what if bulgaria joined yugoslavia

Bulgaria is a south slavic nation just like any other nation that was part of Yugoslavia. Finally, during and after the final stages of the war, Yugoslav authorities and Partisan troops carried out reprisals, including the deportation of the Danube Swabian population, forced marches and executions tens of thousands of captured soldiers and civilians (predominantly Croats associated with the NDH, but also Slovenes and others) fleeing their advance (the Bleiburg repatriations), atrocities against the Italian population in Istria (the Foibe massacres) and purges against Serbs, Hungarians and Germans associated with the fascist forces. The Yugoslav government estimated the number of casualties to be at 1,704,000 and submitted the figure to the International Reparations Commission in 1946 without any documentation. At this point the Partisans were able to win the moral, as well as limited material support of the Western Allies, who until then had supported General Draža Mihailović's Chetnik Forces, but were finally convinced of their collaboration by many intelligence-gathering missions dispatched to both sides during the course of the war. They left Mostar on 22 February 1945. In late September 1944 three Bulgarian armies, some 455,000 strong in total led by General Georgi Marinov Mandjev from the village of Goliamo Sharkovo – Elhovo, entered Yugoslavia with the strategic task of blocking the German forces withdrawing from Greece. Simultaneously, a multi-side civil war was waged between the Yugoslav communist Partisans, the Serbian royalist Chetniks, the Croatian fascist Ustashe and Home Guard, Serbian Volunteer Corps and State Guard, as well as Slovene Home Guard troops.[23]. Forty-three members of the majority backed a resolution in parliament in defense of Bulgarian Jews, a move supported by many from across the social strata. [48] Operation Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union, began on 22 June 1941. There are several reasons for such a difference. Serbian units included the remnants of the Serbian State Guard and the Serbian Volunteer Corps from the Serbian Military Administration. If the Serbs waste time trying to control Yugoslavia as a unitary monarchy, they would fail. The front’s influence grew as the military situation of Germany deteriorated. By 20 April, Drapšin liberated Lika and the Croatian Littoral, including the islands, and reached the old Yugoslav border with Italy. The areas that joined Serbia and became Yugoslavia were occupied by colonial powers when they were handed to Serbia - Bosnia was part of the Austrian Empire along with Croatia. This page was last edited on 27 October 2020, at 16:51. According to him, the reason was humanitarian: the prevention of German reprisals against Serbs. [119] According to German researcher Rüdiger Overmans, German losses in the Balkans were more than three times higher – 103,693 during the course of the war, and some 11,000 who died as Yugoslav prisoners of war.[120]. [111] After more than a decade of research, the final report was published in 2005, which included a list of names. Furthermore, the new estimates includes all the Slovenians from Nazi-occupied Slovenia who were drafted in the Wehrmacht and died either in battle or in prisoner camps during the war. The First Anti-Partisan Offensive was the attack conducted by the Axis in autumn of 1941 against the "Republic of Užice", a liberated territory the Partisans established in western Serbia. [7], Once World War II began, in 1940 General Milan Nedić proposed that Yugoslavia join the Axis Powers and attack Greece to seize Salonika. [45] Several regiments of Ustaše militia were also formed at this time, which operated under a separate command structure to, and independently from, the Croatian Home Guard, until late 1944. It also included an air force, the Air Force of the Independent State of Croatia (Zrakoplovstvo Nezavisne Države Hrvatske, or ZNDH), the backbone of which was provided by 500 former Royal Yugoslav Air Force officers and 1,600 NCOs with 125 aircraft. Consequently, both the ZNDH and Luftwaffe were forced to limit their operations in clear weather to early morning and late afternoon hours.[62]. During the early hours of 18 July, Mihailović, together with nine other Chetnik and Nedić's officers, was executed in Lisičiji Potok. The most numerous victims were Serbs killed by the Ustaše. It was the culmination and last of a series of battles between Yugoslav Partisans and a large (in excess of 30,000) mixed column of German Army (Heer) soldiers together with Croatian Ustaše, Croatian Home Guard, Slovenian Home Guard, and other anti-Partisan forces who were attempting to retreat to Austria. At the onset of winter, the Partisans effectively controlled the entire eastern half of Yugoslavia—Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro—as well as most of the Dalmatian coast. The Seventh Enemy Offensive was the final Axis attack in western Bosnia in the spring of 1944, which included Operation Rösselsprung (Knight's Leap), an unsuccessful attempt to eliminate Josip Broz Tito personally and annihilate the leadership of the Partisan movement. Engaged in collaboration with Axis forces from mid-1942 onward, lost official Allied support in 1943. Yes, the major factor would have been that Bulgaria was an independent country at that time. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. For the general offensive Marshal Josip Broz Tito commanded a Partisan force of about 800,000 men organised into four armies: the. In the same time, the country was destabilized by internal tensions, as Croatian leaders demanded a greater level of autonomy. The Portal for Public History [82] After entering Zagreb with the Yugoslav 2nd Army, both armies advanced in Slovenia. British intercepts (ULTRA) of German message traffic confirmed Chetnik timidity. Beograd. On 7 January 1943, the Bulgarian 1st Army also occupied south-west Serbia. Initially the Chetniks received recognition from the Western Allies, while the Partisans were supported by the Soviet Union. Learn more about Yugoslavia in this article. The Wehrmacht carried out mass executions of civilians in retaliation for resistance activity e.g., the Kragujevac massacre. According to his research, 69–71,000 Croats died as members of the NDH armed forces, 43–46,000 as members of the Yugoslav Partisans, and 60–64,000 as civilians, in direct terror and in camps. The same reason Poland didn't join Czechoslovakia, you know? [114], According to Žerjavić's research on the losses of the Serbs in the NDH, 82,000 died as members of the Yugoslav Partisans, and 23,000 as Chetniks and Axis collaborators. The Chetniks were, however, praised for saving 500 downed Allied pilots in 1944; United States President Harry S. Truman posthumously awarded Mihailović the Legion of Merit for his contribution to the Allied victory.[66]. On 12 September, King Peter broadcast a message from London, calling upon all Serbs, Croats and Slovenes to "join the National Liberation Army under the leadership of Marshal Tito". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The only effective opposition to the invasion was from units wholly from Serbia itself. [60] The newly recognized Yugoslav government, headed by Prime Minister Josip Broz Tito, was a joint body formed of AVNOJ members and the members of the former government-in-exile in London. [91][92] The list stayed a state secret until 1989 when it was published for the first time. On August 28, 1943, however, just after a stormy encounter with Adolf Hitler at Berchtesgaden, Germany, the tsar suffered a fatal heart attack. [2], Proponents of Yugoslav irredentism included both monarchists and republicans. Hitler invaded both Yugoslavia and Greece on April 6, 1941, with his Twelfth Army using Bulgaria as a springboard, and crushed both nations. T314, roll 566, frames 778 – 785, Zbornik dokumenata Vojnoistorijskog instituta: tom XII – Dokumenti jedinica, komandi i ustanova nemačkog Rajha – knjiga 3, p.619, sfn error: no target: CITEREFSavićCiglić2002 (. The most numerous local force, besides the four second-line German Wehrmacht infantry divisions assigned to occupation duties was the Croatian Home Guard (Hrvatsko domobranstvo), founded in April 1941, a few days after the founding of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) itself. [3] Days prior to Yugoslavia's creation in 1918, Yugoslavist politician Svetozar Pribićević declared that Yugoslavia's borders should extend "from the Soča up to Salonika". [118] In the 2000s, concealed mass grave commissions were established in both Slovenia and Serbia to document and excavate mass graves from the Second World War. Of the civilian casualties, 78,000 were killed by the Ustaše in direct terror and in camps, 45,000 by German forces, 15,000 by Italian forces, 34,000 in battles between the Ustaše, the Chetniks, and the Partisans, and 25,000 died of typhoid. Tito's key officers Vladimir Velebit, Koča Popović and Milovan Đilas brought three proposals, first about an exchange of prisoners, second about the implementation of international law on treatment of prisoners and third about political questions. [89] An estimate of 1.7 million war related deaths was later submitted to the Allied Reparations Committee in 1948, despite it being an estimate of total demographic loss that covered the expected population if war did not break out, the number of unborn children, and losses from emigration and disease. According to German casualty lists quoted by The Times for 30 July 1945, from documents found amongst the personal effects of General Hermann Reinecke, head of the Public Relations Department of the German High Command, total German casualties in the Balkans amounted to 24,000 killed and 12,000 missing, no figure being mentioned for wounded. Only the Croatian and other anti-Partisan forces remained. There were by then over 400,000 refugees in Zagreb. Set against the Yugoslav Partisans was German General Alexander Löhr of Army Group E (Heeresgruppe E). [79] Most of the people in the column were turned over to the Yugoslav government as part of what is sometimes referred to as Operation Keelhaul. The First and Fourth Bulgarian Armies invaded Vardar Macedonia, and the Second Army south-eastern Serbia. Their highest losses were in Bosnia and Herzegovina: 12,394. Jarrold, 1941. [32], Two of the principal constituent national groups, Slovenes and Croats, were not prepared to fight in defense of a Yugoslav state with a continued Serb monarchy. [6] The Zveno movement participated in the Bulgarian coup d'état of 1934, the coup supporters declared their intention to immediately form an alliance with France and to seek the unification of Bulgaria into an Integral Yugoslavia. Two independent motorized infantry battalions were based at Zagreb and Sarajevo respectively. Southern and eastern Serbia and Macedonia were liberated within two months and the 130,000-strong Bulgarian First Army continued to Hungary. [99] However, Foreign Minister Edvard Kardelj took this figure as the real loss in his negotiations with the Inter-Allied Reparations Agency. All divisional commanders refused to join the Germans. On 15 May, Tito had placed Partisan forces in Austria under Allied control. Dalmatia was less bellicose: 1,773. The intelligence gathered by liaisons to the resistance groups was crucial to the success of supply missions and was the primary influence on Allied strategy in the Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia included what are now six independent states: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. [4] Proposals in the interwar period to include Bulgaria within Yugoslavia, included claims by republicans that a republic was necessary for an Integral Yugoslavia with Bulgaria, while others claimed that a republic would not because Bulgaria at that time was a kingdom, and instead claimed that a limited constitutional monarchy would be an appropriate form of state that could include Bulgaria within it. They also recieved their independence much before the end of WW1. [121] An additional 10,090 Italians died post-armistice, either killed during Operation Achse or after joining Yugoslav partisans. [104] In the Province of Ljubljana, Italian authorities led by Mario Roatta terrorized the Slovene civilian population and deported them to concentration camps with the goal of Italianizing the area.

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