portugal facts wikipedia

Among his best-known works is Canção Popular a Russa e o Fígaro. This airport serves as one of two international airports serving countries outside the European Union for all nine islands of the Azores. He won re-election in January 2001. Geography. It was won by the Portuguese Socialist Party (PS) and Mário Soares, its leader, became Prime Minister of the 1st Constitutional Government on 23 July. Although some 350,000 have since returned, Lisbon wants to tempt the rest to come home – in a similar scheme to the Irish one. Operationally, the municipality and civil parish, along with the national government, are the only legally local administrative units identified by the government of Portugal (for example, cities, towns or villages have no standing in law, although may be used as catchment for the defining services). [158][159] In 2012, all public servants had already seen an average wage cut of 20% relative to their 2010 baseline, with cuts reaching 25% for those earning more than 1,500 euro per month. Throughout the colonial war period Portugal had to deal with increasing dissent, arms embargoes and other punitive sanctions imposed by most of the international community. Modern non-traditional technology-based industries, such as aerospace, biotechnology and information technology, have been developed in several locations across the country. A thirteen-member Constitutional Court oversees the constitutionality of the laws. The failure of the Assembly to reject the government programme by an absolute majority of deputies confirms the cabinet in office. The history of Portugal can be traced from circa 400,000 years ago, when the region of present-day Portugal was inhabited by Homo heidelbergensis. the lives of those who were sentenced to a certain death in the slave mines when not sold as slaves to other parts of the empire. With Spanish Galicia, northern Portugal comprises the mountainous border of the Meseta (the block of ancient rock that forms the core of the Iberian Peninsula); southern Portugal also contains extensive areas of limestone and other sedimentary strata, mostly plateaus or plains. [249] The country has small Protestant, Latter-day Saint, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Eastern Orthodox Church, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baháʼí, Buddhist, Jewish and Spiritist communities. Over time, this went far beyond geo-political and military cooperation (protecting both nations' interests in Africa, the Americas and Asia against French, Spanish and Dutch rivals) and maintained strong trade and cultural ties between the two old European allies. Hotel personnel are required to speak English, even if sketchily. [161] The IMF previously said in July 2012 that Portugal's debt would peak at about 118.5 per cent of GDP in 2013. Despite the good economic development in the past three decades the Portuguese were the shortest in Europe since 1890. Later, the Phoenician empire and the Carthage Empire would visit the area. Portugal ranks 12th in the best public health systems in the world, ahead of other countries like the United Kingdom, Germany or Sweden.[267][268]. Some of the best Portuguese wines are Vinho Verde, Vinho Alvarinho, Vinho do Douro, Vinho do Alentejo, Vinho do Dão, Vinho da Bairrada and the sweet Port Wine, Madeira Wine, and the Moscatel from Setúbal and Favaios. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south and by Spain to the north and east. Artists with international recognition include Dulce Pontes, Moonspell, Buraka Som Sistema, Blasted Mechanism, David Carreira and The Gift, with the three latter being nominees for a MTV Europe Music Award. The Head of State of Portugal is the President of the Republic, elected to a five-year term by direct, universal suffrage. Portugal's highest peak is the similarly named Mount Pico on the island of Pico in the Azores. The official and national language is Portuguese. Start working with the reports used by the world’s major financial institutions, multinational enterprises & government agencies now. [234] Portugal has approved a credit line for Portuguese emigrants aiming to invest in the country on their return. Facts about Portugal: History and geography Portugal was the world’s first maritime power and the birthplace to some of the world’s first explorers Portugal was at the forefront of European exploration in the 15 th and 16 th centuries. But even though Portugal and Germany remained officially at peace for over a year and a half after the outbreak of World War I, there were many hostile engagements between the two countries. Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization Work? The new ruler, Queen Maria I of Portugal, disliked the Marquês de Pombal because of the power he amassed, and never forgave him for the ruthlessness with which he dispatched the Távora family, and upon her accession to the throne, she withdrew all his political offices. The mainstream explanation for the name is that it is an ethnonym derived from the Castro people, also known as the Callaeci, Gallaeci or Gallaecia, who occupied the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula. The 18 districts of mainland Portugal are: Aveiro, Beja, Braga, Bragança, Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Évora, Faro, Guarda, Leiria, Lisbon, Portalegre, Porto, Santarém, Setúbal, Viana do Castelo, Vila Real and Viseu – each district takes the name of the district capital. With the occupation by Napoleon, Portugal began a slow but inexorable decline that lasted until the 20th century. The territory of Portugal includes an area on the Iberian Peninsula (referred to as the continent by most Portuguese) and two archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean: the archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores. It tried to colonize Canada in the 16th century. [161] In September 2013, the Portuguese Government reviewed again the public debt of Portugal for 2013 to 127.8 per cent, after a peak of 130.9 per cent in that month. Facts about Portugal: Sports and Portuguese people The earliest recorded hot air balloon ascent was in Portugal. Both reigned from 456 to 457, the year in which Maldras (457–459) reunified the kingdom. Land reform and nationalizations were enforced; the Portuguese Constitution (approved in 1976) was rewritten in order to accommodate socialist and communist principles. Traditionally a sea power, Portugal has had a strong tradition in the Portuguese fishing sector and is one of the countries with the highest fish consumption per capita. According to FAO, Portugal is the top producer of cork and carob in the world, accounting to about 50% and 30% of world production respectively. [274] Gil Vicente (c. 1465–c. … The main laws include the Constitution (1976, as amended), the Portuguese Civil Code (1966, as amended) and the Penal Code of Portugal (1982, as amended). Portugal is the oldest nation state on the Iberian Peninsula and one of the oldest in Europe, its territory having been continuously settled, invaded and fought over since prehistoric times. The councils represented an advance in the organization of the territory (paroeciam suevorum (Suebian parish) and the Christianization of the pagan population (De correctione rusticorum) under the auspices of Saint Martin of Braga (São Martinho de Braga).[51]. The Republic of Ireland was the only EU state to hold a democratic referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Miro intervened. In these places snow can fall any time from October to May. Spain is a country in Southern Europe. [46] [citation needed] Among former state-owned companies recently privatized are: CTT (postal service) and ANA (airports). Portugal Economic News. This is the lowest of the Eur-A countries reporting and reflects the relatively adverse situation of the country in terms of mortality and selected morbidity. Some urban remains are quite large, like Conímbriga and Mirobriga. [100] Over 22% of its land area is included in the Natura 2000 network, including 62 special conservation areas and 88 types of protected landscape natural habitats. [101][99], Eucalyptus, cork oak and maritime pine together make up 71% of the total forested area of continental Portugal, followed by the holm oak, the stone pine, the other oak trees (Q. robur, Q. faginea and Q. pyrenaica) and the sweet chestnut, respectively. As observed on the physical map of Portugal above, mountains and high hills cover the northern third of Portugal, including an extension of the Cantabrian Mountains from Spain. War led to a deterioration of the relations with Portugal's oldest ally, England, and the loss of Hormuz, a strategic trading post located between Iran and Oman. Key Facts. [64], Today's continental Portugal, along with most of modern Spain, was part of al-Andalus between 726 and 1249, following the Umayyad Caliphate conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. It has been a member of the European Union since 1986. Furthermore, Emigrants returning in 2019 and 2020 will see their taxes halved as part of the stimulus to bring native Portuguese back and revitalize the population and promote continued economic growth[235] – as Portugal struggles with a low birth rate and an ageing population. A national railway system that extends throughout the country and into Spain, is supported and administered by Comboios de Portugal (CP). At the height of European colonialism in the 19th century, Portugal had already lost its territory in South America and all but a few bases in Asia. Portugal has several summer music festivals, such as Festival Sudoeste in Zambujeira do Mar, Festival de Paredes de Coura in Paredes de Coura, Festival Vilar de Mouros near Caminha, Boom Festival in Idanha-a-Nova Municipality, NOS Alive, Sumol Summer Fest in Ericeira, Rock in Rio Lisboa and Super Bock Super Rock in Greater Lisbon. As of 2008[update], the three branches numbered 39,200 active personnel including 7,500 women. The Group of Nine emerged victorious, thus preventing the establishment of a communist state in Portugal and ending the period of political instability in the country. On 5 July 2004, José Manuel Barroso, then Prime Minister of Portugal, was nominated President of the European Commission, the most powerful office in the European Union. Regional Maps: Map of Europe. The reigns of Dinis I (Denis I), Afonso IV (Alphons IV), and Pedro I (Peter I) for the most part saw peace with the Christian kingdoms of Iberia. This seasonal upwelling system typically seen during the summer months brings cooler, nutrient rich water up to the sea surface promoting phytoplankton growth, zooplankton development and the subsequent rich diversity in pelagic fish and other marine invertebrates. Portugal's exclusive economic zone, a sea zone over which the Portuguese have special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources, has 1,727,408 km2. It is called the Barcelos Rooster. The government of the "State of Angola" was the same as the old provincial government, except for some cosmetic changes to personnel and titles. [69], Pelagius' plan was to use the Cantabrian mountains as a place of refuge and protection from the invading Moors. The total adult literacy rate is 99.4 per cent. Lisbon attracts the sixteenth-most tourists among European cities[207] (with seven million tourists occupying the city's hotels in 2006). Afonso then turned his arms against the Moors in the south. The Portuguese government is heavily indebted, and received a 78-billion-euro bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund in May 2011. Portuguese football managers are also noteworthy, with José Mourinho being among the most renowned. Another Germanic group that accompanied the Suebi and settled in Gallaecia were the Buri. On 1 February 1908, King Dom Carlos I of Portugal and his heir apparent and his eldest son, Prince Royal Dom Luís Filipe, Duke of Braganza, were assassinated in Lisbon in the Terreiro do Paço by two Portuguese republican activist revolutionaries, Alfredo Luís da Costa and Manuel Buíça. As a result, the Portuguese army and navy were involved in armed conflict in its colony of Portuguese India against the Indian Armed Forces. [165][166][167] On grounds of avoiding a potentially serious financial crisis in the Portuguese economy, the Portuguese government decided to give them a bailout, eventually at a future loss to taxpayers and to the Portuguese people in general. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the language spread worldwide as Portugal established a colonial and commercial empire between 1415 and 1999. The northern landscape is mountainous towards the interior with several plateaus indented by river valleys, whereas the south, including the Algarve and the Alentejo regions, is characterized by rolling plains.[90]. Some famous Portuguese people are D. Afonso Henriques, Henry the Navigator, Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama, Pedro Álvares Cabral, Ferdinand Magellan, Luís de Camões, Fernando Pessoa, Amália Rodrigues, Álvaro Siza Vieira, Eduardo Souto de Moura. Portugal Bordering Countries: Spain. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe and part of the Mediterranean. It was initially rejected by voters in 2008. During the return from this failed operation Miro died. Most of present-day Portugal fell into the hands of the Taifa of Badajoz of the Aftasid Dynasty, and after a short spell of an ephemeral Taifa of Lisbon in 1022, fell under the dominion of the Taifa of Seville of the Abbadids poets. These actions were used to affirm Portugal's status as a transcontinental nation and not as a colonial empire. The area of Portugal was originally settled by the Celtic peoples. Owing to his craving for international diplomatic recognition, John also spent large sums on the embassies he sent to the courts of Europe, the most famous being those he sent to Paris in 1715 and Rome in 1716. Pedro's reign saw the consolidation of national independence, imperial expansion, and investment in domestic production. The Portuguese west coast is part of the four major Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems of the ocean. [27] Middle English variant spellings included Portingall, Portingale,[note 5] Portyngale and Portingaill. Risky credit, public debt creation, and European structural and cohesion funds were mismanaged across almost four decades.[164]. The SNS is predominantly funded through general taxation. [185] It is also the third largest exporter of chestnut and the third largest European producer of pulp. Français 2 326 000+ articles. The Algarve region in the south and capital Lisbon are the most popular. The time of the Suevi in Gallaecia (411-585 AD). The paralympic athletes have also conquered many medals in sports like swimming, boccia, athletics, mixed martial arts and wrestling. As his power grew, his enemies increased in number, and bitter disputes with the upper nobility became frequent. The Government is headed by the Prime Minister (currently António Costa) and includes Ministers and Secretaries of State. This was the beginning of the House of Braganza, which reigned in Portugal until 1910. Os Lusíadas (by Luís de Camões) is the national epic of Portugal. Since the 1990s, Portugal's public consumption-based economic development model has been slowly changing to a system that is focused on exports, private investment and the development of the high-tech sector. The Council of Ministers – under the presidency of the Prime Minister (or the President of Portugal at the latter's request) and the Ministers (may also include one or more Deputy Prime Ministers) – acts as the cabinet. Despite criticism from other European nations, who stated Portugal's drug consumption would tremendously increase, overall drug use has declined along with the number of HIV infection cases, which had dropped 50 percent by 2009. It has essentially Executive powers, but has also limited legislative powers. José Malhoa, known for his work Fado, and Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (who painted the portraits of Teófilo Braga and Antero de Quental) were both references in naturalist painting. Gradually, new economic development projects and relocation of mainland Portuguese citizens into the overseas provinces in Africa were initiated, with Angola and Mozambique, as the largest and richest overseas territories, being the main targets of those initiatives. Romanians, Moldovans, Kosovo Albanians, Russians and Chinese have also migrated to the country. The Portuguese territories in Africa were Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Portuguese Guinea, Angola, and Mozambique. They became a threat to the Suebian rule. Northern Portugal has its own original martial art, Jogo do Pau, in which the fighters use staffs to confront one or several opponents. In the following years Portugal's economy progressed considerably as a result of EEC/EU structural and cohesion funds and Portuguese companies' easier access to foreign markets. When the Portuguese Government attempted the following year to return the Kingdom of Brazil to subordinate status, his son Pedro, with the overwhelming support of the Brazilian elites, declared Brazil's independence from Portugal. They have won eight titles in the European UEFA club competitions, were present in 21 finals and have been regular contenders in the last stages almost every season. Portugal has had links with England since the 1100s via a treaty. The operations resulted in the defeat and surrender of the limited Portuguese defensive garrison, which was forced to surrender to a much larger military force. At this time Spain was a geographic territory. At youth level, Portugal have won two FIFA World Youth Championships (in 1989 and 1991) and several UEFA European Youth Championships. Another determinant was the delayed human capital formation. [154] Their incarceration rate has been on the rise since 2010, with a 15% increase over the past eight years.[154]. This world exploration began the Portuguese Empire. These countries, plus Macau Special Administrative Region (People's Republic of China) where Portuguese is co-official with Cantonese, make up the Lusosphere, a term derived from the ancient Roman province of "Lusitania", which currently matches the Portuguese territory south of the Douro river. He initiated the process of accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) by starting accession negotiations as early as 1977. Portuguese is spoken as a native language in five different continents, with Brazil accounting for the largest number of native Portuguese speakers of any country. Portugal is a country in Southern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. [52] People caught with small amounts of any drug are given the choice to go to a rehab facility, and may refuse treatment without consequences. This is traditionally taken as the occasion when the County of Portugal, as a fief of the Kingdom of León, was transformed into the independent Kingdom of Portugal. Two Portuguese banks, Banco Português de Negócios (BPN) and Banco Privado Português (BPP), had been accumulating losses for years due to bad investments, embezzlement and accounting fraud. Alverca, Covilhã,[199] Évora,[200] and Ponte de Sor are the main centres of the Portuguese aerospace industry, which is led by Brazil-based company Embraer and the Portuguese company OGMA. The Portuguese health system is characterized by three coexisting systems: the National Health Service (Serviço Nacional de Saúde, SNS), special social health insurance schemes for certain professions (health subsystems) and voluntary private health insurance. [42], Based on the Roman chronicles about the Callaeci peoples, along with the Lebor Gabála Érenn[43] narrations and the interpretation of the abundant archaeological remains throughout the northern half of Portugal and Galicia, it is possible to infer that there was a matriarchal society, with a military and religious aristocracy probably of the feudal type. In 1500, Pedro Álvares Cabral discovered Brazil and claimed it for Portugal. Although relations between the Portuguese state and the Roman Catholic Church were generally amiable and stable since the earliest years of the Portuguese nation, their relative power fluctuated. During this time Portugal monopolized the spice trade, divided the world into hemispheres of dominion with Castile, and the empire expanded with military campaigns in Asia. The next year, Portugal allowed its colonies in Africa to be on their own: Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe. Mário Soares would be Prime Minister from 1976 to 1978 and again from 1983 to 1985. These explanations, would require the pre-Roman language of the area to have been a branch of Q-Celtic, which is not generally accepted because the region's pre-Roman language was Gallaecian Celtic, usually considered P-Celtic. 21. This culture, together with the surviving elements of the Atlantic megalithic culture[39] and the contributions that come from the more Western Mediterranean cultures, ended up in what has been called the Cultura Castreja or Castro Culture. Thus, survey results based on self-reporting at household level, complement other data on health status and the use of services. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima is one of the largest Roman Catholic shrines in the world. Portugal has entered into cooperation agreements with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other US institutions to further develop and increase the effectiveness of Portuguese higher education and research. Consequently, business services have overtaken more traditional industries such as textiles, clothing, footwear and cork (Portugal is the world's leading cork producer),[175] wood products and beverages. From an early age, she felt a huge connection with the music world, beginning to share that same passion with her closest ones. Portugal had 45 different governments in just 15 years. In addition to being a destination for international students, Portugal is also among the top places of origin for international students. In addition, about 25% of the population is covered by the health subsystems, 10% by private insurance schemes and another 7% by mutual funds. [66] [153] As of 1 January 2021[update], their current prison population is about 11,234 inmates, which comes to about 0.11% of their entire population. As the King's confidence in Carvalho e Melo increased, the King entrusted him with more control of the state. [118] This, adding to its large EEZ makes Portugal one of the largest fish consumers in the world per capita. Recognized in 1143 by King Alfonso VII of León history, its,! 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