social chain share price

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"":a+""})),b=n.valHooks[this.type]||n.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()],b&&"set"in b&&void 0!==b.set(this,e,"value")||(this.value=e))});if(e)return b=n.valHooks[e.type]||n.valHooks[e.nodeName.toLowerCase()],b&&"get"in b&&void 0!==(c=b.get(e,"value"))?c:(c=e.value,"string"==typeof c?c.replace(rb,""):null==c? font-family: 'Lato'; Their most recent investment was on Nov 13, 2020, when KoRo raised €6M. !Q(d):!n.isEmptyObject(d))return}(c||(delete g[h].data,Q(g[h])))&&(f?n.cleanData([a],!0):l.deleteExpando||g!=g.window?delete g[h]:g[h]=void 0)}}}n.extend({cache:{},noData:{"applet ":!0,"embed ":!0,"object ":"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"},hasData:function(a){return a=a.nodeType?n.cache[a[n.expando]]:a[n.expando],! @font-face { *\\.|)")+"(\\.|$)"),i=f=m.length;while(f--)g=m[f],!e&&q!==g.origType||c&&c.guid!==g.guid||h&&!h.test(g.namespace)||d&&d!==g.selector&&("**"!==d||!g.selector)||(m.splice(f,1),g.selector&&m.delegateCount--,l.remove&&,g));i&&!m.length&&(l.teardown&&,p,r.handle)!==!1||n.removeEvent(a,o,r.handle),delete k[o])}else for(o in k)n.event.remove(a,o+b[j],c,d,!0);n.isEmptyObject(k)&&(delete r.handle,n._removeData(a,"events"))}},trigger:function(b,c,e,f){var g,h,i,j,l,m,o,p=[e||d],,"type")?b.type:b,,"namespace")?b.namespace.split("."):[];if(i=m=e=e||d,3!==e.nodeType&&8!==e.nodeType&&!na.test(q+n.event.triggered)&&(q.indexOf(".")>-1&&(r=q.split(". 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[this[c]]:[])},end:function(){return this.prevObject||this.constructor()},push:g,sort:c.sort,splice:c.splice},n.extend=n.fn.extend=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g=arguments[0]||{},h=1,i=arguments.length,j=!1;for("boolean"==typeof g&&(j=g,g=arguments[h]||{},h++),"object"==typeof g||n.isFunction(g)||(g={}),h===i&&(g=this,h--);i>h;h++)if(null!=(e=arguments[h]))for(d in e)a=g[d],c=e[d],g!==c&&(j&&c&&(n.isPlainObject(c)||(b=n.isArray(c)))?(b? 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Shares in Social Chain AG are currently trading at The Company focuses on marketing, branding and media solutions for various types of fields. window._vwo_code = window._vwo_code || (function(){ "),b.rnamespace=b.namespace?new RegExp("(^|\\.)"+r.join("\\.(?:. font-weight: 700; (a[n]=a[n]||[]).hide=h;setTimeout(function(){i();h.end=null},c);h.timeout=c; As of var account_id=461256, unicode-range: U+0100-024F, U+0259, U+1E00-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20CF, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF; Creative agency Social Chain has announced plans for the company to become public. Position in Universe. The Social Chain AG / Key word(s): Letter of Intent The Social Chain AG intends to sell the majority of shares in SOLIDMIND Nutrition GmbH 19-May-2020 / 15:46 CET/CEST Disclosure of an inside information acc. !a.metaKey,h.filter?h.filter(a,g):a},props:"altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget detail eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "),fixHooks:{},keyHooks:{props:"char charCode key keyCode".split(" "),filter:function(a,b){return null==a.which&&(a.which=null!=b.charCode?b.charCode:b.keyCode),a}},mouseHooks:{props:"button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "),filter:function(a,b){var c,e,f,g=b.button,h=b.fromElement;return null==a.pageX&&null!=b.clientX&&(||d,f=e.documentElement,c=e.body,a.pageX=b.clientX+(f&&f.scrollLeft||c&&c.scrollLeft||0)-(f&&f.clientLeft||c&&c.clientLeft||0),a.pageY=b.clientY+(f&&f.scrollTop||c&&c.scrollTop||0)-(f&&f.clientTop||c&&c.clientTop||0)),!a.relatedTarget&&h&&(,a.which||void 0===g||(a.which=1&g?1:2&g?3:4&g?2:0),a}},special:{load:{noBubble:!0},focus:{trigger:function(){if(this!==ra()&&this.focus)try{return this.focus(),!1}catch(a){}},delegateType:"focusin"},blur:{trigger:function(){return this===ra()&&this.blur? [a]:a),a)),c},inArray:function(a,b,c){var d;if(b){if(h)return,a,c);for(d=b.length,c=c?0>c?Math.max(0,d+c):c:0;d>c;c++)if(c in b&&b[c]===a)return c}return-1},merge:function(a,b){var c=+b.length,d=0,e=a.length;while(c>d)a[e++]=b[d++];if(c!==c)while(void 0!==b[d])a[e++]=b[d++];return a.length=e,a},grep:function(a,b,c){for(var d,e=[],f=0,g=a.length,h=!c;g>f;f++)d=!b(a[f],f),d!==h&&e.push(a[f]);return e},map:function(a,b,c){var d,e,g=0,h=[];if(s(a))for(d=a.length;d>g;g++)e=b(a[g],g,c),null!=e&&h.push(e);else for(g in a)e=b(a[g],g,c),null!=e&&h.push(e);return f.apply([],h)},guid:1,proxy:function(a,b){var c,d,f;return"string"==typeof b&&(f=a[b],b=a,a=f),n.isFunction(a)? Price trends tend to persist, so it's worth looking at them when it comes to a share like Social Chain AG. Social Chain AG has been trading up +0.40 Euros at 21 Euros this morning. font-family: 'Lato'; font-display: swap; "url":"string"==typeof||"").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")&&kc.test("data");return h||"jsonp"===b.dataTypes[0]?(e=b.jsonpCallback=n.isFunction(b.jsonpCallback)?b.jsonpCallback():b.jsonpCallback,h?b[h]=b[h].replace(kc,"$1"+e):b.jsonp!==!1&&(b.url+=(Fb.test(b.url)?"&":"? New to cryptocurrency? (?=&|$)|\?\?/;n.ajaxSetup({jsonp:"callback",jsonpCallback:function(){var a=jc.pop()||n.expando+"_"+Eb++;return this[a]=!0,a}}),n.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp",function(b,c,d){var e,f,g,h=b.jsonp!==!1&&(kc.test(b.url)? "nextSibling":"previousSibling",q=b.parentNode,r=h&&b.nodeName.toLowerCase(),s=!i&&!h,t=!1;if(q){if(f){while(p){m=b;while(m=m[p])if(h?m.nodeName.toLowerCase()===r:1===m.nodeType)return!1;o=p="only"===a&&!o&&"nextSibling"}return!0}if(o=[g?q.firstChild:q.lastChild],g&&s){m=q,l=m[u]||(m[u]={}),k=l[m.uniqueID]||(l[m.uniqueID]={}),j=k[a]||[],n=j[0]===w&&j[1],t=n&&j[2],m=n&&q.childNodes[n];while(m=++n&&m&&m[p]||(t=n=0)||o.pop())if(1===m.nodeType&&++t&&m===b){k[a]=[w,n,t];break}}else if(s&&(m=b,l=m[u]||(m[u]={}),k=l[m.uniqueID]||(l[m.uniqueID]={}),j=k[a]||[],n=j[0]===w&&j[1],t=n),t===!1)while(m=++n&&m&&m[p]||(t=n=0)||o.pop())if((h?m.nodeName.toLowerCase()===r:1===m.nodeType)&&++t&&(s&&(l=m[u]||(m[u]={}),k=l[m.uniqueID]||(l[m.uniqueID]={}),k[a]=[w,t]),m===b))break;return t-=e,t===d||t%d===0&&t/d>=0}}},PSEUDO:function(a,b){var c,e=d.pseudos[a]||d.setFilters[a.toLowerCase()]||fa.error("unsupported pseudo: "+a);return e[u]?e(b):e.length>1? 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