preservation conditions in archaeology

Collection: material remains that are excavated or removed during a survey, excavation, or other study of a prehistoric or historic resource, and associated records that are prepared or assembled in connection with the survey, excavation, or other study. First, it must be emphasized that conservation is not an exact science, and in many cases two different conservators may treat the same object in completely different ways. The hot sands of Egypt are perhaps the most common example of this. Archaeology, even with thorough documentation, is a destructive force. This allowed archaeologists to request protection from their state’s State Historic Preservation Office for sites that hold historical significance. In other words, the conservator is in a unique position to supply the archaeologist with valuable evidence and to provide the laboratory with basic conservation data for research. At present, any well-planned underwater excavation should include properly planned conservation prior to the excavation and no one should be forgiven if conservation is cursory or slighted. Techniques which may only be appropriate for the conservation of artifacts from terrestrial sites will not be discussed. The sites are then recorded and maintained by a designated agency respective to the land-ownership. Without conservation, however, most artifacts will perish, and important historic data will be lost. Grattan, D. W., ed. We couldn't have got this done without our stewards Jen and Steve who were integral in getting bids and coordinating the projects execution with Geneva Rock. 470(b)(5)). It is certainly easier to uphold legislation and policy when we think in terms of property, or rather just the physical aspects of a site or event. The following are some of the more pertinent conservation ethics adopted by the International Institute for Conservation (IIC) as guidelines for all conservators. Always keep in mind that it is an archaeological project, and that an archaeological project does not stop in the field, it continues in the lab. The conservation of metal artifacts from a marine site, and to a lesser degree metal artifacts from fresh water sites, is only remotely analogous to the conservation problems presented by other fields of archaeology. Recent monitoring has exposed some important parameters described below. Artifact preservation is one of the most important considerations when planning or implementing any action that will result in the recovery of material from a marine archaeological site. The information and records from both the field and the conservation lab have to be synthesized in order for the archaeological record to be properly interpreted. In archaeological conservation there is often more to consider than simply the preservation of individual artifacts. This will inhibit further corrosion. How much does it cost to treat by a given treatment a spike from a ship as opposed to a cannon from the same ship? These are the most important publications in the field of marine archaeology conservation to date. There are some viable alternative conservation treatments for particular artifacts that can be performed by untrained personnel and with a minimum amount of specialized equipment; these treatments, however, are employed only when they will successfully preserve the artifact. It is necessary to make a brief statement regarding the level of effort and resources necessary to perform each technique. The bones used for the study were collected from three archaeological sites in South Dakota which were all from large mammals believed to be An underlying premise of archaeology is that the distribution of cultural material, as well as its form, has cultural significance and is indicative of past cultural activities. Waterlogged Wood: Study and Tax, ownership, mining, shipping, or other types of identification, often stamped or marked on individual artifacts, provide additional leads. During any marine excavation, the following field procedures are suggested (Hamilton 1976):  LABORATORY CONSERVATION Conservation, like archaeology, is a state of mind: a state of mind which holds a deep concern for the integrity of the artifacts and what they represent as remnants of history. As far as private property is concerned, the responsibility of protecting historical sites falls on the land owner or to organizations such as the Archaeological Conservancy who acquire portions of the land with the historical site. Categories of underwater archaeological sites, in salt or fresh water, include (1) submerged refuse sites; (2) inundated settlements or harbors; (3) shrines or sacred localities, such as the cenote at Chichen Itza; and (4) shipwrecks (Goggin 1964:299). While the conservation of shipwreck material is the topic of this manual, the techniques reviewed here are applicable to metal objects from any underwater site and most terrestrial sites. The section is divided into eight major headings:(1) Introduction to Marine Conservation, (2) Synthetic Resins and Adhesives, (3) Ceramics, (4) Glass, (5) Bone and Ivory, (6) Wood, (7) Leather, and (8) Metals. Technological progress now allows archaeologists access to even deeper wrecks, such as the CSS Alabama and the USS Monitor. Environmental changes can be matched with human activity in a continuous record across vast ages. Any treatment, even if less expensive, extensive, or time consuming should be avoided if there is a possibility of damaging the artifact. These include permafrost, cold dry sites (polar or alpine), ice patches, and glaciers. In other words, he made certain to prioritize the knowledge and social connections that could be obtained from the site. Section 106 of the NHPA now acts as a major player in most archaeological projects. recovering the history of preservation practices in renaissance rome Recent studies have begun to reassess the history There are often options and some leeway on any conservation procedure that will result in a well-conserved artifact. If the latter, ensure that the laboratory is properly equipped and is headed by a conservator with experience in the field of underwater archaeological conservation. Extensive records must be maintained, including notes on the encrustation, the objects it contains, and the preservation techniques used, as well as color, black-and-white, and X-ray photographs. Do we need to sell our ‘product’ as property to be preserved and cherished, or as potential knowledge to be preserved and cherished? Carver2 argues that archaeologists must define what is worth paying for, or the product of archaeology, since our relationship with the rest of society depends on it. Preservation is an action in order to prevent, stop or retard the process of deterioration of the Artifacts. 2. Shipwrecks are a special kind of archaeological site which have been compared to time capsules: "The very suddenness of such disasters has made these underwater wreck sites, in effect, accidental time capsules. The Archaeological Conservancy, Form 990, Financial Statements and Annual Report, Peoples of the Lower Mississippi Valley 2021, #GivingTuesday 2020 with The Archaeological Conservancy, What the Federal Shutdown Means for Cultural Resource Protection, Digging Deeper: La Salle Archaeological Projects, Help Save America’s Threatened Archaeological Treasures, In Memoriam: Bliss Bruen, advocate & friend. Near-term goals are also most relevant when it comes to making decisions such as whether an agency wants to contract out the conservation to existing laboratories or establish its own conservation capability in order to conserve all future artifacts that might be acquired. This discussion, however, cannot replace consulting these references for a more detailed presentation. As will be stated again: the investigation of large encrustation with their concealed contents is analogous to the excavation of a structure within a site; the location and orientation of each encrustation must be accurately plotted before it is raised from the seabed so that the data recovered in the conservation laboratory can be related back to the site. As each treatment is discussed, the required chemicals are listed, and any necessary equipment is either listed or obvious. While all of this is true, but it is a very artifact-oriented view. Making Archaeology Happen: Design Versus Dogma, by Martin Carver. Paleontological specimens that are found in direct physical relationship with a prehistoric or historic resource. We’ll visit Pueblo Bonito and other[...], Experience the cultural and scenic diversity of the American Southwest. Proper field conservation procedures can be anticipated by referring to various articles, such as Pearson (1977;1987c), Dowman (1970), and Lawson (1978). Basic Methods of Conserving Underwater Archaeological Material Culture. Chisels can be easily fabricated in the laboratory for specific jobs, and their use is often desirable and quite effective in freeing movable parts on artifacts. Of course it didn’t take long before articulated skeletons were discovered. bands 4–6, with band 10 being Good preservation and band 1 being Poor preservation. Here are the details: HCI did note the presence of a “Negro Burial Ground” on a 1755 map, however they assessed that there would be little of this burial ground remaining in the proposed construction area. As mentioned above, any adhering encrustation or corrosion layers should be left intact until the objects are treated, since they form a protective coating which retards corrosion. Routledge, London. The panel’s recommendations span: the planning policy and guidance for archaeology in the area; information about the water table and preservation conditions within the area; the archaeological strategy for developers to meet; how the area and any findings will be surveyed and evaluated; construction on the site; and how the community could be involved and the public realm … 1987. When treating archaeological material that requires documentation of context, as well as preservation, the documentation demands equal emphasis and first priority. Their distribution in the ship may be represented even after wrecking. To answer this, let’s first discuss the underlying framework in which the standard American archaeologist works. Goggin (1964:302) describes underwater archaeology as " the recovery and interpretation of human remains and cultural materials of the past from underwater by archaeologists"; this definition is acceptable only if it is qualified by a more explicit definition, such as "archaeology can be defined minimally as the study of the interrelationship of form, temporal locus, and spatial locus exhibited by artifacts. Sandblasting can sometimes be used for cleaning the bores of cannons or guns but should never be used on the surface of any piece. This study specifically centered on deterioration of hydroxyapatite (White and Hannus 1983). Causes of damage to archaeological collections and preventive conservation strategies Numbering is important so that there will be no confusion as to how each object related to the site after the material has been delivered to the laboratory for processing. Before discussing the conservation of archaeological materials, it is helpful to examine and clarify the various definitions of the term 'artifact.' Conservation must be a part of any archaeological project; this is especially true for wet sites, i.e., archaeological sites located in bogs, rivers, and oceans. There are too many variables involved in each treatment to arrive at any specific cost; the cost is dependent upon the size of the artifact and the length of time required for treatment, neither of which can be reliably estimated. May is Archaeology & Historic Preservation Month in South Dakota. After conservation, an object should retain as many diagnostic attributes as possible. Therefore, a preliminary examination of the object must be made in order to determine a course of action that will preserve the integrity of the specimen and maintain any significant attributes or any features relating to its manufacture or microstructure. The goal of this section is to ensure that federal agencies consult with interested parties – developers, tribes, landholders, etc – to identify and evaluate historic properties prior to any expenditures of federal funding for a proposed project. Thanks Jen and Steve! If it is reversible, the option to re-treat is always open, and the continued preservation of the material is assured. Grenoble, France. To investigate this, we returned to the well-known Swedish Mesolithic site Ageröd I. The concept of reversibility vs. non-reversibility in archaeological conservation is currently undergoing close scrutiny, as it is a well-known fact the many so-called 'reversible processes' are not reversible. For long-term storage, excellent results have been achieved using a 1 percent oxidizing solution of potassium dichromate with sufficient sodium hydroxide added to create a pH of 9 to 9.5. This potential wealth of information can often be checked and compared with archival documents for corroboration and reinterpretation. If the treatment is reversible, the option to re-treat is always open, and the continued preservation of the material is assured. Thus there is deposited in the waters of the world a mass of materials--dating from the earliest historical times to the present--capable of being located, recovered, identified, and preserved" (Peterson 1969: xiii-xiv). Archaeology, Heritage Tourism, and Education Introduction The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) aims, among other things, “to insure future generations a genuine opportunity to appreciate and enjoy the rich heritage of our nation” (16 U.S.C. A laboratory must have sufficient space and equipment to accommodate such a large object, mechanically clean it, properly conserve recovered specimens, and, possibly, cast a number of natural molds of disintegrated objects. Prior to treatment, any artifact, particularly if encrusted with marine carbonates, must be critically evaluated in order to ascertain the possible presence and condition of metal, associated organic material, and/ or other material, such as ceramic and glass. Extensive earthworks, some towering six stories high, are the legacy of the Hopewell and Adena people. I’d like to call attention to a case study2 of the African Burial Ground in New York City. Keeping the storage vats covered to restrict light will inhibit any algae growth. The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. This will protect the material while it is being shipped to the laboratory where it can be more effectively excavated. This is often true for sites far removed from the main laboratory. The interaction between marine archaeology and conservation is a perfect example of the intimate relationship that can exist between archaeology and conservation in general. Organic material, i.e., leather, wood, textile, rope, plant remains, etc., if allowed to dry without conservation treatment, can crumble and become little more than a pile of dust and debris in a matter of hours. [32] Today, professional conservators join and take part in the activities of numerous conservation associations and professional organizations with the wider field, and within their area of specialization. These definitions serve to differentiate archaeology, which is a scientific investigation, from uncontrolled salvage and 'treasure hunting,' which are oriented toward relic or object collecting. It is only through viewing the ship as a component of a cultural system and by structuring the interrelationships of the material remains within the shipwreck site that the story of a social group may be revealed. What is actually being preserved? Learn how your comment data is processed. Record the precise position and orientation of every object, i.e., ship timbers, encrustations, individual artifacts, and number each item. The bottom line is that features such as these are best excavated in the controlled environment of the conservation laboratory. This last requirement recognizes that a conservation treatment may not last indefinitely nor remain superior to all future techniques. I encourage you to share your thoughts and responses to this post. The proper conservation of encrustation with their concealed contents is analogous to an excavation square within a site. The conservator should strive to process specimens so that they retain as much diagnostic data as possible and yet remain chemically stable. Even less obvious remains like impressions of seeds and insects (such as impressions of cockroaches found in an encrustation from the 1554 Spanish Plate Fleet excavation) must be detected and recorded. On our 70-mile journey down the Yampa[...], Explore the vast cultural system of Chaco Canyon and the extensive network of outlying communities that developed in northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado from A.D. 800 to 1130. Or rather is it the knowledge and heritage-value which comes along with said property? Left Coast Press, 2011. The preservation of material culture depends on the type of materials (organic, which decay more quickly, or inorganic) and the environmental conditions to which they have been exposed. If the solution and object must be heated during the rinsing process, then a metal vat and a source of heat (i.e., gas stove, electric hot plate, or oven) is required. In addition, the salt water environment accelerates the corrosion processes of many metal artifacts. The exercise merely becomes a numbers game that serves no useful purpose. Oxford University Press, Oxford. US Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program, Washington, DC. What is important is that all relevant documentation be recorded from the start, including all records pertaining to conservation treatment, and that a complete set of records accompany the collection or any artifact separated from the collection. This is possible if the problems of conservation are approached with an archaeologically oriented view of material culture. His new design plans included the latestscientific procedures including study of African dispora, locating the origins of the people who arrived in the 18th Century as slaves, discovering their state of health, any change in livelihood, forms of worship, communities they were associated with, and much more. The recovery of artifacts from archaeological sites destroys the archaeological context, which remains preserved only in the notes, drawings, and photographs made by the archaeologist in the field. Careful recording is a necessity, otherwise the operation is not an archaeological excavation but rather an uncontrolled salvage operation producing a simple inventory of artifacts. Such conglomerations may range from the size of a single coin to huge masses weighing several thousand pounds and which contain hundreds of individual objects made of many different materials. to view the history of archaeology, the anxiety of loss prompted humanists and archaeologists to condemn archaeological conditions in Renaissance Rome as an unmitigated catastrophe. 1. Hamilton, D. L. 1975. In addition, all treatments should, if feasible, be reversible when ever possible. Where possible, comments relevant to these two goals will be made. Some preservation of organic materials is possible in the driest of the Calcisols. Preservation Standards In much of the literature concerning Archaeology in America, the words preservation and conservation appear often. The state added archaeology in 2005 to recognize it as a partner in historic preservation. Expert archaeologists accompany our daily visits to some of[...], Hundreds of years ago in what is now part of southern Ohio, a complex culture of moundbuilders flourished. Sources: Bone, glass, pottery, and similar material will, if not conserved, slowly devitrify and, in extreme cases, degenerate to a pile of worthless slivers. The preservation of an archaeological site is dependent on the threats. 1996. Borhegyi (1964:5), in reference to underwater archaeology, states that "no one today would be forgiven if he employed the nineteenth century excavation techniques." Most people understand these words in terms of resources – we need to conserve water, or we need to preserve the ecosystems in our natural forests. A more thorough discussion of pre-treatment storage techniques can be found under each material-specific chapter in this manual. Furthermore, it may be necessary to prepare the encased artifacts for display. Ancient organic remains are essential for the reconstruction of past human lifeways and environments but are only preserved under particular conditions. This will not only ease travel to and from this important Utah Archaeological site it will also help preserve the integrity of the landscape. 2.1 Waterlogging The sediment characteristics, local geology, impeded drainage and the location of the site 1977. The Elements of Archaeological Conservation. For example, if an object is to be rinsed in sodium carbonate, it is obvious that sodium carbonate, water, and a vat necessary to hold the object is required. The use of chemicals to remove the encrustation is generally a very slow, ineffective process, which may possibly damage the artifact. Our trip explores Native American cultures, both past and present, in New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. Historic Preservation Month has been celebrated in South Dakota since it was established at the national level in 1973. Therefore, much of what follows is based upon the personal experience and personal preference of the author. This requirement recognizes that a conservation treatment may not last indefinitely nor remain superior to all future techniques. For the purposes of this manual, near-term conservation goals will be considered those that deal with the proper storage of an artifact until the long-term goal of suitable treatment can be performed. Do not remove any encrustation or layers covering the artifacts in the field, since they provide a protective corrosion-resistant layer around the material and preserve associations. Techniques and standards with its terrestrial counterpart ( polar or alpine ), ice patches, documentation... Sensitivity to the nature and potential value of the archaeological record and the work itself is primarily out. 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