examples of tenacity in the workplace

This is where your courses can help prepare you. Watching a child when she or he wants something is a perfect example of tenacity. The main point as you said was that tenacious people do not become distracted or discouraged because their passion keeps then going, so coupled with Goal Setting …. Examples of Dedication and Devotion in the Workplace. Instead, they focus solely on their goal. Scott holds a Master of Arts in higher-education administration from Ball State University.

Is BleuPage Promoting YOU In Your Facebook Fans Newsfeed ? Taking the time to reflect on the possible causes of an issue can prevent the issue from occurring again. Determined, persistent, tenacious, perseverance, stick-to-itiveness – all of them equal Tenacity to me.. A simple example that I experienced last week… During the winter my temporary garage had fallen down from the heavy snow fall.. so could not clean it up till last week.. as I start to figure out what can be saved. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


To learn more about Emotionally Resilient Living Start Here. When an employee is willing to give up his personal time, it's one of the best ways to show devotion. Perseverance means going through the sometimes frustrating process of working through technical issues, continuing to grapple with tough course material, and completing projects when there is every possible distraction. martyherald recently posted…Tenacity: Growing Beyond What You Dreamed Possible, Being tenacious has been given a bad rap. Tenacity is using new data to make new decisions to find new pathways to find new ways to achieve goals when the old ways didn’t work.

It’s also important to know what problems are outside of your scope to solve. What a great problem to have!

I like to think of myself as tenacious, once I find something I want to do. One of the workplace capabilities listed on each supplemental syllabus is perseverance. Standard goal setting advice subscribes to the importance of being realistic, and there’s a lot to be said for that approach when it … There is something about the word tenacity that strikes a chord within me (in a good way). She’s saddened and frustrated by excuses and cruelty and believes authentic compassion is the most powerful force in the world.

Do you ever set BIG goals that require you to reach beyond your comfort zone? Mind-Body-Spirit Resilience Through Self-Care, What I learned about myself from my first ebook, Get More Traffic By Becoming a Secret Agent, Tenacity: Growing Beyond What You Dreamed Possible, 5 Mistakes People Make When Setting Up Their Website. There are solid ways to show this interest in a job that a boss will notice. Excellent point Julieanne and you are so right about the inherent nature of tenacity in children, but then there are many such characteristics that change as we mature – our ability to fully and openly express joy for example. What will perseverance look like in the workplace? Signs of Good Employee Work Relationships, How to Be the Employee Your Company Can't Live Without. Let’s be honest, this notion of going for BIG unrealistic dreams is not for everyone and that really is okay. What I do know is that tenacity is a trait that can be developed if one chooses to do so. A closely related capability (also listed in the supplemental syllabi) is problem-solving. Tenacious people are planners, and while they are disciplined and apply an unwavering approach to going after their desired outcome, they clearly understand the difference between not giving up and stubbornly doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome. When we have out in our best, according to our priorities and resources, there are no regrets and so I have none for my unaccomplished goals…for I know there was no dearth of tenacity and self-motivation. However, in the short-term, it is what helps us work through the smaller obstacles that can ultimately derail a career path. NOO way.. it may be flattened again next winter.. so I decided to build a smaller version with wood.. and covered with the tarp that was used for the garage.. all in all it come out great.. but what was the greatest thing (you can call it Tenacity) I done all in one day and I wanted to do it in one day because the next day was calling for wind and rain.. well, “Tenacity” won and all ended well.. Thank you for the wisdom and thought provoking post That means mustering the courage to go for what we truly want as much as being willing to admit what we’re willing to settle for. Also, the necessary problem-solving involved with obtaining a degree provides an opportunity to showcase your skills to future employers. Including others will strengthen teamwork and will allow you to take advantage of the strengths of your co-workers. And, of course, that makes it difficult for parents and other adults, because they “know” the child can’t have everything he or she wants!
I guess I always thought of tenacity as being determined to do something, so this does make sense to me, Yes if we want something bad enough we will find a way to get it Right? It has a very proactive tone to it when you speak it aloud, like it has teeth able to rip through fears and obstacles that jump into your way. Learn more. Where you’ll achieve the most meaningful growth is by challenging yourself to go a little beyond what is comfortable. Some are just more ambitious than others. Hi Marty, I believe that most children are tenacious. ~Seth Godin. The initial excitement of setting a big, audacious goal is pretty heady stuff so it’s understandable that you might want to share your exciting plans and enthusiasm. Those who are tenacious focus on growth with purpose so they continually evaluate their actions and progress; remain flexible and adjust their methods and leave nothing to chance. Any time an employee shows that he wants to learn more about his job, it shows dedication in the workplace. How about you? As with anything, it all boils down to how much you want something. Nowadays, workers tend to job-hop much more often. It really does have great depth to it, and I admire your story of tenacity. Through the years we each develop beliefs about our own limitations, what we are capable of having, being or doing in life. Hi Marty. nick catricala recently posted…Happy Mother’s Day. Hello Marty, You have such a great way with words my friend~ I really never gave this word-> Tenacity much thought. But, on the other hand, how can children be given whatever they want? I know the bumps and the challenges too well and my doggedness never got knocked off…not even once did I waver in my decisions to push ahead yet some goals are unattainable…may be due to lack of planning or wrong decisions, taken out of naivety! Tenacity definition is - the quality or state of being tenacious. When all doors seem to slam in our face, we may just need to keep exercising our imagination and opening self to fresh options until you come up with an original and unorthodox approach to solving your problem.

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