ecology in a sentence

These surveys have addressed problems in population genetics, systematics, In his writing and frequent lectures, Jackson explores the intersection of science and society, agronomy and, Here is the offering of a modern nation, vibrant, on the go, on one side, and which has a deep-rooted history, culture and. Both ICRI and the Mauritius event served as reminders to look beyond sectoral issues in MPA planning toward overall social and ecological resilience. At much higher altitudes, in the south-west of the Mediterranean region, forests occur of the Atlantic cedar (Cedrus atlantica). occupying a similar ecological niche to humans, may give us insight into our own mental life. Ecological assumptions entered into the models that were then used to predict evapotranspiration and net photosynthesis. Social systems evolve in close relation to, 11. According to the National Organic Standards Board definition of "organic," the goal is to minimize ecological impact while enhancing biodiversity and soil life. The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile, 22. 95. CK 680776 Ecology is very important to keep our world safe. espousal of green values and their attempt to infiltrate and exploit the ecological movement. Chemicals in the factory's sewage system have changed the, 24. Opinion polls put the combined strength of the two. We were learning about ecology in our biology class and this involved a trip to Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. At the graduate level, I taught a course in human, The proximity of Chiapas and Oaxaca, and their shared history and geography, does not destine them to mimic patterns of political, Six ducks and 5,000 grass and silver carp have been introduced into the reborn lake to conserve its, Their evidence that it represents a new species is based on differences in, The politics of class, race, gender and justice are not meaningfully connected to deep, The choice is made on the basis of their international significance in terms of, It identifies two periods of advocacy for an agricultural system informed by the principles of, The dark green color was chosen because it represents life, nature, growth, and, This change might affect the migration and reproductive, Eco-centrism borrows from conservation biology, the preservationist tradition and deep, In other words, classes in mathematical modeling can help change the academic culture of biology and, We currently lack a vocabulary for identifying a wide range of abuses that harm public assets and social, The success of flow cytometry and its ever-increasing use in plant taxonomy, systematics and, Organic techniques have been developed from an understanding of and research into soil science, crop breeding, animal husbandry and, I am currently investigating the behaviour and, On the other hand, David Rothenberg's more nuanced analysis of deep, And evolution of any management strategy requires knowledge on depredatory birds' feeding guild structure, breeding and roosting, Ashore there will be a vast interactive exhibition area with displays on international marine technology, oceanography and, What intrinsic worth is given to matters of deep, Adaptive socioecology rests on the notion that social systems can change rapidly in response to a novel, Moreover, a successful biosphere would prove to be an important step in the direction of space colonization, terraforming and remedial, This collection reflects the full gamut of its dedicatee's research interests in cryptogamic physiology and, As drawing boards fill with plans for dams, navigation channels and irrigation projects, the fragile, Other lemurs in the forest respond in similar ways to the fat-tail, according to Peter Kappeler, head of ethology and, In another corner, college students were airing their views thunderously on the urgent need to preserve the, There is, however, considerable unease about the implications of critical theory, social ecology and some varieties of deep, Answers to this question come mainly from, However, this view has increasingly come under pressure from, As an emerging conceptual framework, political, These facts made him angry and drove him assiduously to educate himself about medicine and, Tegner's main scientific research focused on the, All environmentalists, whose work impinges upon phytogeography and, Fire, which clears out flammable underbrush and thins stands of young trees, is a natural part of the, It is interesting to note that non-human animals do just this, by indulging in coprophagy when their internal, Whale Study Week includes boat trips as well as classes in whale biology and general marine, The emphasis is on horticultural aspects of reproductive biology and pollination, The main subdisciplines represented in conservation biology are population genetics, population biology, landscape, Left biocentrists are concerned with social justice and class issues, but within a context of, Iltis and DOEBLEY divided the Mexican annual teosintes into two subspecies on the basis of, The book concludes with an examination of applied, The use of genetic markers to identify parent-offspring relationships is becoming an important tool in molecular, Backcasting has historically been used in the fields of, Thus, differences in size have potentially profound implications for the, The board found it would have an impact on the geology, hydrogeology and. Work : She is a teaching assistant in ecology / biology. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. More recently, she has investigated the developmental ecology of flatworms. All these ecological factors lead to severe constraints and increase famine vulnerability at alarming rates. Organic farming and manufacturing produces less harmful runoff and leaves a smaller ecological footprint on nature, animals, and even people, which is an investment into our future that cannot be taken lightly. Focuses on urban ecology, social equity, land conservation, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental quality. Smaller-sized ships not only help preserve the natural ecological environment, but afford adventurous cruisers the opportunity to explore some of the archipelagos' most remote locations. True, by the time of its collapse 15 years ago the Soviet Union was a byword for ecological devastation. This is not to say that the path to ecological sanity is to be found via education alone. When I began these experiments my motivation was our fear of an imminent ecological catastrophe and a nuclear war in Europe. ECOLOGY OF FEAR : Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster. 28. For example in 2004, we were part of the Brazilian Ecological Brooms that were exported to the United States. The existence of forest islands offering healthy populations of these palms are the single most important ecological requirement for the Blue-throated macaw. Definition of Ecology. unravel the ecological clues to safeguard Suffolk's mammals. All definitions were added by our community so if you want to help us with one ore more definitions you're welcome and can you add them using the add definition form. Part II includes seven thematic chapters covering the biogeography, It almost requires a background in botany, forestry, or, Large tracts of virgin forest play a role in global, Many reintroduction programs fail or have limited success because they neglect to account for the behavioral, The latter paper complements the majority of those in this volume that focused on stopover, So instead of a plan based on timber production, it is based on, Effective management for this species is hampered because relatively little is known about nesting, Despite the abundance of Impatiens species in China, studies of pollination systems and pollination, Therefore, measurements of dive depths and profiles are significant components in many studies of seabird foraging, In this paper, recent work on fruit type evolution in angiosperms is reviewed in relation to dispersal agents and habitat, Scientists say they still have a lot to learn about, It always interested me why that happened, and why it happened at the same time that the science of, Masters and doctoral programs feature ecosystem, The reductionist approach is thus coupled with the. Though they had no special knowledge of forest, 19. The ecologist took a water quality sample to observe how healthy the ecology or how healthy the ecosytem really is. Stein focused her research on the systematics, Aspects of the reproductive and larval biology and, This is an example of the intimate interaction and dependence of geology and, Special rules may apply for the safety of the public and to protect the quality of the water and the, Together with other practices, they created some localized deforestation but did not alter the, This spares natural insect predators in the farm, Temporal and social aspects of the foraging, It is based on a scientific approach, and brings together fields such as archaeology, behavioral, The question of why animals group together is one of the most fundamental in sociobiology and behavioural, Crocodile size, morphology, behaviour and. In a general way, floristic plant geography is concerned with species, ecological plant geography with vegetation. The ecology of Novaya Zemlya is influenced by its severe climate, but the region nevertheless supports a diversity of biota. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. the study of the relationships of living things to each other and to the environment. When the nature and effect of ecological factors have become more fully understood, it will be possible to dispense with the above artificial classification of factors, and to frame one depending on the action of the various factors; but such a classification is not possible in the present state of knowledge. In this new edition of ' oral microbiology ' the authors ' combine the clinical aspects of oral microbiology with an ecological emphasis. Ecological sentence examples. Ecology definition is - a branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments. The ecological relations between the herring and the plankton investigated with the plankton investigated with the Plankton Indicator. More recently, she has investigated the developmental ecology of flatworms. Understanding factors that affect canopy photosynthesis would contribute to agriculture, Nonetheless, over the last three decades a number of studies have explored their, As have others, Gaskell uses comparative studies of Razorbills and other alcids to speculate about the behavioral, Nearly a decade did Mohan spend observing the animal, its behavioural patterns and, Fruit-eating bats play an important role in forest, After his formal retirement in 1974, Dan made significant contributions to urban wildlife, It had not occurred to them that a side-effect of their research might be damaging to the fragile, After a few years of working in the field, I went back to graduate school to study marine, The final point for comment is the compatibility of the floral. In second year, the zoology course reviews some of the major animal groups, their behaviour and, 1. She hopes to study ecology at college. It has her musing about cormorants, nautical terms and charts, spiders, Cronon argued strenuously against the ecocentrist position advocated by deep, His connection with the bears wasn't just about, The Great Lakes make for a problematic bioregion because each lake has a very different, At the other end of the spectrum, organismal biology and. Keywords: Base rate fallacy, Bayes ' theorem, decision making, ecological validity, ethics, fallacy, judgment, probability. It is difficult to detect any direct influence of Darwin's writings on the development of the main stream of plant, 30. All Rights Reserved. My revelations about humanity, ecology and. A major branch of study within archaeology that draws on archaeological, historical geography, human geography, It provides a solid underpinning of evolutionary biology for those who want to explore, However, because of the morphological differences between modern radiolarians and ancient ones, it is difficult to reconstruct precisely the, When ants carry morsels into their anthills, we call that work.

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