how to become an alpha male

After approaching a woman in the direct manner mentioned above, a great way to show alpha male leadership is simply to lead the woman through the interaction. Other important personality traits of alpha males are determination, decisiveness, purposefulness, persistence, and being naturally charismatic. For example—if you have a very deep seeded insecurity, ask yourself: where did this belief come from? And here you are, Mr. 3. Have you ever seen those men who always try to start fights? Trust me, I've been there. He’s the fat woman trying to hide her chub by putting on a loose fitting dress. In addition to developing the alpha male mindset, there’s a few distinct traits that every alpha male has. How to Become an Alpha Male: The 7 Principles. Alphas are best in any area, they are good with people, they can impress women, they can earn money. Not in an insecure way, where they feel the need to dominate everyone, but just by their very nature they’re dominant. Whenever you do something, out of social pressure, nervousness, or fear of retaliation, it’s generally from a beta male mindset. They don’t spend hours flip-flopping here and there, over dumb shit. Then ask yourself: “Is the person who taught me this belief worth modeling my life after?”. Alpha males act, because they want to. source: puahate Edit 05/01/2012 : found this great article on the Wall Street Journal: The Trust Molecule Their hair, their clothing. Share. If you could master this single trait, most of the other requirements of the alpha will automatically fall into place. They won’t change you immediately, but they will change you over time. You men have a bunch of articles and bullshit misleading you, telling you that you can “Become an Alpha Male by Following These 4 Behaviors!”—and it pisses me off, because I was in the same boat as you a while back. Like I said before—if you just change your mindset, then everything will fall into place. If he really likes a woman and wants to treat her to dinner, he’ll treat her to dinner. Patrick learns to live life fearlessly, and gets rid of negative influences in his life. Let’s say you want to approach a beautiful girl, but you start thinking about all those things that could go wrong. Learning how to become an alpha male with the women in your life means that you provide direction for women and become the man they want to be with. Being the alpha male means respect. They are leaders, and dominate with confidence around girls. The alpha male is also social, and has a dynamic personality that allows him to connect with many different types of people. The journey to becoming an alpha male will certainly take some time, but again, it's important to understand that alpha males aren't BORN... they're made. Now, contrast some of those beta male beliefs, with alpha male beliefs. … The alpha is direct and honest. !”—and he ends up seeming wildly incongruent and fake. Patrick starts cultivating a very deep love of himself; he starts putting his own interests first. If he tries to change his behavior even more, he may actually get really good at it. They’re needy, because they’re always trying to get something from other people—whether it be validation or acceptance. If you want to build real confidence and real self respect, it’s not going to happen overnight—you will have to stay strong, persevere, and fight for it. Do you see the difference? Now that you understand the differences between beta and alpha males, it’s time to become an alpha! You are given a system that is specifically designed to improve your experience and skyrocket your chances of success with women. There’s actually specific exercises you can do to weaken a belief, but I’ll save that for another article. But this time around, she says she’s “sore,” and needs a massage. Is it too, “Uhh what should I wear? Another key characteristics of alpha males, is that they’re very decisive. Say that Jerry is a 24 year old guy who is a total beta male. Required fields are marked *. This is actually a very deep topic, and I’m going to write an article about this in depth in the future. Say that instead of reading “Top 10 Alpha Male Behaviors,” Jerry stumbles upon my blog. There’s a good chance that you simply have lost touch with your manhood. Here’s a quick recap on the 5 common traits of beta males: Here’s a quick recap of the 4 common traits of all alpha males: And here’s a quick recap of the 4 steps to becoming an alpha male: Why Meditation & Mindfulness Make You Awesome. You must be willing to follow your fear, and do that which scares you must. In actually they do not workout to be fit and healthy, they just go there because if they will go for gym public will loved them. And it all gets down to … This is the difference: the alpha male acts because he wants to, the beta male acts because he is needy and has an agenda. Foolish Jerry. Now—say that he reads a bunch of articles about “alpha male behavior” and decides to implement it into his life. The main focus should be on bettering yourself through lifestyle and dietary changes. They spend all of this time fretting over questions like: But what they don’t realize is that you can change every single one of your behaviors…and it still won’t change whether you’re a beta male or not. 3)Don’t be concerned about other people’s opinions . It’s my best-selling eBook by far, that teaches you EXACTLY how to fix your problems with women, mindset, and life. As you’re reading this, ask yourself: which beliefs do I have? Plenty of men, after being exposed to the manosphere, ask themselves this question…but it isn’t entirely accurate. The fifth sign of the beta male is that he is secretive, and doesn’t make his desires known to others. The third side of the alpha is masculinity. Generally speaking, there’s a few ways to change your beliefs—and you’ve actually already done the hard part. How To Become An Alpha Male? They’re leaders, by nature—they’re at the top of the totem pole. Sure, there’s other things you can do with your life, like learning an instrument, a language, or starting a business. Girls have an incredible ability to read body language and facial features. This learning curve separates the men from the boys. Dan's mission is simply, to inspire others to live their dreams and be the person to whom they say; "Because of you, I never gave up. Bulking on a Budget: The $100/Month Clean Bulk Meal Plan! Seriously – how fucking pathetic do you have to be to teach a child that they’re worthless, or stupid, or not good enough? Once you start to develop the alpha male mindset, most of these characteristics will come naturally. Tweet. He’ll spin his wheels trying to “act more alpha,” and all the while he’s just delaying the inevitable rejection. A lot of men have lost touch with their masculinity, and they’ve resorted to things like calling other guys names over the internet. They try to experience their life more into details. This is one of the most fundamental beliefs of a “beta male”—because his parents probably didn’t give him enough attention, he seeks to get it from others in a futile attempt to nourish his wounded inner child. The next time you want to take the risk for yourself, and you’re too scared to do it; that little seed will grow, and grow. Wealthy Gorilla™ is one of the fastest growing self-development websites worldwide; with articles and stories covering everything from quotes, net worths, richest lists, self-development lessons, and more. The whole time, he’s thinking “UHH okay, how would an alpha male act? I act in a way that will get me acceptance. It trains men to attack the surface level problems, and not the underlying causes. Having huge muscles isn’t always important. Having courage is one of the key characteristics of alpha males… because without it, nothing worthwhile will ever be accomplished. One of the key alpha male traits is that of assertiveness. Movies, stories, games, mass media… They all deliver a wrong alpha image to society and people search the answers in the wrong way. If a woman is rude to him he’s not going to chase her, seeking validation, he’s just going to ignore her. He thinks that women owe him sex, like a transaction, so he feels like he deserves sex just because he gave her a message. Although it's been years since I first read this book, I can honestly say that the book was one of my original inspirations for becoming a better man. Your email address will not be published. Finding your purpose will help you stay focused and keep you motivated. The fundamental belief that I have right now is that “my purpose is more important than women.” My purpose is more important than getting some girl’s number. Everything in life comes down to moderation. Maybe he even picks up a copy of my eBook on masculinity, because he knows that it’s the fastest way to turn from a beta male into an alpha male. You become an Alpha Male by doing what you want, regardless of fear. The funny thing is, you wouldn’t immediately consider my colleague the most effective chick magnet. If she says that your displaying the sides of the beta male, all hope is not lost. The alpha male is a real man. I can remember reading it for the first time while on a visa run during my travels in Thailand. But then, when he’s talking with the girl, he always seems to be seeking her approval. The 4 traits to becoming an alpha male are easier said than done. The alpha thinks highly of himself in any situation. The most admired alpha males are those who operate with relaxed confidence, respect other people and simply lead the way (or help lead the way) to whatever is trying to be achieved. 3. The alpha male is the top-rated animal within his social group. It's important to note that it CAN be done, however. Do you find those girls attractive? What would you recommend? When you have a purpose, women take a backseat in your life. That’s exactly what girls think when they see a beta male who tries to “act alpha.” They can smell through it in a minute, because they’re extremely intuitive. Guys also don’t meet face to face as much as they would have done in earlier times, due to advanced technology; and some guys are unknowingly displaying all the signs of a beta male. You’re determined, decisive, and you take fucking action to further your purpose. For example, say that Jerry has been working out with a girl, and she comes back to his place afterwards. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to let me know down below—and I’ll see you next time! True alphas know that life begins at the end of your comfort zone and the first step to becoming an alpha male is to boldly face your fears, grow and overcome them. You will see all these behaviors in these alpha male … Okay—so now that I’ve made it clear that being an alpha male is about a mindset, the next logical question is: how do I change my mindset? Nothing contained within the site is the advice, opinion or otherwise the view of any host, owner, server or other provider of services to Masculine Development. You have to shift your mindset. Even though that woman was treating him like shit and stringing him along, he put in tons and tons of effort to please her, hoping that she’d sleep with him. It means leadership and recognition. These things are all characteristic of alpha males and you’ll find that once you have a purpose your beliefs change. They are desperate for good emotions, approval, and sex, so all of their actions are calculated and designed to “take” from others. If she’s rejected you many times before, what makes you think this time will be any different? The crazy thing is that this giant tree of fear grew from some imaginary seed. You need to completely transform who you are. The second part of the alpha is that he’s not embarrassed easily. To this day, Wealthy Gorilla has become one of the fastest growing self-development sites in the world; with over 160 million views worldwide, and more than 200,000 followers on social media. So what’s the difference? No, he’s just going to do what the fuck he wants. …and this is exactly what alpha males do. Practice alpha male traits. They know what they want, they create a plan to get it, and they just fucking take action. This being said, anything worth doing once is worth doing right, and the payoff you get from developing a real alpha mindset is worth it. Not because he’s bitter, but because he just doesn’t want her in his life. You can click on any of the buttons below to follow us on our social media channels; or to get in touch with the founder, Dan Western, head over to the 'contact' page. Say them out loud. So maybe instead of spending hours and hours trying to change all of his needy little behaviors, let’s say that Patrick decides to change his beliefs. At the core of every beta male, you’ll find self-inhibition, and impassiveness. Here’s the thing: To become an alpha male, you’ll need to develop five areas of your life. Then she puts her shirt on, grabs her purse, and bolts out the door. “I did all of that and she didn’t even fuck me.” And I guarantee you, Jerry is going to continue working out with this girl, because she sends him the occasional “winky face” emoticon and he thinks he’s going to get lucky this time. OR MAYBE THAT? Here’s why – and what you can learn from it. These are: Self-Esteem and Status; Leadership; Fashion, Grooming, and Physical Fitness; Body Language and Likeability; Detachment to Opinions and Outcomes; If you want to become an alpha male, then, you’ll need to develop your self-esteem and status. The very first thing that I recommend doing is to implement good habits into your life. The core thing to understand is that becoming an alpha male comes down to self respect, learning to live your life, and becoming a leader who is confident in his purpose in life. “What the fuck,” thinks Jerry. Confidence is the key to being able to go after and get what you want. You have to think about things like an alpha male would, and you have to feel the same way that an alpha male would. Basically what I mean by this is to stop being shy, feeling scared and feeling inferior. How to Be An Alpha Male: The Ultimate Alpha Guide That Every Man Must Read. If you want to improve your confidence, you need to start doing things you're afraid of, until you begin to overcome your fears. He has no girls in his life and has no purpose, so he’s incredibly desperate to have sex. ", 10 Best Personal Development Books to Read, Top 10 Inspiring Travel Videos That’ll Show You the Beauty of the World, 50 Real Life Lessons From an 80 Year Old Man, The 20 Richest Celebrity Couples in the World. Either way—it was a fucking loser who gave you this belief. The fear never really existed in the first place, but you gave it the power to live inside your mind. On the flip side, whenever you do something because you actually want to do it, it’s coming from an alpha male mindset. I am genuine, and not afraid to be myself. How To Become An Alpha Male is a great pick for guys willing to learn how to change their lives and become the leaders women are naturally attracted to. If you’re knowingly displaying the sides of the beta male, I’ve got good news for you. I never even knew that there were terms for it. Nothing stated shall be construed to serve as a replacement for competent advice from professionals. Asking if you can change is one of the reasons you’re a bata male. This is the telltale sign of a beta male—they need female validation. Repeatedly asking the new girlfriend for approval takes times, because it s... Plan to get something from other people—whether it be validation or acceptance hitting her up because she was just!, ” and needs a massage, and wear clean clothes woman and they... Massage…The works “ alpha male, you wouldn ’ t want her in his life help this! Total beta male is leadership from them male apart from the beta, is being too nice too... Fashion and style will help them become more purposeful and decisive, has. Beta man is just acting confident, and just get mad at women an enjoyable and every experience! You have, conflict will find a way that will get me acceptance are n't,. 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