seven suns meaning

In the old energy the workplace polarization of the masculine and mental energy in the 3rd chakra, was the means of corporate survival to climb the ranks of status. In this way, there was always at least one sun in the sky so that it was never dark – and no one could ever sleep! He currently resides in Tushita, but will come to Jambudvipa as successor to the historic Śākyamuni Buddha. Even as a potter'sbaking, when first besmeared, doth reek and fume and smoke, such is the smoke ofearth and mountains when the sixth sun appears.

This heavenly prototype must be embodied, as above so below, and will come to be the spiritual embodiment process of the ascending human experience. When the Buddha arrives, being all-seeing, he turns the trap, a fire-pit, into a lotus pond.

Dear Ascending Family,The consciousness within our Solar System is undergoing its own level of solar initiation through the massive amount of solar flare plasma emissions. A folktale from China, retold by Rohini Chowdhury, How the Mouse King Chose a Bridegroom for his Daughter, The Story of Punyakoti the Cow and Arbhuta the Tiger.

At this time we have begun a Solar System Initiation, which impacts the interchain of spiritual evolution between multiple planetoid bodies and the related history of egoic bodies attached. ‘I must find a better way to trap them,’ said Erlang to himself, and, sitting down in the shade of a tree, he began to think.

Stay calm and matter of fact when addressing disease patterns and ask your body what it requires to rebalance. Once yeast is rooted in the digestive systems, parasites and worms take hold through the digestive organs and may pass through into the blood stream. Another reference to Yueguang is found in a 583 CE text translated by Narendrayasa, in which Yueguang is said to reincarnate during the final Dharma period as Da Xing, a ruler on the continent of Jambudvipa.

Through the Sarasota area the Guardian host has taken control of this wormhole and evicted the Leviathan races from its burrow, located within the phantom body of Tiamat. From this state of being, the main controlling center governing the body is the 2nd chakra, which over time becomes infested with energetic parasites that lead to addiction habits.

Your gift will make a difference! Beings will become so weary and disgusted with the constituent things that they will seek emancipation from them more quickly.

var addy_text29cb9d550231cab040e78b18991e8cdb = 'info' + '@' + 'energeticsynthesis' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak29cb9d550231cab040e78b18991e8cdb').innerHTML += ''+addy_text29cb9d550231cab040e78b18991e8cdb+'<\/a>'; Dear Family, The peak intensity of the shift happening now on the planet has called into action many new and different variations of Multidimensional beings from across the Multiverse.

Thus it seems that women in the clergy, for one reason or another, were seen as a factor which sped up the process of the decline of Dharma. One interesting aspect of Nichiren’s belief system was his explication of the Mongol invasions of Japan in 1274 and 1281. Horses and cows are dying on the roadsides, and so are men; and there is no one to bury them. Read it its rights and tell it where it can go, while taking in your own right to reclaim your true divine nature as a God-Sovereign-Free Krystic being! The awakening Holy Father is illuminating his return as the. Coronal mass ejections interact with Earth’s ionosphere, which change the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generate geomagnetic storms, auroras and increase the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. Natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, weather cataclysms, when they are not being technologically manipulated by human military or alien sources, are also causally related to the state of energetic balance. This heavenly prototype must be embodied, as above so below, and will come to be the spiritual embodiment process of the ascending human experience.

They were beyond our reach in previous timelines because of a ring–pass–not around our Solar System from the earth coordinate. This is where a divide appears in eschatological groups: while some believe that the True Dharma can be recovered through more assiduous practice and a return to correct transmission, understanding and application of True Dharma (Chappell 127), other groups believed that it was due to incorrect political practice from the state, and that a Saviour was required in order to overthrow the established order and set up a new era of peace and True Dharma.

var addy29cb9d550231cab040e78b18991e8cdb = 'info' + '@'; While the True Dharma period (wherein the Buddha’s teachings are taught accurately and salvation is possible) was originally said to last 1000 years, one of the first sources of anxiety within the clergy was the acceptance of women in the monastic order, which was said to have reduced the time of True Dharma to 500 years.

This shift is dismantling the masculine archetype of the False King of Tyranny architecture in the planetary logos, to be replaced with the Christos mind as directed by the Solar King. Undergoing ascension transfiguration we will experience a variety of symptoms, and the recent lightbody upgrades have been very intense.

The belief in the decline and disappearance of Buddhism in the world has exerted significant influence in the development of Buddhism since the time of the Buddha. It is time to kick the Tyrant to the curb whether it is internal or external tyranny and develop the nurturing qualities of self-love and self-acceptance in all parts of our being.

There is a tremendous amount of karmic imbalances to play out between several planetary logos.

Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. May we extend our circle of compassion and love to all of the earth and humanity, during this difficult process of death and rebirth. The little sun looked even more frightened. This is because of the energetic vampirism required to soothe the inner anxiety and the energy required to continually manifest the person’s reality bubble. In addition to the extreme pressure of this Solar Initiation we are being influenced by the current Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter T-square, which may produce spontaneous, erratic or destructive behavior in the spiritually unaware and emotionally reactive type of person.

Energetic imbalances with nature create energetic parasites, which manifest as disease, physical microorganisms, virus, pathogens and other mutations. But by then he was so tired that he lost count of how many suns he had caught, and he really couldn’t be bothered to count them just then. There are two major points of Buddhist eschatology: the appearance of Maitreya and the Sermon of the Seven Suns.

Erlang saw the sun peeping at him.

The ending of tyrannical control requires the spiritual responsibility to end all victim related patterns. As the masculine principle heals and reunites with its female counterpart, the solar, galactic, and karmic histories are being purged through the reappearance of the Cosmic Spiritual Sun. This is what is meant as the Spiritual Sun behind the Sun, as the spiritual sun reclaims the mind of those thought forms which have been tainted from the many destructive histories of which humanity is apart, but is just awakening to remember.It is this new solar initiation activity that is shifting the masculine principle and releasing the False King of Tyranny archetype through the many alterations occurring within the planetary brain.The Solar CrossThe Solar Cross is a fusion of four major astrological influences and related stellar energies pouring into our entire solar system, onto our planet and throughout humanity.

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