ramsar cop 14

Ramsar COP 11 took place in July 2012 in Bucharest. Trevor Swerdfager, Canada, introduced its proposed COP9 DR26, noting that it seeks to establish a Management Working Group to review the Convention's decision-making mechanisms. Their statement proposed the theme for Ramsar COP 14 as Youth and Wetlands. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands. WWD2001: Wetland world - A world to discover! WWD2005: There's wealth in wetland diversity - don't lose it! Francisco Rilla, Ramsar Director of Science and Policy made interventions highlighting that: ©2014 The Ramsar Convention Secretariat | Rue Mauverney 28 | 1196 Gland | Switzerland | +41 22 999 01 70 | | Ramsar sites information services. Wetlands are prominently addressed in UNCCD assessments, as well as in its future work programme; the role of the UNCCD in the wise use of wetlands; IPCC Special Report on Land and Climate Change recognizes wetlands, including peatlands, as critical resources for their multiple ecosystem services and functions, including climate change adaptation and conservation of biodiversity; Resolutions of Ramsar Convention COPs XII and XIII on enhancing the Convention‘s visibility and synergies with other MEAs and other International Organizations request the Secretariat to continue working to strengthen collaboration with the United nations Convention to Combat Desertification (among others); The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands provides a platform for stepping up action to reach the ambition of the SDGs, the Global Landscape Neutrality, and the Paris Agreement; Substantive work have be done through science and policy cooperation through the Global Wetlands Outlook and the Global land Degradation. 2021 Ramsar Awards 2018 Awards 2015 Awards 2012 Awards 2008 Awards 2005 Awards 2002 Awards 1999 Awards. In 2002, the eighth Conference of the contracting parties to the Ramsar Convention (COP-8) adopted Resolution VIII.14—“New Guidelines for Management Planning for Ramsar Sites and Other Wetlands.” At the COP-8, contracting parties also adopted specific Ramsar guidelines for mangrove management—Resolution VIII.32—“Conservation, Integrated Management, and Sustainable Use of … 29 October 2018. China to host next Ramsar COP14 in 2021 27 June 2019 China An aerial view of flood-prone Wuhan, sited where the Yangtze and Han rivers merge. Because Ramsar is outside the UN system, the development of synergies is especially important. Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Intergovernmental treaty on wetlands o 170 Parties o Provides the framework for the conservation and wise use o First modern global environmental agreement Members commit to: o Designate suitable … Director of Science and Policy, Francisco Rilla at the UNCCD COP14 in India stresses the importance of healthy wetlands to help reduce land degradation and combat desertification. Activities. with the Ramsar COP 14, the Ramsar Treaty will celebrate its 50th birthday. THE SEVENTH SESSION OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES TO THE RAMSAR CONVENTION ON WETLANDS. Takuma from Japan and Anne from UAE speaking in front of the whole Ramsar Convention The full statement presented by Anne Valentina Bourbon and Takuma Satoh is available on the World Wetland Network website. WWD2000: Celebrating Our Wetlands of International Importance, WWD1999: People and wetlands - The vital link, WWD1998: Water for wetlands, wetlands for water, Periodic Evaluation and Review – How to audit and review wetland management. 7 May 2021 Niger has named two new “Ramsar Sites”, Lac de Guidimouni and Lake Madarounfa, bringing to 14 the total number in the country. On the closing day of Ramsar COP13, Youth Engaged in Wetlands called on Parties and all stakeholders to empower youth to actively participate in wetland issues and proposed that the theme for COP14 be: ‘Youth in Wetlands.’ Periodic Evaluation and Review – How to audit and review wetland management Describing the Site – How can the ‘ecological character’ of the site be described? (Ramsar Convention), adopted at its thirteenth meeting. Designation of new Ramsar Site For further guidance see section or update of information related to an existing Site This RIS is for (tick one box only): a) Designation of a new Ramsar Site; or WWN will be taking part as much as possible given the likely disruptions and restrictions on travel. 14 Nov: 15 Nov & Summary: Click for additional translations... ENB SUMMARY REPORT: HTML: PDF: ASCII: ENGLISH: ESPAÑOL: Ramsar COP-9 Completes Negotiations in Kampala On Tuesday, the 9th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Wetlands resolved numerous Draft Resolutions and other matters, concluding at 7:20 PM at the Speke Resort Munyonyo in Kampala, Uganda. Decision SC58-09: The Standing Committee agreed that two days of regional pre-COP meetings should if possible take place immediately before COP14, at the same location as COP14, and instructed the Secretariat to discuss with the host country the necessary arrangements for two days of pre-COP meetings to take place immediately before COP14. The Ramsar Convention’s 13 th triennial Conference of the Parties (COP13), recently held in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, was attended by 143 of its 170 Parties and provided an opportunity to reflect on the state of the world’s wetlands and set the international conservation agenda on these important ecosystems for the next three years and beyond. Regular Management & Monitoring – How to implement management and monitor outcomes? Resolution XIII.14: Promoting conservation, restoration and sustainable management of coastal blue-carbon ecosystems. Designating Ramsar Sites Change in Ecological Character Ramsar Sites around the World Managing Ramsar Sites. Join the CEPA Network Wetlands Educational Centres The CEPA Oversight Panel Culture & Wetlands CEPA Focal Points in your country CEPA Resources and Activities. - Land restoration is the cheapest solution to climate change and biodiversity loss;- Land restoration makes business sense if regulations and incentives to reward investment are in place;- Drought preparedness and response are critical in the face of climate change. Ramsar Advisory Missions. WWD2000: Celebrating Our Wetlands of International Importance, WWD1999: People and wetlands - The vital link, WWD1998: Water for wetlands, wetlands for water, Periodic Evaluation and Review – How to audit and review wetland management. A BRIEF ANALYSIS OF RAMSAR COP 10 “Healthy wetlands, healthy people”, the main theme of COP 10 brought to the discussion table the vital link between wetlands, livelihoods and the well-being of people. An indicative timeline has been prepared using November 2021 as a possible date for COP14, as shown in table below. The Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP7) to the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) took place from 10-18 May 1999 in San Jos, Costa Rica. Photos and RealAudio from 14 May: Sara Diof (Senegal), SC Representative for Africa, presented the draft resolution on the Strategic Framework and guidelines for the future development of the List of Wetlands of International Importance. The Ramsar Secretariat and IUCN Director General … Ramsar Site management planning: 14. COP13 marked the first Ramsar COP to be hosted in the Arab world, and COP14 in 2021 will be another landmark for the Convention as it becomes a half century old. World Wetlands … Country profiles. The fourteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP 14) convened in New Delhi, India, from 2-13 September 2019. Their statement proposed the theme for Ramsar COP 14 as Youth and Wetlands. The fourteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP 14) convened in New Delhi, India, from 2-13 September 2019. Ramsar Regional Initiatives. Describing the Site – How can the ‘ecological character’ of the site be described? ENB SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS: The Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary and analysis of COP 11 will be available on this site on Monday, 16 July 2012. English . Above: Secretary … An indicative timeline has been prepared using November 2021 as a possible date for COP14, as shown in table below. 3 General Assembly resolution 70/1 entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands. Delegates huddled on the palace balcony to work on consensus text on climate change and wetlands. Planning – How should a wetland manager plan for site management? ENCOURAGES Contracting Parties to promote and support the Ramsar Siteauthorities responsible for management to develop an integrated planning, management and evaluation system which promotes the wise use of all their Sites in close alignment with the targets of the Strategic Plan 2016 -2024; 15. Twenty-one resolutions were adopted by Parties at the meeting, which focused strongly on many of the challenging sustainable development issues facing the world now, including poverty, health, climate, the energy sector and responsible investment. ©2014 The Ramsar Convention Secretariat | Rue Mauverney 28 | 1196 Gland | Switzerland | +41 22 999 01 70 | | Ramsar sites information services, meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (, Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), Fundraising Priorities for the Triennium 2019- 2021, WWD2018: Wetlands for a sustainable urban future, WWD2017: Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction, WWD2016: Wetlands for our Future: Sustainable Livelihoods, WWD2010: Wetlands, biodiversity and climate change, WWD2009: River basins and their management, WWD2008: Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People. In the final resolution, the Ramsar COP calls upon parties to manage wetlands in such a way as to remove existing pressures on them and increase their resilience to climate change and extreme weather events. 14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP14), 59th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC59), Submission of proposals for draft resolutions. Ramsar COP11 Resolution XI.8, Annex 1, page 7 Explanatory notes and cross-references to further guidance 5. Regular Management & Monitoring – How to implement management and monitor outcomes? Describing the Site – How can the ‘ecological character’ of the site be described? Wetland City Accreditation. China was officially accepted as the host for the 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP14) to take place in the city of Wuhan in 2021. COP14 An important part of our work is directed towards the Convention of Parties to the Ramsar Convention, or Ramsar COP, the large meeting that happens every three years. WWD2001: Wetland world - A world to discover! Ramsar Sites Management Toolkit. The city Ghar el Melh (Bizerte, Tunisia) was one of the recipients of the Wetland City Accreditation Award. The planet will have undergone the largest and fastest period of urban expansion in human history. The CEPA Programme. More Wetland City Accreditations should be presented at the next Ramsar COP in 2021. The statement was presented by Anne Valentina Bourbon from Emirates Nature-WWF. Tony Slatyer, Australia, … Monday, 14 November Plenary Turkey reiterated its concerns voiced at Ramsar COP7 and COP8 with regard to river basin management, which it considers being outside of Ramsar's scope. Proceedings of past COPs . The timeline can be adjusted accordingly once the dates for COP14 have been approved by the Standing Committee. By 2050, an estimated 6.3 billion people will inhabit the world’s towns and cities. PL_Administrative_Authority_letter_National_Report_COP_14.pdf Designated Ramsar Administrative Authority Name of Administrative Authority › General Directorate for Environmental Protection You have attached the following Web links/URLs to this answer. The webinar on “How to prepare and submit National Reports to the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties on the implementation of the Convention on Wetlands” enhances capacities of Contracting Parties on the purpose, content and completion of National Reports.. During the webinar participants will learn: The purposes and uses of National Reports; DAILY COVERAGE. CBD COP 14 Sharm El -Sheikh, Egypt 22 October 2018 Maria Rivera, Senior Adviser for the Americas and Synergies Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands . It is also known as the Convention on Wetlands. China was officially accepted as the host for the 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP14) to take place in the city of Wuhan in 2021. An aerial view of flood-prone Wuhan, sited where the Yangtze and Han rivers merge. Training Webinar: Mainstreaming Gender under the Convention on Wetlands, Training Webinar: Preparation of draft resolutions for COP14, Training Webinar on National Wetlands Inventories, Training Webinar on Wetlands as NbS for NDCs, Training Webinar on the Green Climate Fund, Training Webinar: Preparation of National Reports to the COP14, Training webinar for National Focal Points and RIS compilers. The timeline can be adjusted accordingly once the dates for COP14 have been approved by the Standing Committee. Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), Fundraising Priorities for the Triennium 2019- 2021, WWD2018: Wetlands for a sustainable urban future, WWD2017: Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction, WWD2016: Wetlands for our Future: Sustainable Livelihoods, WWD2010: Wetlands, biodiversity and climate change, WWD2009: River basins and their management, WWD2008: Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People. Ramsar COP 11 closed at 8:39 pm. Resources. Decision SC58-10: The Standing Committee agreed that regions should hold virtual meetings in advance of COP14, and instructed the Secretariat to facilitate their preparation and implementation with the support and advice of the Contracting Party regional representative members of the Standing Committee. It is named after the city of Ramsar in Iran, where the convention was signed in 1971. It is also known as the Convention on Wetlands.It is named after the city of Ramsar in Iran, where the convention was signed in … COP14 is due to happen in Wuhan, China, in November 2021. Training Webinar: Mainstreaming Gender under the Convention on Wetlands, Training Webinar: Preparation of draft resolutions for COP14, Training Webinar on National Wetlands Inventories, Training Webinar on Wetlands as NbS for NDCs, Training Webinar on the Green Climate Fund, Training Webinar: Preparation of National Reports to the COP14, Training webinar for National Focal Points and RIS compilers. Thoughts on the 2018 Ramsar COP from Dorothee Herr, IUCN Global Marine Program Written by Knowledge Hub. English (Word) Español . Takuma Satoh, President of Youth Ramsar Japan and Manouore Awa Njoya, Permanent Secretary of Réseau Africain … Congratulations to Elise Allely, Lucia Gamarra and Gab Mejia who led the successful Youth Engaged in Wetlands activities. Each meeting of the COP includes a number of technical sessions on ongoing and emerging wetland conservation and wise use issues, to update Convention concepts and draft guidance for the Parties. WWD2004: From the mountains to the sea -- Wetlands at work for us, WWD2002: Wetlands: Water, Life, and Culture. San Jos, Costa Rica 10-18 May 1999: Final briefing. Planning – How should a wetland manager plan for site management? WWD2004: From the mountains to the sea -- Wetlands at work for us, WWD2002: Wetlands: Water, Life, and Culture. CBD/COP/DEC/14/30 Page 2 particular as they are essential for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals; 5. The adopted decisions included guidance on how to implement four thematic policy frameworks approved at the last COP13, addressing drought, gender, sand and dust storms, as well as desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) as a driver for human migration. COP7 focused on the interrelations between … Ramsar COP11 Resolution XI.14, page 2 others, and RECOGNIZING that the continuing degradation and loss of these wetlands releases large amounts of stored carbon; 5. WWD2005: There's wealth in wetland diversity - don't lose it! impact biodiversity and human wellbeing. Urban Wetlands and ities Urbanization is a globally important phenomenon. T he Ramsar Secretary General and the IUCN Director General invited Parties and Delegates to the Ramsar COP13 to a special side event “UN Ocean Conference Community of Ocean Action on Mangroves: Progress and Opportunities”. Site be described been approved by the Standing Committee ramsar cop 14, Tunisia ) one! Period of urban expansion in human history of coastal blue-carbon ecosystems in,! Monitor outcomes Elise Allely, Lucia Gamarra and Gab Mejia who led the Youth... System, the Development of synergies is especially important site be described May 1999: Final.! 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