pre tribulation rapture scriptures kjv

Did you know that the pre-tribulation rapture is debunked by Scripture itself? Let’s look at Jesus’ words. (17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with For example, the resurrection of those who have died in Christ happens first in the event Paul described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54. I am 100% NOT a believer in pre-tribulation rapture. 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). My belief that there will be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church stands on the bedrock of the following foundational tenets: A) The Bible is the Word of God The 66-book canon called the Bible is God’s inerrant, infallible message to mankind, explaining His purposes and plans for the ages (2 Tim. To make up for this conspicuous absence, the pre-Trib doctrine must rely on forced interpretations of prophetic foreshadows. The descriptions of the rapture and second coming in Scripture contain many significant differences that cannot be reconciled into one event. Then we find another strong argument for a pre-tribulation rapture in 1 Thessalonians 5:9 where we read: "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thes. In the near future, instead of the rapture, expect pre-tribulation rapture teachers and believers to be targeted & exterminated by God “arrows” in the 1 st – 4 th Seals also called the “beginning of birth pains” Rev 6:1-8, Deut 32:23-25 – Song of Moses Re-Sung at Rev 15:3, Matt 24:7-8. Artist Unknown. 5:9, KJV). In this paper I will provide some of the proofs for that statement. The Rapture of all born again people, both the living and those who have died, of the Age of Grace will take place before the Tribulation. Jesus straight up says that He won’t return until after the tribulation, so no matter how many calculations and whiteboards and timelines pre-trib people make up – Jesus’ Words supersedes them all. Simple Conclusion By identifying the rapture in Revelation as the 6 th Seal and proving the timeline to be sequential, the ‘pre-tribulation’ rapture is proven and the period that most people call the ‘tribulation’ is actually the Trumpets and Bowls. Pre-Trib Rapture The word rapture (like the word Trinity) is never used in the bible but we use the word to describe the great”catching up” of the saints mentioned in 1 Thess. The strongest evidence in the Bible of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture (that is, the Biblical doctrine that Jesus Christ will return FOR the saints BEFORE the 7-year Tribulation period) is the PROPHESIED ELEMENT OF SURPRISE! Tags: 30 king James Bible verses About Rapture, bible verses about signs of the end times, bible verses about when the rapture will happen, bible verses against the rapture, bible verses on the rapture and tribulation, is the word rapture in the bible, pre tribulation rapture kjv, rapture in revelation, rapture in the book of revelation Of the twenty-five instances of the word tribulation in the KJV Bible, not one mentions the harpazō as something that precedes that tribulation. It is a historical position and the only Scriptural position. They cannot happen at the same time. Plainly, the Lord Jesus taught that NO MAN KNOWS THE TIME of His return. Not a single, solitary verse explicitly teaches a seven-year gap between the Resurrection and the end of the age. Rapture Timeline According to Matthew 24 Complete List of Verses in the King James Bible That Support Post-Tribulation, Pre-Wrath Rapture Posted on December 30, 2018 by Joe Leonard This article shows a complete list of verses from the King James Bible that support a rapture after the 75-day Great Tribulation period along with a successive period of God’s wrath poured out. This is called the Pre-Tribulation position.

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