who won the vp debate 2020

Kamala Harris told quite a few lies during the debate. Less is more. All Rights Reserved. Was it a funny moment? SOURCES:Vice Presidential Debate 2020Pence, Harris face off in VP debate with diverging views of America – ABC NewsFly landed on Pence’s head during debate for more than two minutes – YouTubeVice presidential debate: Kamala Harris ducks Pence’s court-packing question | Fox News. Democrats and uninformed voters, mostly on the left, focused on the a fly that appeared on Mike Pence’s head later in the debate. Also, I have to give credit to Susan Page. It was the kind of debate I wish we could see on the presidential level, and it just makes me sad we won’t. Kamala Harris’s Conflict With Black Male Voters. Kamala dodged that question with random history lessons about Abraham Lincoln and a race card deflection about Trump not nominating enough black judges. Pence was able to make himself clear and the same for Kamala. I love my President Trump. As Sky News described it, the debate was “polite and well-mannered, but evasive and forgettable”, while the BBC went so far as to say the debate was “outshone by a fly”., FREE fact-based analyses, expert advice, fact-checks, challenging comments & thought-provoking opinions. We just watched a debate that actually discussed policy and political ideas. Charlamagne Da God Endorses Kamala Harris, Not Biden. He brought up the Trump administration’s First Step Act, which reduces prison time for long-term drug offenders, many of whom are in prison due to the Clinton Crime Bill. Harris then went on to list all of the core tenets in the Green New Deal as her response to climate change without actually calling it the “Green New Deal”. Netflix Indicted in Texas Over “Cuties” Movie! A total of 38% thought Vice President Mike Pence came out on top, while 3% thought the performances were equal. We thank You Father for healing and making them whole in the fullness of Jesus Christ in Christ Jesus name. Who won the VP debate? Through the impeachment, and the Russia collusion hoax, and the spying on the campaign before the election happened, the left refused to accept the results before the results even happened and thereafter. Who won the vice presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris. The rule of 3 at work. The last 2 debates would not made it by college, nor high school debate rules. Other sources say that Harris had three more minutes of time than Pence. If Trump refuses to accept defeat in November, the republic will survive intact, as it has 5 out of 6 times in the past. The vice presidential debate had less sizzle, but a lot more civility than last week's fiery presidential debate. Biden vs. Trump: Who will take the Electoral College. A friend tweeted that he had never been so happy to be so bored, which is, I think, the best summary of the night. Doctors held a White Coat Summit on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington DC to expose the reality of the... Mark Zuckerberg has confirmed that Facebook will ban the pages (and possibly, accounts) of people that promote anti-lockdown protests. Harris said that the shooting of Breonna Taylor was unjustified and then brought up George Floyd and the knee on his neck. After all, this is a Vice Presidential debate and one of the people on stage will be next in line to become President from 2021 to 2025. Amen. Race and police brutality get a mention here and it was pretty brutal, in favor of Mike Pence. Kamala Harris then introduced what she did throughout the debate, which was simply to repeat anti-Trump one-liners that mainstream media like CNN say on a regular basis. Either way, Page forcefully interrupted Pence to get him to wrap up his statements but she did not do that to Kamala Harris until nearly the end of the debate. Vice President Pence cornered Kamala Harris on the question of “packing the court.” Democrats have gone on television quite a bit over the past few days and weeks threatening to pack the court if Amy Coney Barrett is pushed through to the Supreme Court before the election. Seattle “Protesters” Get Hit By Car On The Interstate At High Speed! The debate was actually good, and even if both candidates spent most of their time filibustering the questions, they did so in a calm and collected way. Finally. Pence said that the news does not necessarily represent the lives of everyday people. Before the virus, America was breaking economic records left and right. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/won-vice-presidential-debate-73487906 The same old question of “accepting the results of the election” was asked by the moderator and Pence answered it perfectly. Riots Spark in Philadelphia After ARMED Black Man Shot By Police. America loves Trump. God bless President Donald J. Trump! Which wouldn’t be surprising because Harris all but called Biden a racist during a primary debate. His ability to stay on-message and drive points home is something that Trump fans should want to see more of in the coming weeks, preferably from Trump but, if not, from a more visible Pence. God bless Israel! (VIDEO). https://t.co/f4nLXQc8R2 #VPDebate pic.twitter.com/2B620FDCTx. The first (and last) Vice Presidential debate of 2020 between current VP Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris took place on Wednesday, October 7th, 2020. The problem is that there was no viral moment of debate carnage that really makes this debate stand out. Editorially independent •, polite and well-mannered, but evasive and forgettable. The dedebates that I saw a 3 year old could have done better. That 90 minutes went by fast, and I could’ve watched another hour. The Lincoln Project’s Steve Schmidt says the fly that landed on Mike Pence during the debate last night is a "sign historically of sin" and the "mark of the devil.” pic.twitter.com/744RuE53ae. It was held at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and moderated by Susan Page of USA Today. Amen. Harris brought up her own record as California’s Attorney General. Susan Page was a much better moderator than Chris Wallace but she still exhibited signs of bias. According to CNN, Pence and Harris had equal speaking time. The live, 90 … The Obama/Biden administration was one that cozied up to China. She walked a very tight line here, and I think did so very well. Either way, its good to hear directly from the Vice Presidential candidates to get their viewpoint on all things political. Kamala Harris’s response was one of doom and gloom. Holy Spirit please do what You do best in, through, and for the Trump family, friends and country in Christ Jesus name. She often went off the reservation when asked a direct question to repeat the same old tired phrases over and over. I think Kamala Harris overperformed expectations. Pence continued on to say that if not for Trump’s early action, the pandemic would have been much greater. Either she was lying or she has done a 180 since the primary when she ran against Joe Biden. Final 2020 Presidential Debate RECAP: Best For Last! Susan Page introduced the topic of “climate change” and the idea of “wetter” hurricanes which was worded very strangely to say the last. Like almost every other vice presidential debate in history, no one will really remember this tomorrow… unless they’re talking about the fly that was perched on Pence’s head for a solid two minutes. The moderator was also a fair distance away but did not have a partition for some reason? Not too much over-talking from either side and a moderator who obviously leans left but was fairer than the so-called “conservative” Chris Wallace.

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