zy3 satellite

Seven accuracy evaluation indices were used to compare the accuracies of these landslide mapping methods.
Main mission: land observation, including cartography. Copyright © 2019 SpaceWill Info.

The spacecraft is 3-axis stabilized. The imaging payload consists of a three-line camera array and a multispectral imager. (or is it just me...), Smithsonian Privacy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.03.033. It carries three high-resolution panchromatic cameras and an infrared multispectral scanner (IRMSS). After the ZY3 satellite successfully launched on 9 January, the Miyun, Kashgar and Sanya stations were successfully capturing tracks of data by that night. Since its launch on January 9, 2012, it has been in operation for one and a half years. Planar (morphological and corner features) and vertical (multi-angular) features were fused. A total group of 124 features and 24 landslides were used as inputs to determine the landslide boundaries and evaluate the landslide classification accuracy. Accurate delineation of global built-up area (BUA) is fundamental to a better understanding of human development and the impacts on global environmental change. It has served steadily on orbit for more than three years. (Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China), Time From Submission to Publication: 11 weeks, Abstract The ZY3 satellite is the most demandingin terms of data processing. CEODE Director-General GUO Huadong extended warm congratulations to the related staff and technicians. The ZY3 satellite is the most demandingin terms of data processing. A total of 56.6 GB of image data were successfully received in nearly ten minutes. The ZY3 satellite fills the gaps in China's civilian mapping satellites and serves as a milestone in enhancing China’s independent access to high-resolution geospatial information and resolving the strategic shortage of fundamental geographic information resources. Multi-angular built-up indices (MABIs) were proposed to represent the vertical characteristics of buildings.
We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The CBERS (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) or ZY 1 (Zi Yuan) satellites are designed for global coverage and include cameras to make optical observations and a data collecting system to gather data on the environment.They are unique systems due to the use of on-board sensors which combine features that are especially designed to resolve the broad range of space and time …

More information is available on our blog. © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Existing global datasets of human settlement were mostly generated at medium and coarse spatial resolutions, including BUA and other impervious surfaces. Use, Smithsonian Representatives from the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, China Academy of Space Technology, and the China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application witnessed this historic moment. , Satellite Surveying and Mapping Application Center officials view the data receiving system at Miyun Station, CEODE Successfully Receives Image Data from the First High-precision Three-dimensional Mapping Satellite of China, Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences. Substantial contribution to disaster monitoring. Ruiqing Niu ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Automatic extraction of built-up area from ZY3 multi-view satellite imagery: Analysis of 45 global cities. It has 2 viewing modes, 3D viewing mode and 2D viewing mode. ZY-3 takes 5 days to revisit the same site. We compared our results with two existing state-of-the-art global BUA products, Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) and Global Urban Footprint (GUF), which further corroborated the effectiveness of our method. Mass at launch: 2636 kg Dry mass: Power: Data access link: no link provided Data access information: Data distributed by NASG. Landslide mapping (LM) has recently become an important research topic in remote sensing and geohazards. Ziyuan 1-02C was the third satellite in the CBERS-2 series, but was developed as a Chinese only project with no Brazilian participation. In this study, a novel method was proposed for automated extraction of BUA at the global scale, by fusing a series of building features. Average overall accuracy and F1-score of all the test areas were higher than 90% and 0.85, respectively. The ZY3 stereo mapping satellite constellation is composed of two satellites, i.e., ZY3-01 and ZY3-02, which were launched on 9th January 2012, and 30 May 2016, respectively (Tang et al., 2013, Tang et al., 2015). Our API is also changing. Planar (morphological and corner features) and vertical (multi-angular) features were fused.

The framework was based on random forests (RF) and mathematical morphology (MM). Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Existing global datasets of human settlement were mostly generated at medium and coarse spatial resolutions, including BUA and other impervious surfaces. ZY-3 stereo pairs are applied to produce 1:50,000-scale maps, and 2D imagery applies to update 1:25,000-scale maps. Specifically, two planar features, the Morphological Building Index (MBI) and Harris corner detector, were employed to characterize the structure and corner attributes of buildings.

Notice, Smithsonian Terms of End to 22 Mar 2015 the satellite had produced more than 822730 images, include 212386 Multi-Spectral images, the multi-spectral data is more than 133TB. A novel method for automatic built-up area extraction with ZiYuan-3 multi-view images. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Launched on 6 September 2008, HJ-1A&B is equipped with 2 CCD cameras. Geometric Accuracy Validation for ZY-3 Satellite Imagery Abstract: The ZiYuan-3 surveying satellite (ZY-3) is a high-precision civilian satellite imaging sensor. In this study, a novel method was proposed for automated extraction of BUA at the global scale, by fusing a series of building features. Satellite Launch site Carrier Monitoring And control Ground Application The first civilian high-resolution optical stereo mapping satellite objectives: mainly used for 1:50,000 terrain mapping and 1:25,000 map update others: remote sensing and environmental applications Satellite-ZY3 System Satellite-ZY3 With multiple high-resolution satellite constellations now available (e.g., ZiYuan-3 (ZY3), SPOT-5/6/7, Cartosat-1/2, and WorldView-2/3), identifying the global BUA explicitly from the complex landscapes becomes possible. Launched in January 2012, ZY-3 is a optically transmissible satellite for civil u... HJ-1A&1B. Remote Sensing. These cameras are able to take photos of the Earth from different perspectives at the same time, allowing precise determination of the exact locations of different places of interest on the photos, resulting in better production of large scale maps. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. The successful data reception from the ZY3 satellite provided a guarantee for applications in follow-up surveying and mapping of high-resolution satellite data in China. Orbit: Sunsynchronous orbit: Altitude: 506 km ECT The Multi-Spectral Camera mounted on the satellite can acquire 4 multi-spectral bands.

SuperView-1. In particular, addition of the MABIs can further reduce the omission errors where medium/high rise buildings with low local contrast exist. The results show that the fusion of MBI and Harris corner can achieve satisfactory accuracy, i.e., 91.12%, 88.85%, 82.82% and 0.85, for the average overall accuracy (OA), user's accuracy (UA), producer's accuracy (PA), and F1-score, respectively, for all the test cities.

The ZY-3 (Ziyuan-3, 'Resource-3') series represents China's first high resolution, stereoscopic mapping satellites for civilian use.. Agreement NNX16AC86A, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XIX, Is ADS down?

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