Demonised for defending cartoons of the Prophet: protests break out in Bangladesh. Singh’s thesis is based on the argument of Maulana Azad, India’s first Education Minister, who, in his book, “India Wins Freedom”, argued that the partition could have been avoided had Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel shown some flexibility over the Cabinet Mission plan. PAKISTAN has Never said that it ever invaded Kashmir in 1947/48 but said that only some unruly local ruffians were the ones who may have made a law and order issue. Jinnah accepted his membership despite M. R. Jayakar’s warning. “The selection of the Cabinet is left entirely to Mr. Jinnah. He got the Congress to pass the famous Quit India Resolution on 8 August 1942. None who differed and stood up to him was spared. Formula. Its resolution said, ‘It has become abundantly clear that the Muslims of India would not rest with anything less than the immediate establishment of an independent and full sovereign State of Pakistan’ and urged upon the Muslim masses to undertake ‘Direct Action to achieve Pakistan and get rid of the present slavery under the British and contemplated future caste Hindu domination.’, When Jinnah was pressed on whether the Direct Action would be violent, he ominously replied: ‘I am not going to discuss ethics. The majority and minority parties in Britain are alterable, their complexion and strength often change. But he did not believe in his programme and he could not support it. Jinnah, 24 September 1944 (full text) With your assistance, I am exploring the possibilities of reaching an agreement, so that the claim embodied in the Muslim League Resolution of Lahore may be reasonably satisfied. He had flexibility way to much by allowing 5 Muslim representatives in a cabinet of 12, when they deserved only 2. Formula relates to the machinery for giving effect to any agreement that may be arrived at. Formula is the Provisional Government. Jinnah effectively rejected the offer. “The second fault in the C.R. Lahore Metro Orange Line mass transit inaugurated, America Has Created a “China-Iran Collaboration” Monster, SPOOKY HOURS: US and Japan begin major joint military exercise in South China Sea, After OKing UAE F-35s, Israel Asks For F-22 Raptors—Here’s Why That’s Not Likely To Fly, BREAKING: Washington announces $2.4 billion-sale of 100 Harpoon coastal defense systems to Taiwan. We should tell the British to quit unconditionally’. Jinnah was leading the separatist movement as early as 1937, when Iqbal wrote to him: ‘Why should not the Muslims of North-West India and Bengal be considered as nations entitled to self-determination just as other nations in India and outside India are.’ This, according to Iqbal, was need for saving ‘Muslims from the domination of Non-Muslims’. The following proposals were discussed by Mr. Gandhi and the Muslim Delegation at 10 p.m. last night. There was uproar in Indian on Thursday, August 19, over former Indian foreign minister Jaswant Singh’s expulsion from the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, because his new book holds Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister and freedom struggle icon, responsible for India’s partition in 1947, while praising Jinnah on the issue. This is sheer propaganda. I felt so disappointed and so depressed that I decided to settle down in London. A Muslim League propaganda pamphlet, read out in mosque sermons, said: Muslims must remember that it was in Ramzam that the Quran was revealed. In truth, the plan was neither a judicial verdict nor an arbitral award. The breach occurred in 1938. Formula made communal settlement an article for sale. Nehru didn’t. The only way for the Nationalists is to unite and work for a programme which is universally acceptable for the early attainment of complete responsible government. To retrieve the position and win for the Congress the respect of the British Government as a premier party in the country which it had lost by reason of the failure of the campaign that followed up the Quit India Resolution, and the violence which accompanied it, he started negotiating with the Viceroy.
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