fremantle port privatisation

Maritime union organiser Chris Brown was recently pre-selected for the seat of Fremantle for this year’s federal election, but was then de-selected after it was revealed he had a couple of convictions dating back to when he was in his late teens. privatisation of freo’s bathers beach Posted in bathers beach , bathers beach house , city of fremantle , hospitality , local government by freoview on December 23, 2016 While there is public and political outrage about the proposed privatisation of Fremantle Port and Western Power the privatisation of Fremantle’s historic Bathers Beach is well under way. Subscribe to Green Left now! The government refused. Rail Express is Australia’s authoritative business to business rail publication. Fremantle Ports has defended plans to privatise its automotive terminal, after the competition watchdog warned that putting a monopoly service in the hands of a private company could lead to higher prices for car buyers. COMMENT: Recent loss of Nationals support is only one of a number of issues that could prevent the possible sale of Fremantle port, Peter van Duyn writes. Fremantle Ports is the last capital city port in Australia to be privatised. Fremantle Port Authority which trades as Fremantle Ports for the year ended 30 June 2018. The WA Port Governance Review, released by the State Government in March 2012, encouraged ports to identify and actively pursue opportunities for the private sector to invest in port infrastructure and to deliver port services, although privatisation of ports was ruled out. While Fremantle Port has plenty of capacity, the roads around it are becoming increasingly congested. This equates to between 57,000 and 86,000 extra truck movements per year forced on to our roads. Another obstacle in the way of privatising critical infrastructure (and achieving bigger proceeds) is federal Treasurer Scott Morrison’s announcement of tighter foreign investment rules in the wake of the controversial sale of the Port of Darwin to a Chinese company. Leatt-Hayter, who joined Fremantle Ports in 1992 from the Department of Transport, and was appointed CEO in December 2008, gains ports minister Alannah MacTiernan’s thanks for almost two decades of service to the port. For $10 per month get the above and the print edition delivered to your door. Fremantle port privatisation: lessons from the Wheatbelt Farmers are worried that the proposed privatisation of Fremantle Port will lead to a dramatic rise in their freight rates. Jill Hoffmann Chair Board of Directors Hon to provide feedback on the Rita Saffioti MLA Welcome The aim of this report is to inform our customers, community and other stakeholders about our Washington considers Darwin’s port a strategic asset in view of the presence of a large contingent of the US Navy, which uses the port for its supply chains. Fremantle Ports: Fremantle Port privatisation rests on timeline for outer harbour, Colin Barnett says West Australian Premier Colin Barnett wants the construction timeline for an outer harbour containment port off Perth determined before Fremantle Port is privatised to avoid the prospect of later compensation. These rail lines carry 92% of grain to the port from the area they serve, between 1.5 and 2 million tonnes each season. The Barnett Liberal Government had flagged its intention to sell a number of public assets, driven by the state’s large debt and budget deficits in the forward estimates caused by declining revenue from the mining sector. WA Nationals leader Terry Redman previously supported the privatisation agenda. Instead, the Government’s preference is to privatise Fremantle, giving the winning bidder first right to develop the outer harbour. Fremantle Ports is the registered business name of the Fremantle Port Authority, a Western Australian Government trading enterprise under the Port Authorities Act 1999 and Port Authorities Regulations 2001.. Fremantle Ports’ governing body is a board of directors appointed by and responsible to the Minister for Transport. The timing of this would be agreed between the bidder and the State. Mr Charlton said privatisation would mean an increase in total pilot availability from 40 to 60 hours a day with provision to extend further in abnormally busy periods. Fremantle Port privatisation rests on timeline for outer harbour, Colin Barnett says. After a Legislative Council select committee inquiry, Victoria’s Labor government had to water down the proposed legislation to secure the support of the opposition to pass the bill. Updated daily, Rail Express provides uniquely extensive and comprehensive balanced coverage of breaking news and trends in key areas such as infrastructure, investment, government policy, regulatory issues and technical innovation. A Regional Development Australia (RDA Perth) report on the PFL and the Outer Harbour development, which has not been made public, is rumoured to be less than complimentary on the viability of the PFL and describes developing a new freight hub near Kwinana as a ‘game changing initiative’. The Barnett Government is pushing ahead with plans to privatise Fremantle port despite explicitly promising not to before the 2013 State election. In effect, this is the privatisation of a public asset. There seem to be plenty of buyers circling Fremantle Ports (the state’s biggest general cargo port and Australia’s fourth-largest container port) with even the Port of Rotterdam’s international arm showing an interest. Ports Minister Alannah MacTiernan has thanked Fremantle Ports CEO Chris Leatt-Hayter for almost two decades of service to the port, including 12 as CEO. Fremantle Ports for Solar panel system for Fremantle Passenger Terminal. Fremantle Ports Political uncertainty has caused frustration over plans to privatise the Port of Fremantle. For just $5 per month get the Green Left digital edition in your inbox each week. Socialist and feminist and leader of CPIML (Liberation) in India. QIC Ltd, AMP Capital, Hastings Funds Management and IFM Investors are among the infrastructure funds that have started preliminary work on Fremantle Port … You can also add a donation to your support by choosing the solidarity option of $20 per month. A council report says the benefits of the cruise industry, which brings in 100,000 passengers a year, “is at a very high risk of being lost in the move to a private port operation”. Relations between the ruling Liberal Prime Minister of Western Australia, Colin Barnett, and the minority National Party soured recently and the opposition withdrew support for privatisation plans spearheaded by the Premier. The WA Nationals’ decision comes soon after political posturing delayed the privatisation of the Port of Melbourne in Victoria. The decision to … It has already happened to ports in other states, notably the Port of Melbourne. Fremantle Port is being forced to comply with more than a dozen restrictions on its management and operations as the Barnett Government continues to push ahead with its stalled privatisation process. Why the failed attempt to sell Fremantle Port is proabably good to Freo March 26, 2016 Leave a comment As you would have read in the Fremantle Herald and The West the long-tern lease (aka sale) of Fremantle Port ins looking pretty much dead in the water with the Nationals withdrawing their support this week. FREMANTLE’S lucrative cruise ship trade has been put at “risk” by the State Government’s plan to privatise the port, according to the City of Fremantle. "The development underlines the fact that the commercialisation of the Fremantle Port Authority is moving into top gear," he said. Fremantle Ports is the strategic manager of the Port of Fremantle. A new solar panel system on the Fremantle Passenger Terminal will provide 15% of Victoria Quay’s energy needs, equating to 65% of Fremantle Ports’ 11-storey Administration Building’s energy needs or all of the terminal’s energy needs when it … Fremantle Ports The Western Australian government is looking to sell Fremantle Port to help fund major new projects without adding to debt. The state government has a tough road ahead with both Labor and the Nationals still opposed to the privatisation of the port. However, a lot of water will probably have flowed under the Stirling Highway Bridge (a vital link to the port of Fremantle across the Swan River) before a deal can be done. Unauthorised reproduction is prohibited. They also halted the passage of the Pilbara Port Privatisation Bill, which deals with the sale of the Port Hedland Utah Point Bulk Handling Facility. Like the article? ©2020 All Rights Reserved. Fremantle Ports has worked closely with Treasury and its lead financial advisers to prepare for achieving the outcomes sought in the proposed divestment of the port by way of a long-term lease. The changes resulted in more regulatory oversight, a shorter period of potential compensation payments to the new owners, if a competing port was built during the lease period, and control measures in port pricing regimes. Why port privatisation plans are in deep water around the country June 24, 2015 1.02am EDT. The Fremantle Port, which is 150 years old, was promised protection from privatisation by Premier Colin Barnett in 2012 according to this article from 9news. From April 2016 onwards, the Foreign Investment Review Board will need to approve the sale of critical infrastructure, such as ports and airports, belonging to the states and territories. The 800% rise in rents charged to stevedores by the newly privatised Port of Melbourne would be ringing some alarm bells. Green Left is a vital social-change project and aims to make all content available online, without paywalls. Port of Melbourne continues to be Australia’s largest container port Only 2 Australian container ports in the world top 100 – Melb 53, Syd 64 Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Fremantle Total Full imports 479.8 1,064.0 1,134.6 127.0 329.9 3,135.3 Full exports 335.4 442.9 864.1 141.5 174.5 1,958.4 Fremantle Port privatisation rests on timeline for outer harbour, Colin Barnett says By Jacob Kagi Posted Tue Tuesday 15 Sep September 2015 at … The 800% rise in rents charged to stevedores by the newly privatised Port of Melbourne would be ringing some alarm bells. It is surprising to see the amount of interest given the capacity limits (restriction on vessel lengths in the Inner Harbour, limited room for expansion of the container terminals, opposition to increased truck traffic through the City of Fremantle) of the current port. Our goal is not only to expose the lies, hypocrisy and bias of the billionaire class and their media: we seek to help the organising efforts of all those actively resisting the increasingly authoritarian rule of the corporate rich, here and overseas. WAFarmers concerned by Freo port sale. The cost in terms of road accident trauma, extra pollution and the destruction of lightly constructed rural roads that were not built to take road trains and have to be repaired by local councils has never been considered. Roll out of New Intercity Fleet delayed until 2021, Melbourne airport rail link no longer up in the air, Tracklaying underway on Carmichael Rail Network, First tunnel boring machine arrives at future State Library Station, Rail Contractors Capability Showcase 2021. Spokespersons for the Maritime Union of Australia expressed intense rejection of the allocated plans to privatise. The lease is now owned by Canadian company Brookfield Asset Management; the same company that has the contract to build the new Perth stadium and has secured two sites in the state government's Elizabeth Quay waterfront project. The uncertainty about the funding and timeline of the Perth Freight Link (PFL) project, which intends to provide better access for trucks to the port, is also not helping the sale process. Container volumes have seen a healthy five to six percent annual growth over the last decade; however current year to date figures have seen a decline in numbers. Industry Opinion May 20, 2016, 11:00 am May 19, 2016. shares; COMMENT: Recent loss of Nationals support is only one of a number of issues that could prevent the possible sale of Fremantle port, Peter van Duyn writes. Our side is — and always will be — that of the 99%. The 99-year lease of the Port of Darwin to an entity with alleged links to the Chinese government and military did not please the US government. The WA Nationals have delivered a critical blow to the West Australian Government's plan to privatise Fremantle Port, refusing to support the proposed $2 billion sale. They have asked a parliamentary committee to investigate the proposed sale. In 2012, Colin Barnett made the following commitment in Parliament “Can I categorically say that if this government is re-elected, there will not be privatisation of Fremantle Ports”. The less than ideal rail link into the port, which runs along the Fremantle foreshore and past newly built million dollar apartments, could be another bottleneck for further development. This page offers you quick access to all of the publications that are contained throughout the Fremantle Ports website. Fremantle Ports CEO Chris Leatt-Hayter is to retire in January after 12 years in the role. Australia's fourth largest container port, Fremantle will go up for auction on a long-term lease along with Kwinana Bulk Terminal and Utah Point Terminal, and the privatisation of Port Hedland. Treasurer Mike Nahan today announced that Rothschild and Deloitte have been appointed as joint lead financial adviser for the sale of Fremantle Port. Fremantle Port privatisation in choppy waters. As part of the 2015-16 Budget, the State Government announced the potential divestment of Fremantle Port as part of the Government's structured asset sales program. In a desperately unequal world facing a climate emergency, everyone has to pick a side. Farmers are worried that the proposed privatisation of Fremantle Port will lead to a dramatic rise in their freight rates. WAFARMERS wants an independent assessment of the Fremantle port privatisation, saying it doubts an … The media is causing harm by reporting official COVID-19 figures from poorer countries, Budget 2021: Corporate handouts disguised as solutions, Creating a desert and calling it peace: Turkey’s water war against Rojava, Why governments are in bed with gas corporations, Jews Against the Occupation: 'The time for impunity for Israel is over', Residents take call for public housing to NSW parliament, On the books: Better Read Than Dead workers fight for rights. Mr Leatt-Hayter joined Fremantle Ports in 1992 from the Department of Transport, and was appointed CEO in December 2008. The Fremantle Port Authority today told Fair Work Australia that it needs the flexibility to be able to sack dock workers within three months of a full or partial privatisation of the port, confirming deep concerns the MUA has had for the employment security of the workers.17 December 2012 MEDIA RELEASE Fremantle Port Authority reveals truth about Government’s privatisation You can also like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Road and rail infrastructure into the Outer Harbour has the potential of being far more efficient and less controversial than the proposed PFL into the Inner Harbour. The 800% rise in rents charged to stevedores by the newly privatised Port of Melbourne would be ringing some alarm bells. All content published on this site is the property of Prime Creative Media. Peter van Duyn is a maritime logistics specialist from the Institute for Supply Chain and Logistics at Victoria University. The WA Nationals recently announced they will no longer support the government’s plan to privatise Fremantle Ports. Fremantle Ports chief executive Chris Leatt-Hayter said it was disappointing that negotiations to ... but they are still public ports and there is no intention to privatise the Fremantle Port." WA tables Fremantle Port privatisation Bill. Farmers are worried that the proposed privatisation of Fremantle Port will lead to a dramatic rise in their freight rates. Date: 19.05.2016. Mr Leatt-Hayter joined Fremantle Ports in 1992 from the Department of Transport, and was appointed CEO in December 2008. Last year (FY 2014/2015) the port contributed about A$68 million to the WA government and the potential sale (or long term lease) figure is reported to be in the order of $2.5 billion. The potential privatisation of Fremantle Ports’ business, announced by the State Government in May 2015, has occupied much of our attention this year. Freecall now on 1800 634 206 or follow the support link below to make a secure supporter payment or donation online. Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas is still confident that the sale price will be in excess of $6 billion. Closer to home are the disastrous consequences of the privatisation of Western Australia’s freight rail network via a secret 49-year Australia’s Fremantle Port is to be sold as part of a state sale from the Western Australian government in a deal estimated to be worth AU$5bn (US$4bn) it has been announced. Whether the delay in timing (the sale is now scheduled for late this year or early next year) and the legislative changes will affect the sale price of the port remains to be seen. Green Left has shown the global Left how it can do battle with corporate media and create a platform for people's media which will prioritize people's movements and people's perspectives and ideas. His change of heart comes after likely pressure from provincial backbenchers who still recall the sale of the WA government-owned country rail network to Brookfield, a global infrastructure company based in Canada, that left grain farmers with failing infrastructure and rising costs to get their grain to global markets. A number of junior miners such as Atlas Iron, Mineral Resources and Consolidated Minerals who use the Utah Point facility to export their iron ore have also expressed concern about a potential increase in handling charges if the new owner was looking to improve their return on investment after privatisation. He has overseen major growth at Fremantle Inner Harbour and Kwinana Bulk Terminal, and led the organisation through a number of turbulent periods - the Global Financial Crisis, the previous Liberal Government's unsuccessful port privatisation plan, and the COVID … In 2010 Brookfield announced it would close 720 kilometres of so-called “tier 3” freight lines unless the state government tipped in $93.5 million of taxpayers' money to carry out essential capital works. The threat of additional container terminal facilities at Outer Harbour near Kwinana (currently partly under control of Fremantle Ports) being established in the not too distant future would also be of a concern to the potential new owners, unless of course the sale includes the option to develop and run these facilities. Government says the legislation will help reduce debt and fund future infrastructure projects. West Australian Premier Colin Barnett wants the construction timeline for an outer harbour containment port off Perth determined before Fremantle Port is privatised to avoid the prospect of later compensation. With no corporate sponsors or advertising, we rely on support and donations from readers like you. We WA Labor voted against the sale of Utah Point as well as the privatisation of Fremantle Ports; not surprising given Labor’s strong links to the Fremantle electorate (federal and state). He contributed this piece to Rail Express affiliate Lloyd’s List Australia. He said moving to Kwinana before Fremantle is at full capacity would add costs to port users and the economy. Closer to home are the disastrous consequences of the privatisation of Western Australia’s freight rail network via a secret 49-year lease signed in 2000 when Premier Colin Barnett was Minister for Transport. Privatised Port of Melbourne also add a donation to your support by choosing the solidarity option $. 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