why did the french revolution become more radical?

It was a social, national, cultural, and political revolution, where the leadership wanted to implement a social justice, and create a new order. The king was convicted by a single vote and sentenced to death. “No-one can reign innocently.”- Tackett, Timothy. Mathiez, Albert. 2004. France had been turned turn into a Salem State where people made false accusations based on no evidence. A variety of dances and songs on themes of the revolution became immensely popular. Its fast-falling blade extinguished life instantly. By mid July of that year popular opinion was decisively against the monarch, with only 1 in 6 provinces showing any sympathy towards the King. They used pamphleteers and sympathetic newspaper editors to advance the republican cause. These institutions implemented widespread terror against French citizens who were deemed anti-revolutionaries. Marat became a martyr killed by the royalist Corday. They promised spreading the revolution would unite all peoples from their aristocratic oppressors. Brissot encouraged an aggressive foreign policy meant on spreading French Revolutionary values abroad in Europe; Robespierre and the Mountain disagreed vehemently. The French Revolution, Napoleon, and the Republic Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. Victories against the enemies of France emboldened Robespierre, President of France, who further implemented terror as a national policy. But after the flight of the king the Girondists quickly lost their support. Because it was the French. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1927. In the late summer of 1792, one year after the flight to Varennes, France was declared a republic and Louis was officially arrested and stripped of all his titles. In the early part of the revolution the Girondins were popular with the sans-culottes. As the trial took place in Paris, the Girondins believed that the radical views of the commune influenced by the opinion of Paris rather than the opinion of the nation. But the guillotine quickly became a symbol of horror. The Flight to Varennes and the Creation of the First French Republic. Deputies then drew up a new constitution for France. In earlier times, people had felt loyalty to local authorities. Escalation of paranoia in wartime. At home, the government battled counterrevolutionaries under the guiding hand of Maximilien Robespierre (rohbz pyehr). Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In Paris and other cities, working-class men and women, called sans-culottes (sanz koo lahts), pushed the revolution into more radical action. By 1791, many sans-culottes demanded a republic, or government ruled by elected representatives instead of a monarch. Rebellions were occurring all over France, led by both royalists and priests. Also at the convention was the more moderate (but still radical) Girondins. If a leadership believed that massive extermination are necessary, and sponsored a state terror, it only exploded into period of violence and blood. In October 1791, the newly elected Legislative Assembly took office. Robespierre: A Revolutionary Life. French revolution was a call for a social justice. French revolutionaries were driven by ambition, hatred, zeal, and ideals. The King’s flight is the decisive point when the French revolution became radicalized. 1st ed. The Jacobins were staunchly against these foreign wars, as they believed it could be used as a launching-pad for military dictatorship. His death increased the political influence of the Jacobins. If the benefits were not felt, he called for more executions. Princeton: Princeton University Press;, 1941. ( Log Out /  Within the first half of 1793 the Committee of General Security, Revolutionary Tribunal, and Committee of Public safety were put in place. The painting The Death of Marat by Jacques Louis David is an example of his martyred image. In 1789, when the Estates-General was called by Louis XVI, only a small fraction of the delegates selected were members of the Jacobin club. ? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Tackett, Timothy. Why did the French Revolution become more radical? Who is the most powerful dictator in history? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Whaley, Leigh Ann. They were also against the execution of the King. : Harvard University Press, 2003. The country was at war with much of Europe, including Britain, the Netherlands, Span, and Prussia. However, by 1793 the most radical Jacobins had established a virtual republican dictatorship. “French Revolution.” French Revolution. He also attacked the church, which was something that was unacceptable during that time. This was the same what Robespierre said before his execution: "Generation, which witnessed the ancient regime will always regret it. ( Log Out /  He was no longer a father figure to French citizens; he had become a traitor to the French nation. They did not condemn the horrors of the 1792 September massacres, but had encouraged them. There was no repairing the damage done to his reputation. “No-one can reign innocently.”- Saint-Just. Every individual who was more than fifteen in 1789 must be put to death; this is only way to consolidate the revolution." After the King’s execution in 1793, the War of the First Coalition raged in the east, inflaming political tensions in Paris. Accessed December 9, 2015. http://alphahistory.com/frenchrevolution/girondins-and-montagnards/. Although the Jacobins were a minority in the Convention, their extreme views were disproportionately influential. Louis XVI was stripped of his regal nomen and became known as Louis Capet; whether or not he should be put on trial was yet to be determined. Get your answers by asking now. There was no repairing the damage done to his reputation. Whose claims to this territory do you believe were more legitimate - the Seljuk Turks, Fatimids, Byzantines, Jews, or Frankish crusaders. The Mountain formed the radical left and was made of Jacobins and Cordeliers; these were the more radical deputies. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Opposing the radicals were moderate reformers and political officials who wanted no more reforms at all. How did this political minority experience such a meteoric rise? ‘The Jacobinism And Patriotism Of Ernest Belfort Bax’. Many were victims of mistaken identity or were falsely accused by their neighbors. Jacobins like Saint-Just and Robespierre were lobbying for the execution of Louis XVI. Why did the French revolution become more radical? This is in stark contrast to the previous public opinion immediately after the king’s capture: citizens had been more inclined to believe that the King was ill-advised or kidnapped. These execution were widely un-popular and they led to Robespierre being accused of tyranny. The radicalization was incremental and was supported by faction that wanted blood. Now, the government rallied sons and daughters of the revolution to defend the nation itself. Marat believed that state should perform execution of perceiving enemies to achieve its goal. In September of 1793 the Law of Suspects was passed which allowed the creation of the Revolutionary Tribunal and the Judgement of former civil servants and former nobles. The Girondins took inspiration from American federalism and had among its ranks land-owners, business owners and sympathetic members of the petty nobility. It was more radical because it was more popular is how the French Revolution become more radical than the American revolution. The National Assembly assembled to act as the revolution’s government. ( Log Out /  Though cold and humorless, he was popular with the sans-culottes, who hated the old regime as much as he did. He was beheaded on a foggy morning in January 1793. “Polling the Opinions.” Social Science History, 2004, 53-75. http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=wXsZbkt0... Black Lives Matter! The Coming of the Terror in the French Revolution. The French people attended civic festivals that celebrated the nation and the revolution. Change ). In fact, you could go so far as to say the American Revolution wasn't a revolution in the usual sense, just a secession or a geography-based civil war. Palmer, The Twelve Who Ruled. When the King went to trial both the Girondins and the Montagnard took the stage to make their argument. How did Revolutionary France transform from a constitutional monarchy into a republican dictatorship? The downfall of the revolutionary republic cannot be explained by any one factor. The Girondins were a pro-war faction, who believed war against foreign enemies would unite the revolution. This left the Montagnard as the sole faction within the National Convention. The Jacobins moved quickly to implement violence while the Girondins were dragging their feet on these decisions. Their violent vision for radical politics have forever stained the legacy of the French Revolution. French Revolution was more radical, because it called for thorough overthrow of the previous order. Suffrage, the right to vote, was to be extended to all male citizens, not just to property owners. The sans-culottes were a class of Parisians within the 3rd estate. When enemies surrounded France, the leadership decided to export the revolution into foreigner countries. They seized lands of nobles and abolished titles of nobility. By passing this law, the revolutionary government was allowed to bring those who were suspected of treason. When the King Took Flight. Revolutionary courts conducted hasty trials. Were white people in general nice or mean to black slaves in the early 1900s? Will the coming 4 years of Trump will be even greater than his previous 4 years in office? Assignats (as ig nats), the revolutionary currency, dropped in value, causing prices to rise rapidly. The Convention itself was bitterly divided between Jacobins and a rival group, the Girondins. Plus the fact that the American Revolution was more against the politics imposed by an overseas regime, whereas for the French it was more anti-Royalist and anti-establishment. The King’s flight is the decisive point when the French revolution became radicalized. 2015. Because they were essentially two entirely different types of revolution. Robespierre was known as “The incorruptible” and anyone who was seen as corrupt or unpatriotic could be sent to the guillotine. Pressure from Paris and the National Guard forced the National Convention to expel the Girondins. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012. Danton, his Girondist compatriots and the many Cordeliers were sent to the guillotine for execution. They have no concept of moderation. Uncertainty about prices led to hoarding and caused additional food shortages. They invented the bidet too. There was a strong belief that a human reason will decided the right course of the revolution. Seventeen thousand were executed. In contrast, the French Revolution was a total upheaval of society that overthrew the system of government, the upper classes, and the grip of the Catholic church, and instituted a radically new society based on Enlightenment ideas. As many as 200 deputies were affiliated to the Girondins club. Revolution and war gave the French people a strong sense of national identity. View all posts by n1789. Many were executed as suspected loyalists or counter-revolutionaries. Like the Mountain the Girondins supported the abolition of slavery, but differed sharply in the thoughts on foreign wars. Kinna, Ruth. ( Log Out /  Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. He was no longer a father figure to French citizens; he had become a traitor to the French nation. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Many more were packed into hideous prisons, where deaths from disease were common. The execution of Louis XVI, war, political factionalism, and revolutionary fervor can all be attributed to the political gains of the Jacobin club. The Jacobins were successful because they fed off the passions of the people in the Paris Commune. Spectators greeted death sentences with cries of “Hail the Republic!” or “Death to the traitors!”. As monarchs centralized power, loyalty shifted to the king or queen. They were called sans-culottes, which means “without breeches,” because they wore long trousers instead of the fancy knee breeches that upper-class men wore. The Paris Commune, formed at the inception of the Revolution in 1789,was a government separate from the National Assembly, and remained separate from its successor, the Convention .The Commune was dominated by the Jacobin club.

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