jumbo shrimp is not an oxymoron

Measure again, cut again. Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect. A Jumbo Shrimp is actually a type of shrimp you can buy at large supermarkets. “Jumbo shrimp” is one of my favorites. There are small shrimp, and there are big shrimp.2.You can call a person a shrimp to indicate they are small, but when would you ever call a person a "jumbo shrimp"? Jumbo shrimp is an oxymoron. In the world of the shrimpy, the one-ounce shrimp is jumbo. Shrimp refers to a fish, not a size. Often, they are not. The expression "jumbo shrimp" can be viewed as an oxymoron, a problem that doesn't exist with the commercial designation "jumbo prawns". No, because it's not an oxymoron if you're talking about the food. The term " oxymoron " comes from Greek, where "oxy" means "sharp or acute," and "moros" means "dumb or foolish." Christian Scientists The word "oxymoron" is itself oxymoronic, which is to say contradictory. If you're calling someone a "shrimp" meaning small or little, and then adding the adjective "jumbo," THEN it's an oxymoron. Yes, I believe so. It can be used in many recipes, but also tastes great alone. **1. All-American Shrimp Cocktail – Jumbo Shrimp is Not an Oxymoron Before I knew much about food or dining out, I knew that if they brought shrimp cocktails to the table as an appetizer, we were eating at a "fancy" restaurant. business ethics An oxymoron is any 2 words used together that contradict each other. Oxymoron in Songs. How about victorious defeat? [111] The term shrimp originated around the 14th century with the Middle English shrimpe , akin to the Middle Low German schrempen , and meaning to contract or wrinkle; and the Old Norse skorpna , meaning to shrivel up, or skreppa , meaning a thin person. It smashes together a root word meaning sharp … So "jumbo shrimp" is an oxymoron. “Oxymoron”, strictly speaking, refers to a device in which two contradictory terms are deliberately put together for rhetorical effect. Just like "Reliable iPhone" is an oxymoron. Culinary oxymorons include Heatless Jalapeno and Excess Garlic and British Cuisine. 2 pounds colossal shrimp (12-15 per/lb) Poaching Liquid: 3 quarts cold water; 1/4 onion, sliced; 2 garlic cloves, peeled and bruised; 2 springs tarragon great adj. Is it still an oxymoron if the word has two meanings and the meaning used in the oxymoronic phrase is not contradictory of the other word in the phrase? An oxymoron is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words. Jumbo shrimp is an oxymoron because the definition is self-contradicting... not individual instances of the objects it represents. In the song "Break Free" sung by Ariana Grande, the lyric: “I only wanna die … “Oh dreadful angel of mine, enrich me with the vastness of your being…”. I don’t imagine that anybody hearing the phrase “jumbo shrimp” thinks that it means “a large small thing” rather than a large example of the sea creature, so I don’t see how there’s any incongruity at all. Well of course. "Shrimp" remains a colloquial, prejorative noun indicating a small person when not used to identify an animal dwelling in salt water. Never! For example, “belatedly premature”, “slightly in love”, “imperial democracy”. However, the contrasting words/phrases are not always glued together. airline food I would think not.In closing, the idea that jumbo shrimp is an oxymoron seems like a joke among English professors that got out of hand and became a serious part of the English language. Jumbo shrimp is no stranger than the clothing sizes children’s XL or adult small. The first example I had heard was weeping optimists. Oxymorons and “Proxymorons” Some writers can wield this literary device with intent and success, and some seem to stumble into it. The “Great Depression” has always amused me. However, not all oxymorons are what they seem. Well, sort of. In 1976 a writer in a Portland, Oregon newspaper attributed the version of the quip that uses the word oxymoron to Groucho Marx: 16 cheerleading scholarship I told him today, “You know, your hair gets pointy when you talk that way.”. A more general meaning of "contradiction in terms" (not necessarily for rhetoric effect) is recorded by the OED for 1902.. (Kind of like how the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment was initially a critique of the absurdity of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, but has come to be widely cited as an explanation of it). Jumbo Shrimp … and no, that’s not an oxymoron. ``You’re just an empty cage girl if you kill the bird.’’ – Tori Amos. The word Jumbo Shrimp is NOT an Oxymoron. Often, it is debatable whether the contradictory terms in an oxymoron are truly contradictory. In any case it is better than the other commonly used oxymoron, ie “military intelligence”. In that light using the word "jumbo" with it makes it an oxymoron, describing something small as being big. By this standard, “jumbo shrimp” is not an oxymoron. Servant leadership is not an oxymoron. Once upon a time in grade school, I was told that this was a good example of an oxymoron. Just like "Reliable iPhone" is an oxymoron. “They’re coming to take me away ha-ha, ho-ho, hee-hee, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time… :)” - Napoleon IV, My boss is a hydromoron. Answer to: Why is jumbo shrimp an oxymoron? Just across the street from my office is a gas station/mini-mart called the ‘Mini Giant’. Oxymorons like jumbo shrimp reveal the … "Shrimp" in the sense of food is an animal. Shrimp can’t be jumbo, pizza is not … Technically, Prawn and Shrimps are not the same although erroneously people tend to use the word Prawn for larger ones and Shrimp for small ones. However, both these words have nothing to do with English but more to do with Biology. First off, what IS an oxymoron? “Oxymoron”, strictly speaking, refers to a device in which two contradictory terms are deliberately put together for rhetorical effect. An oxymoron is a combination of words that contradict each other. The common oxymoron phrase is a combination of an adjective proceeded by a noun with contrasting meanings, such as “cruel kindness,” or “living death”. Jumbo means big, shrimp means small, so jumbo shrimp is an oxymoron. A. hyperbole B. oxymoron C. onomatopoeia D. personification - the answers to estudyassistant.com “Military Intelligence” is not an oxymoron, and claiming it is is merely a dig at military bureaucracy. In examples like these, the words are opposites. The food is simply jumbo shrimp. Posted on November 8, 2012 by Betty Londergan Duang Thi Anh Tuyet is a tiny slip of a woman—beautiful like a butterfly but in constant motion like a bumblebee. The word is derived from two ancient Greek words: oxys, which means "sharp," and moronos, which means "dull" or "stupid." Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Or maybe they just got something in their eyes. That would be a triple redundancy, not an oxymoron. friendly fire It’s an accepted tradition of language that certain size descriptors are understood in reference to their noun, so jumbo shrimp are still big for shrimp. By this standard, “jumbo shrimp” is not an oxymoron. I’d disagree with this. While not new, It was popularized by Warren Blumenfeld's 1986 book, Jumbo Shrimp & Other Almost Perfect Oxymorons: Contradictory Expressions That Make Absolute Sense. Take this sentence, for example: "This was a minor crisis and the only choice was to drop the product line," (Todd 2007). Jumbo and shrimp contradict each other right? Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect. Ok, the “jumbo shrimp” bit started as a joke by Carlin. (just the definition) – Adam Mar 17 '11 at 3:48 An oxymoron is any 2 words used together that contradict each other. Cheesehead posted a list of 10, 7 of which are only jokes, 2 of which are oxymorons (& 1 which is neither). I mean, it’s like Military Intelligence – the words don’t go together, man. It doesn't contradict itself because of the multiple meanings of the word “shrimp.” No, because it's not an oxymoron if you're talking about the food. Writing Oxymoron. Take “ jumbo shrimp .” It sounds oxymoronic, but there’s nothing truly self-contradictory about it. I believe he was thinking of steaming hot “chilly”. Jumbo shrimp is no stranger than the clothing sizes children’s XL or adult small. casual sex Read, more elaboration about it is given here. * That’s why servant leadership is not an oxymoron. Oxymorons like jumbo shrimp reveal the hierarchy of thought. "Bittersweet" is an oxymoron because those are opposite flavors. The above phrase is packed with If you're calling someone a “shrimp” meaning small or little, and then adding the adjective “jumbo,” THEN it's an oxymoron. The term oxymoron does not mean a contradiction in terms; rather, it means an apparent contradiction in terms. For years people have used "shrimp" as a means of describing things that are small. What is a Jumbo Shrimp? Jumbo Shrimp is Oxymoron because Jumbo means huge, big, even colossal. Anyway, the point is, saying somebody made an oxymoron isn’t really a criticism; it’s only a criticism if they did it accidentally or if, upon further refection, it really doesn’t make sense. "Measure twice, cut once. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. My room is an organized mess, or controlled chaos, if you will. For example, “belatedly premature”, “slightly in love”, “imperial democracy”. The only situation you would call a shrimp "jumbo" is when you're talking about a decapod crustacean. When asked to cite an oxymoron, many people mention the phrase jumbo shrimp. Jumbo Shrimp: An Oxymoron, And Now A Minor League Baseball Team. Finally, some would insist that ‘jumbo shrimp’ is tautological; after all, shrimp are uniformly small creatures. The term Jumbo Shrimp has always amazed me. So oxymoron is itself a bit of, well, an oxymoron. drug dealing is NOT victimless. Amtrak schedule Shrimp is also that type of shellfish, but Shrimp also has another meaning, which means small. a victim would be anyone who is hurt by someone under the control of drugs or minors who are tricked or persuaded into trying and inevitably od'ing on it. Answer: 1 question 'Jumbo shrimp' is an example of what? See what I mean by many of the “oxymorons” being jokes & not oxymorons at all? There is, in fact, nothing self-contradicting about an actual instance of a jumbo shrimp. It wasn’t meant for literal transslation, but yes, it is a poor example. Maybe this was local, but at my elementary school in Calgary around 1993 or so, shrimp'' almost always refered to a person of small stature. Jumbo Shrimp is an Oxymoron found in Grocery Stores. Well, optimists look on the bright side of the future; maybe they’re sad about the past. Classic oxymora, like jumbo shrimp, gourmet pizza, and free gifts are funny because they speak to the sometimes confused ways in which we view things, but they also reveal the cynicism that pervades much of our culture. The common oxymoron phrase is a combination of an adjective proceeded by a noun with contrasting meanings, such as “cruel kindness,” or “living death”. alcohol is different because it's not as strong or as influetial as drugs like crack etc. Overall, as a literary device, oxymoron functions as a means of getting the … war games. Is Jumbo Shrimp an oxymoron? In literal fact, what is being pointed out is an amusing contradiction. Dang! If they’re optimists, how can they be sad? “Military Intellegence” was also meant in a joking manner. If "jumbo shrimp" is an oxymoron is there another term to describe phrases like "small shrimp" "bad wreck" "tough problem" and "most favorite"? The only time the word jumbo is paired to shrimp, is when the word shrimp isn't indicating the size of something.3.If you can call a tall person a "giraffe", would "tiny giraffe" be an oxymoron? For years people have used "shrimp" as a means of describing things that are small. Crustacean. However, the contrasting words/phrases are not … Here are some well-known oxymorons that have only partially contradictory terms. In that case, jumbo shrimp’’ would be an oxymoron. Supposed Oxymoron. Yep, it’s oxymoronic, they can’t fly at all. "Deafening silence" is any oxymoron because silence can't literally be deafening.1.There is no reason a shrimp can't be jumbo. However, this phrase is not an oxymoron in the strictest sense. Like, when you sue the school district for the right to dress like a nun, and you lose the case, but in doing so you tremendously raise the consciousness of the plight of nun-impersonators in our nation’s schools. Also, a shrimp is not a fish. Just some random, probably redundant, musings on oxymorons: Most things identified as oxymorons are intended humorously. That’s how I always thought of it. Shellfish. In that light using the word "jumbo" with it makes it an oxymoron, describing something small as being big. Isn't that an oxymoron, like "jumbo shrimp"? Originally posted by neutron star: It’s an odd choice to use as an introductory example. I believe “deafening silence” would a common example of a real oxymorn. Whether or not it is an actual nonsensical pair of words is not predetermined. The first half of the word oxy– means “sharp.” This meaning is contained also in oxygen, the name of the element we need to breathe to live. V - W - X - Y - Z. ... it will raise crime. The Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp unveiled their new team name and logo Wednesday, retiring their previous name, the Suns. Rhetorical effect solutions to your homework questions silence ca n't be jumbo mean, it means an contradiction. In literal fact, nothing self-contradicting about an actual nonsensical pair of words is an... British Cuisine into it great alone terms of use by signing up, you agree to Privacy... “ cruel kindness ” are examples they that can give up essential liberty to obtain a temporary... 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