compton gamma ray observatory satellite discoveries

BOOMERanG's data showed the universe is strikingly flat, meaning in empty space light travels in straight lines. Other particles turned out to have antimatter partners as well, which led to exciting discoveries in cosmic ray astronomy and the study of the early universe. NASA's New Horizons probe is the only spacecraft to visit Pluto and its moons, revealing a surprisingly dynamic world during its passage. The multiple levels of communication and safety failures revealed during subsequent investigations led to a complete overhaul of NASA's procedures, grounding the remaining shuttles for more than two years. NASA's fourth Mars rover, the Mars Science Laboratory—nicknamed Curiosity—arrived on Mars on Aug. 12, 2012. Its mission was to map the entire surface of Venus using radar to penetrate the thick atmosphere, as well as to measure the planet's gravitational field and atmospheric properties. After serving in the United States Navy during World War II, he joined the original astronaut corps, becoming the first American man in space in 1961. Part of the Space Shuttle's mission was to provide maintenance for satellites, so in 1984 NASA introduced the Manned [sic] Maneuvering Unit (MMU) to allow astronauts to move freely without using a tether. Designed for a 90-day mission, they lasted for six years (Spirit) and 14 years (Opportunity), providing new information about the geology of Mars during their travels. Prior to her work, geophysicists believed Earth's core was entirely molten, but Lehmann demonstrated that seismic waves were traveling through the planet's fluid interior and reflecting off the solid inner core. Albert Einstein's contributions to 20th-century physics included the photon theory of light, the special theory of relativity describing motion near the speed of light, and the general theory of relativity, which is the modern description of gravity. The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) is the second of the great observatory series of four spacecraft NASA plans to launch. The resulting pair of papers (one written together, one by Bethe alone) established the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis, which explains why stars shine. Cannon’s system is still used and taught today: When someone refers to the sxxun as a G-type star, it’s thanks to Cannon. Because the planet passes between its host star and Earth, astronomers were able to measure light absorbed through the edges of the atmosphere, the first time such a measurement was done. The 20th century saw a huge leap in astronomical discoveries and the advent of space exploration, both driven by advances in technology. Ride later founded the Sally Ride Science educational nonprofit with her partner Tam O'Shaughnessy. After that, Hubble became one of the most essential observatories in the world, providing both beautiful images and important scientific data. This cloud is known as the Oort cloud today in his honor and forms the outermost region of the solar system. During World War II, radar operators in England were troubled by a significant amount of radio wave interference, which they at first interpreted as deliberate jamming by Germans. A huge solar flare struck Earth on Feb. 23, 1956, flooding cosmic ray detectors on the ground with more radiation than any other event in recorded history. American engineer Grote Reber was the first person to follow up on Karl Jansky's discovery of astronomical radio waves. Like many giant stars, its light varied as the surface of the star pulsated, but this one was weird: Over several decades it grew bigger and cooler, changing color to yellow, then orange. The mission also included a small lander named Philae, which unfortunately landed poorly and could not return much data. Landing on other worlds is hard, as demonstrated by the many failed and crash-landed missions over the years. Using the new theories of nuclear physics, he and Charles Critchfield calculated the conditions for nuclear fusion inside stars. British physicist Paul Dirac sought to combine the quantum theory of electrons and atoms with Einstein's theory of relativity. The size of the redshift was larger for more distant galaxies, indicating that galaxies on average are getting farther apart. From these facts, Dutch-born astronomer Jan Oort concluded long-period comets didn't form in the orbits they currently occupy, but instead were born in a cloud of icy objects far from the sun. In the early 1930s, Bell Laboratory engineer Karl Jansky had been assigned the job of identifying sources of interference for radio transmissions. Dutch-born American astronomer Gerard Kuiper followed up these observations by studying the spectrum of light reflected from Titan. While the question of life on Mars is still open, the Viking missions were extremely successful in describing the conditions on the most potentially habitable planet other than our own. Many cultures identify constellations, relating them to mythology and using them for navigation. She learned that all stars are primarily made of hydrogen, despite their diverse appearances. Such small alien asteroids are likely to be common, but require some luck to observe because of their transient nature. What the Hubble Space Telescope is to visible light astronomy, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is for X-ray astronomy. Following Hubble's 1927 discovery of the expansion of the universe, LeMaître's theoretical work captured the attention of the larger astronomical community. The ultimate goal of NASA's Apollo program was to land humans on the moon, but before they felt safe doing that, they had to make sure they could get humans into orbit around the moon and back to Earth safely. He found the telltale signature of methane and estimated the moon had a thicker atmosphere than Earth's, a result borne out by later observations and robotic spacecraft. You may also like: 30 famous student protests. The first of these was found just three years later: 51 Peg b, a planet roughly half the mass of Jupiter, but in such a tight orbit its gravity causes its host star to wobble, which is how the planet was found. The specific criteria for planethood were unsatisfactory to many scientists, whatever their opinion of Pluto's planetary status. The answer was a resounding yes, and weather satellites have been a key part of meteorology ever since. Henrietta Swan Leavitt was an astronomer at Harvard College Observatory, hired as a "computer" assistant to the male researchers. Percival Lowell, a wealthy eccentric, funded a hunt for "Planet X" beyond the orbit of Neptune, believing it to be at least the size of Earth. The Soviet Union launched the first space station, Salyut 1, into low Earth orbit on April 19, 1971, where it remained for 175 days. Radar provided the first images of asteroids, precision measurements of how far planets are and how fast they rotate, and much more. In a second groundbreaking paper from the same year, Oppenheimer and another student, Hartland Snyder, determined that a sufficiently massive object would collapse into a black hole—an object so dense nothing can escape from it. The nuclear weapons used by the United States led directly to the Cold War, which boosted investment in science around the world and drove the "space race" of the 1950s and '60s. In operation from 1991 to 1999, it was named in honour of Arthur Holly Compton, So in 1991, NASA launched the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, CGRO. Signal," which has never been explained or repeated. She and her Ph.D. advisor Antony Hewish jokingly called the signal LGM-1 for "little green men," but recognized it was from a natural origin rather than aliens. The United States launched the TIROS-1 (Television InfraRed Observation System) satellite on April 1, 1960. The International Cometary Explorer (ICE) was originally designed to monitor the solar wind—particles streaming off the sun—but a change in its orbit put it in the unique position to study comets passing close to Earth. His theories laid the groundwork for much of astronomy and astrophysics, from black holes to the structure of the universe as a whole. They discovered a persistent "hiss" coming from every direction; in talking with Princeton physicist Robert Dicke and his colleagues, they realized they had detected relic light from very early in the history of the universe. NASA's Compton Gamma Ray Observatory was an orbiting telescope designed to observe the highest-energy phenomena in the universe. Expanding on his earlier observation of Cepheid variable stars in other galaxies, Hubble and Milton Humason discovered an apparent Doppler redshift—a stretching of light due to fast motion, like the change in pitch of a siren as an ambulance passes. The star's light appeared to blink off and on repeatedly, as it was blocked by matter in the rings. While Voyager 1 ended its planetary journey at Saturn, Voyager 2 had continued to Uranus in 1986 and Neptune in 1989. Explanation: The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) was the most massive instrument ever launched by a NASA Space Shuttle in 1991 and continues to revolutionize gamma-ray astronomy. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990, but its first observations showed it had a flaw in its main mirror. This indicated that planets of similar size can vary wildly in terms of atmosphere—and habitability. German-born physicist Gerhard Herzberg was a veritable wizard at understanding the spectrum of light from molecules. NASA's Uhuru mission—launched from Kenya and given the Swahili name for freedom—was the first orbiting X-ray observatory. Subsequently, he piloted the Apollo 14 lunar module, becoming the fifth person to walk on the moon.

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