell was going on. And so, I ask you as readers to help out, by calling these things to the attention of anyone you know, and beating some friendly drums. First, let's consider the most famous lost technology of them all, the ancient Byzantine incendiary weapon Greek fire, a unique chemical formula that produced inexhaustible flames. 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