12 imam names sunni

All of the Imams met unnatural deaths, with the exception of the last Imam who, according to Twelver and Alevi belief, is living in occultation. This is our refutation of infamous Shiawebsite “Shiapen.com” which was formerly known as Answering-Ansar.org. The names of the Twelve Imams of Ahl al-Bayt at Masjid An-Nabawi sallallahu alaihi wa ala aalihi wa sallam. Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqar A.S 6. [quote]Sunni Soldier Of Islam (17 .11.2009) [quote] [b]objectiv e enquirer (17 .11.2009) [ Salam bahi, There is no doubts on the 12 Imams, but what about the other Imams such as Zaid, Y ahy a, Zakiriy a etc. In law and theology, the caliph who is successor to Muhammad as the lawful temporal leader of the Islamic community. According to Twelvers, there is at all times an Imam of the era who is the divinely appointed authority on all matters of faith and law in the Muslim community. the Twelve Imams, the Sunni viewpoint, merits of the Prophet’s Household, Jabir’s hadith, hadith of the Two Heavy Things (Thaqalayn). Our answer is: Whoever said that there are 1000 hadeeths that mention the Imam’s names is wrong. The sunnis on the contrary believ e in the Spiritual imamte of the 12 imams. (Haqqul Yaqeen, Vol. mam n. Islam 1. a. (5) It is interesting to note another commentary upon this Tradition, “Perhaps by twelve caliphs and Amirs it is the first four, who existed at the beginning of Islam and the other eight have not appeared yet but will come in the future!”. And beyond these, the number twelve only can apply to the Shi’ites. He said, “They are twelve people like the Israeli tribes who were twelve people.”(3). 2: Hazrat Imam Hassan. Whereas we know that the number of the first caliphs were twelve, but they did not end with the Umayyids or the Abbasids and the number twelve does not conform to anything. 2: Hazrat Imam Hassan. His father was Abu Talib bin Abdul-Muttalib bin Hashim. His Kunniyah is Abul Hassan and Hussein, and Abu Turab. Some of the Imams also have a leading role within some Sufi orders and are seen as the spiritual heads of Islam,[citation needed] because most of the Silsila (spiritual chain) of Sufi orders leads back to the Prophet through one of the Twelve Imams. And his mother name was Fatimah bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Munaf. After Muhammad, his child, ‘Ali and after ‘Ali, Hasan and after Hasan, his child Muhammad al-Mahdi. However the history proves it otherwise. These are the twelve Imams.” (6), In that same book another Tradition is quoted from Kitab Manaqib with their titles and it indicates that Imam Mahdi is in occultation and then he will arise and replace the oppression and tyranny which exists upon the earth with justice.” (7) Of course, there are many Traditions relating to this in Sunni sources. … Of course, proof of the imamate of each Imam and the Traditions of each Imam who would follow, all exists. These can be found in many of the famous Traditions of the Sunnis, like Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Tarmadi, Muslim Sahih Abu Dawoud and Musnad Ahmad. He had the title of Al-Wasi and Amir al-Muminin. Where can I find a list of Muslim boy names that are of Sunni origin? Key Words. Is kitab main following 12 Imamon (A.S) ki Ahwal e Zindagi byan ke gye hai: 1. (Behar-ul-Anwaar, Vol. Upraising of a man from the household of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) named Mahdi is an issue which several scholars from Sunni sect has written about it. The article examines narrations by some of the earlier Imams in which they list out all the late Imams. Thus, the Tradition only can relate to the twelve Imams of the Ahlul Bayt and the family of the Prophet. In the book Muntakhib al-A thar, there are 271 Traditions in this area which have been recorded and a large part of them are from Sunni scholars. The last section consists of an exposition of the merits of the Prophet’s Household as reflected in the Sunni sources. In this way, it denies the relation and unity of the caliphs mentioned in the Tradition of the Prophet which is so clear. Kaysaniyyah: They were the Shia of Ali who… (A) The Origin of the Word. Each Imam was the son of the previous Imam, with the exception of Husayn ibn Ali, who was the brother of Hasan ibn Ali. Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-amanah, bab al-mal tih ‘1-quraysh, Copyright 1999-2017 All rights are reserved to Aalulbayt Global Information Center, Existence of Imam Mahdi in Hadith “My caliphs are twelve persons” (4), Existence of Imam Mahdi in Hadith “My caliphs are twelve persons” (3), Existence of Imam Mahdi in Hadith “My caliphs are twelve persons” (2), Existence of Imam Mahdi in Hadith “My caliphs are twelve persons” (1), The Twelve Imams in Sunni Authentic Works, The Methods of Child-Upbringing And Lady Fatima Zahra (PBUH)(2). 4, p. 298, and Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani says in al-Durar al-Kaminah, vol. Hazrat Imam Hassan A.S 3. 2- Al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) (3-50 AH) 3- Al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) (4-61 AH) 2) What was her name? Main article: Infallibility. dan pemimpin terakhir mereka adalah Imam Mahdi Al-Muntazhar (Imam Mahdi yang … There are repeated Traditions in the Sunni and Shi’ite books in our hands today which speak about caliphate of the twelve imams and caliphs after the Holy Prophet. A. The twelve Imams, and their respective lifespans, are comprised by The Correct Position on the Twelve Imams By Sayyid Ahmed Amiruddin. In this article, ShiaPen are… For most of his life, the Abbasid Caliph, According to Twelver Shia doctrine, he is the current Imam and the promised, According to Twelver Shia doctrine, he has been living in the, This page was last edited on 7 April 2021, at 12:44. The twelfth and final Imam is Muhammad al-Mahdi, who is believed by the Twelvers to be currently alive, and hidden in the Major Occultation until he returns to bring justice to the world. Q. ʿALĪ B. ABĪ ṬĀLEB, ZAYN-AL-ʿĀBEDĪN", "THE CONCEPT OF MAHDI IN TWELVER SHIʿISM", A Brief History Of The Lives Of The Twelve Imams, A Short History of the Lives of The Twelve Imams, Hazreti Ali & the Twelve Imams – The Bektashi Order of Dervishes, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Twelve_Imams&oldid=1016485983, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad. Imamat, or belief in the divine guide, is a fundamental belief in the Twelver Shia doctrine and is based on the concept that God would not leave humanity without access to divine guidance.[6]. Is the Imam referred to in this Tradition that same person who rules the people? Chart showing the genealogical relationships of the Twelve Shia Imams to dynasties, Shia sects and other lines of descent. Shaykh Sulayman Qanduzi, a famous Sunni scholar, in the book, Yanabi’ al-Muwarjdah says, “A Jewish man named Na’thal, went to the Prophet and among the questions he asked who would succeed him. 12; imams; ahlulbay But what we wish to say is that what is the necessity for commentary upon a Tradition which is so clear and conforms to the twelve Shi’ite imams and instead cause oneself to fall into these pits and crevices? Imam Mahdi will kill all the Sunni Scholars. (1) there will be TWELVE (2) there will be TWELVE AMIRS (3) there will be TWELVE AMIRS....all FROM QURAYSH. It refers to those whose knowledge is higher than that of any others, whose piety is unquestioned and from all points of view, are more knowledgeable and who gained their knowledge from the Prophet of Islam. 4: Hazrat Imam Zain Ul Aabideen. (Note this with care). Now let's examine this hadith on how it doesn't apply on the so-called "Imams" of the Shia: Component number (2): Shia's "imams" most of them were never 'amirs' giving commands and ruling!! Answer. A 12er Shia would keep you thinking that their 12 Imams are the only Shia Imams the only descendents of Ali Ibn Abi Talib. Thaqalayn. Ali al-Ridha, peace be upon him: His divinely selected mother, then, was most likely Nubian. During a visit to Medinah I interestingly saw the names of the twelve Shi'a Imams (i.e. He sent them instructions, and received in turn financial contributions of the faithful from the. The third proof of the imamate of Imams (a) is their infallibility. Father Abu Talib bin Abd al-Muttalib . Ghengis’, Haruns and dependent leaders? ... Mera beta hua h date 10 Chand ki 12 jasne Eid miladun nabi ke din To koi pyara sa name btao plz. Muhammad and Imams' words and deeds are a guide and model for the community to follow; as a result, they must be free from error and sin (known as ismah, or infallibility) and must be chosen by divine decree through the Prophet. Hazrat Imam Hussain A.S 4. The Prophet (s.a.w.w) said that he would be succeeded by twelve Khalifas. Add to cart Description Made of 100% Wood; Each piece has a name of one of the Imam's … Answer … In addition, among the Umayyid there are people like Yazid and among the Abbasids, people like Mansur Dawaniq, Harun al-Rashid, the oppression, arrogance and crimes of whom no one can deny and it is not possible that they be considered to be the caliphs of the Prophet and among the honor of Islam. Salam alaikum. Their oppression and suffering served greater purposes and were a means of divine grace to their devotees. 6: Hazrat Imam Jaffar Sadiq. [6] It is believed by Twelver Shia and Alevi Muslims that the Twelve Imams have been foretold in the Hadith of the 12 accomplishers. [1], According to the theology of Twelvers, the Twelve Imams are exemplary human individuals who not only rule over the community with justice, but also are able to keep and interpret sharia and the esoteric meaning of the Quran. These are authentic according to Shia standards and not Sunni ones. Sunni and Shi'a Mosaic tiled columns ... Shi'a imams according to the Twelve are shown in blue Muhammad al-Muntazar al-Mahdi was the Twelfth Imam… Hazrat Imam Ali Raza A.S 9. In some books of the Traditions, the power of Islam is referred to as being a pawn in the twelve caliphs and in others, the survival and life of religion are in the hands of a group of them until the Day of Resurrection and all are from the Quraysh. The Names of the Twelve Imams of Ahlulbayt (A.S.) were mentioned by the Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H. 1. In most cases, the Imam mentions his son as the next appointed Imam. [4][5] The Imams are also guided by preserved texts in their possession, such as al-Jafr, al-Jamia, and unaltered past books the Torah and Injeel. Ali was the first of the Twelve Imams, and, in the Twelvers view, the rightful successor to Muhammad, followed by male descendants of Muhammad through his daughter Fatimah. The following is a response to ShiaPen’s article entitled: The Names of Imam Ali (as)’s Sons. The Prophet said, specifying them, “After me, ‘Ali ibn Abi Tahib and then my two Sons, Hasan and Husayn and after Husayn, nine Imams will follow from his children.”, The Jewish man said, ‘Name them.’ The Prophet said, ‘When Husayn leaves this world, his son, ‘Ali, and after him, his child Muhammad and after Muhammad his son Ja’far and after Ja’far, his son Musa and after Musa, his son ‘Ali and after ‘Ali, Muhammad. These Traditions clearly show that a pure Imam lives in every age who must be recognized and whosoever does not do so, it is as if he had lived in an age of kufr and ignorance. and His Holy Progeny) in many authentic Hadeeths narrated in Shia Books and Sunni Books as well. There are repeated Traditions in the Sunni and Shi’ite books in our hands today which speak about caliphate of the twelve imams and caliphs after the Holy Prophet. When Imam Mahdi comes, he will be naked in daylight. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name. It is better that we now turn to a famous scholar, Sulayman ibn Abraham Qaduzi Hanafi in Yanabi‘a al-Muwa-dat. 12 Imams names are as follows: 1. 12 Imam's Name: 1: Hazrat Ali Al Murtaza. To be clear, there are different types of narrations in which the names of the Imams are mentioned. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, p. 527) 22. 20. In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. Yeh kitab Mufti Ghulam Rasool Jamati Naqshbandi R.A nay tehreer ke hai. 7 Answers. His wife … Despite all the efforts of the enemies of Ahlulbayt (A.S.) to delete and hide and destroy any written Hadeeth in favor of Ameerul Mo'mineen (AS.) Bukhari, part 9, Kitab al-Maqadam, p. 100, 2. Read More. Sunni Answers to Shiapen: The Names of Imam Ali (as)’s Son. 9: Hazrat Imam Mohammad Taqqi. 5: Hazrat Imam Mohammad Baqar. “Some of the scholars have said that, ‘The Tradition which mentions the rule of the caliphs after the Prophet are twelve people is famous and it has been recorded in many places. According to Twelver Shia belief he was the only person to have been born in the, Sunni and Shia sources both describe him as one of the early and most eminent, He was poisoned by Ibrahim ibn Walid ibn 'Abdallah in, Leader of the Shia community during the schism of, Famous for his generosity and piety in the face of persecution by the, Poisoned by his wife, Al-Ma'mun's daughter, in, Strengthened the network of deputies in the Shia community. The Twelve Imams (Arabic: ٱلَأَئِمَّة ٱلْٱثْنَا عَشَر‎, al-ʾAʾimmah al-ʾIthnā ʿAšar; Persian: دوازده امام‎, Davâzdah Emâm) are the spiritual and political successors to the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the Twelver branch of Shia Islam, including that of the Alawite and Alevi. Doubtlessly, the answer is negative because many the leaders are corrupt and oppressors sometimes act according to the East or the West and depend on the orders of foreign governments and they will clearly be sent to hell. The names of the Imams according to the sunni sources: 1- ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) who was martyred in 40 AH. Hazrat Imam Moosa Kazim A.S 8. I asked my father and he said, ‘The Prophet said, “They are all from the Quraysh.”(2), In Musnad Ahmad it has been recorded from Abdallah ibn Mas’ud, a famous companion, that he asked the Prophet about his vicegerents. ______________________________________________________________________, 1. 8: Hazrat Imam Ali Ibne Moosa Raza. Is it correct for Sunni Muslims to believe in the Twelve Imams? Mereka yang mengikuti ajaran yang disebut sebagai Syiah Imamiyah ini mempercayai bahwa mereka mempunyai 12 orang pemimpin, yang pemimpin pertamanya adalah Imam Ali ra. No matter how much we simplify the criteria, they clearly do not include them. As an example, the Sahih Bukhari, the most famous book of the Sunnis says, “Jabir ibn Samarah says, ‘I heard the Prophet say, “There will be twelve leaders after me.” Then he said, ‘I heard that my father said he heard Prophet say, “They will be from the Quraysh..”(1), In Sahih Muslim, this same Tradition has been recorded in this way that Jabir says, “I heard the Prophet Say ‘Islam will always be dear until twelve caliphs and successors.” Then he said something which I did not understand. 3: Hazrat Imam Hussain. In light of the Hadith of (the Archangel) Jibrīl, also known as the Hadith of Ihsan, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wa sallam) defined his religion as Islam, Iman and Ihsan. These can be found in many of the famous Traditions of the Sunnis, like Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Tarmadi, Muslim Sahih … 10, p. 597) 11: Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari. Hazrat Imam Hussain A.S 4. Thus it becomes clear that in every age and period there is an infallible Imam who must be found and recognized. A dialogue between the faiths from around the globe. Hazrat Imam Zain ul Abideen A.S 5. Dua belas Imam (Bahasa Arab: اثنا عشرية - Ithnāˤashariyya) adalah cabang dari ajaran Syiah yang memiliki pengikut terbanyak. We need another Sunni scholar to finally clarify who these Twelve Successors, Caliphs, Amirs and Imams really are: The famous scholar al-Dhahabi says in Tadhkirat al-Huffaz, vol. Imam Mahdi will bring new Sharia (divine law) and commandments. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. The first disciple to take a pledge of allegiance to him will be prophet Mohammad. Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi (Arabic: مُحَمَّد بِن ٱلْحَسَن ٱلْمَهْدِي ‎, Muḥammad bin al-Ḥasan al-Mahdī) is believed by the Twelver Shia to be the Mahdi, an eschatological redeemer of Islam and the final Imam of the Twelve Imams who will emerge with Isa in order to fulfil their mission of … Look at what Sayed AlKhoei said and you will know why the will of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w is a powerful evidence to prove the creed of the 12 Imams and their names. [2][3], It is believed in Twelver Shia Islam that Muhammad and his Ahl al-Bayt are infallible possess Hikmah. Hazrat Imam Hassan A.S 3. The 12 Imams/Caliphs names' mentioned in a Sunni, Hanafi, book and more. Is it possible for us, to see single authentic shia hadith, where would be clear two points: 1) Who was mother of 12-th imam? Comparative religion and the role of Islam in various societies. That which confirms this view is the Tradition of Thaqalayn and many other Traditions which have come from the Prophet. Does it refer to the first four caliphs and then the Umayyid and Abbasid caliphs? 10: Hazrat Imam Ali Naqqi. and Ahlulbayt (A.S.). Historians have mentioned the following names of his mother: Maryam, Susan, Raihana, Narjis, Saqeel, Khamt, Muleyka. The Twelve Imams; Ali; Hasan; Husayn; al-Sajjad; al-Baqir; al-Sadiq; al-Kadhim; ar-Ridha; al … Body. IMAM MAHDI (AS) IN SUNNI BOOKS . In some, all of them are mentioned as being of the Bani Hashim. Hazrat Imam Jaffer Sadiq A.S 7. After proving imamate and the caliphate of Imam ‘Ali, peace be upon him, we will mention the Traditions in relation to the other Imams. That which we can surmise is that, after the passing of time, what the Prophet of God was referring to was twelve successors from the Ahlul Bayt and his family because it is not possible that this Tradition refer to the first caliphs because they are only four people and it does not conform to the Umayyids because they were more than twelve people and all of them, other than Amr ibn Abdal Aziz were oppressors and also, they were not from the Bani Hashim and the Holy Prophet said, “All twelve are from the Bani Hashim.”, When Abdal Malik ibn Umar records from Jabir ibn Sahrah and how the Prophet quietly said who they were from, he bore witness to what he said because some people were not happy about the caliphate of the Bani Hashim and the Tradition does not conform to the Bani Abbas, either, because they were more than twelve people and beyond this, they did not conform to the verse: “No reward do I ask of you except the love of those near of kin... “(4). However it be, this Tradition does not conform to any sect except the Shi’ite because its explanation is very clear according to Shi’ism where the ulama of the Sunnis are at an impasse trying to explain it. Hazrat Imam Ali A.S 2. Whoever dies and does not know his Imam of Time.”, It is interesting to note that in the Sunni books, it is recorded from the Prophet, “A person who dies not knowing the Imam of his Time is as a man who lived in the Age of Ignorance.” (8) This same Tradition in Shi’ite sources says, “A person who dies and does not recognize the Imam of his, dies in a time of ignorance.” (9). It should be noted that in some of the Traditions which have reached us from the Sunnis, the names of the twelve Imams have clearly appeared and their names specified! ٱلْإِمَام عَلِيّ ٱبْن أَبِي طَالِب عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام ٱلْحَسَن ٱبْن عَلِيّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام ٱلْحُسَيْن ٱبْن عَلِيّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام عَلِيّ ٱبْن ٱلْحُسَيْن ٱلسَّجَّاد عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام مُحَمَّد ٱبْن عَلِيّ ٱلْبَاقِر عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام جَعْفَر ٱبْن مُحَمَّد ٱلصَّادِق عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام مُوسَىٰ ٱبْن جَعْفَر ٱلْكَاظِم عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام عَلِيّ ٱبْن مُوسَىٰ ٱلرِّضَا عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام مُحَمَّد ٱبْن عَلِيّ ٱلْجَوَّاد عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام عَلِيّ ٱبْن مُحَمَّد ٱلْهَادِي عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام ٱلْحَسَن ٱبْن عَلِيّ ٱلْعَسْكَرِيّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, ٱلْإِمَام حُجَّة ٱللَّٰه ٱبْن ٱلْحَسَن ٱلْمَهْدِيّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام, The Imam's Arabic titles are used by the majority of Twelver Shia who use, "ʿALĪ B. ḤOSAYN B. Islam and other religions. 7: Hazrat Imam Moosa Kazim. Infallibility. I hope that one month would be enough for shias to answer. ! The first of the m will be my brother Ali(as), then my son Hassan (a.s), then my son Hussain (a.s), then Ai ibn Hussain (a.s) (Imam Zayn al Abideen), then Muhammad ibn Ali (a.s) (Imam Muhammad al Baqir), O Jabir, send my greetings unto them, then after Ja’far ibn Muhammad (a.s)(Imam Ja’far as Sadiq), he will by succeded by Musa ibn Ja’far (a.s) (Imam Musa al Kadhim), then Ali ibn Musa (a.s) (Imam Ali ar Ridha), then Muhammad ibn Ali (a.s) (Imam … 2, p. 337) 21. Shia Muslims believe in the concept of Imamah, while rejecting the Sunni view of Caliphate and the four khalifs namely: Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali (in chronological order). -Here is a short summary on the names, date of birth and deaths of the twelve Imams (a.s): The First Imam: Ali. Is ‘All will be from my household,’ the origin of ‘All will be from Quraysh?’ … S Sons the world 's information, including webpages, images, videos and more comes, he be! ) and commandments Umayyid and Abbasid caliphs Imams by Sayyid Ahmed Amiruddin is. Names ' mentioned in a Sunni, Hanafi, book and more authentic narrated! Mentions his son as the next appointed Imam twelve 12 imam names sunni like the Israeli who. Title of Al-Wasi and Amir al-Muminin Shiapen.com ” which was formerly known as Answering-Ansar.org of in... Narrations by some of the imamate of each Imam who must be and... An infallible Imam who must be found and recognized twelve only can apply to the disciple! People like the Israeli tribes who were twelve people. ” ( 3.. The imamate of Imams ( a ) is their infallibility local Imam or knowledgeable. Financial contributions of the Prophet ( s.a.w.w ) said that there are 1000 Hadeeths that mention the Imam referred in... 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