telephone 1876 definition

Signalling began in an appropriately primitive manner. In 1876, Bell received the first telephone patent for this device, which he used to successfully make between Boston and Salem. This, in turn, draws direct current through the line, confirming that the called phone is now active. This patent is often referred to as the most valuable ever issued by the U.S. Patent Office, as it described not only the telephone instrument but also the concept of a telephone system. Most, however, used the Edison/Berliner carbon transmitter, which was much louder than the other kinds, even though it required an induction coil which was an impedance matching transformer to make it compatible with the impedance of the line. The ringer, or beeper, light or other device (A7), alerts the user to incoming calls. Gray decides to abandon his caveat. An actor portraying Alexander Graham Bell in a short film, 1930. telephone Bedeutung, Definition telephone: 1. a phone 2. to use a phone 3. a phone. The off-hook components include a transmitter (microphone, A2), a receiver (speaker, A1), and other circuits for dialing, filtering (A3), and amplification. During this period there were hundreds of independent phone companies and even more unique candlesticks in production. Telephones transmit both the incoming and outgoing speech signals on a single pair of wires. After the invention of the telephone in 1876, the candlestick (or desk stand) was manufactured from 1892 through the 1920's. telephone, for 15euro (!) Most are smartphones, integrating all mobile communication and many computing needs. The essential elements of a telephone are a microphone (transmitter) to speak into and an earphone (receiver) which reproduces the voice in a distant location. Officially, the fair was called “The 1876 International Exhibition of Arts, Manufacturers and Products of Soil and Mine.” At the time, electricity was still just a spark in Tesla’s eyes. A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. Powered by the line, the microphone (A2) produces a modulated electric current which varies its frequency and amplitude in response to the sound waves arriving at its diaphragm. A major expense of wire-line telephone service is the outside wire plant. "In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell's words, "Mr. Watson. The word telephone, from the Greek roots tēle, “far,” and phonē, “sound,” was applied as early as the late 17th century to the string telephone familiar to children, and it was later used to refer to the megaphone and the speaking tube, but in modern usage it refers solely to electrical devices derived from the inventions of Alexander Graham Bell and others. The first transmission of speech with a telephone occurred on March 10, 1876, from Alexander Graham Bell to Thomas Watson, which Bell transcribed in his lab notes as “Mr. Hydraulic power and steam still powered the world. Telephones have similar adjustments for inside line lengths (A8). A carbon granule transmitter and electromagnetic receiver were united in a single molded plastic handle, which when not in use sat in a cradle in the base unit. In some modern electronic instruments, the mechanical operation of metal contacts has been replaced by a system of transistor relays. Two inventors, Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray, both independently designed devices that could transmit speech electronically. This uses multiple vibrating steel reeds in make-break circuits. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) verdankt seinen Eintrag in die Geschichtsbücher einem glücklichen Umstand: Sein Patentantrag für ein Telefon kam 1876 nur wenige Stunden vor dem von Elisha Grays (1835-1901). The standard voltage is 48 volts. Watson—come here—I want to see you.”. By January 2005, up to 10% of telephone subscribers in Japan and South Korea had switched to this digital telephone service. 6 April 1875: Bell's U.S. Patent 161,739 "Transmitters and Receivers for Electric Telegraphs" is granted. Omissions? The landline telephone contains a switchhook (A4) and an alerting device, usually a ringer (A7), that remains connected to the phone line whenever the phone is "on hook" (i.e. Along with the microphone and speaker, additional circuitry is incorporated to prevent the incoming speaker signal and the outgoing microphone signal from interfering with each other. [2] This instrument was further developed by many others, and became rapidly indispensable in business, government, and in households. 1874 - Principal of the telephone was uncovered. [20] By the end of 2009, there were a total of nearly 6 billion mobile and fixed-line telephone subscribers worldwide. Watson, come here, I want to see you,” from their laboratory while he was in the next room – or so the story usually goes. [4] When a party initiates a call to this line, the exchange sends the ringing signal. In addition it describes the development of what is known as the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Bell's "acoustic telegraph" was first demonstrated at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. Most machines and tools were made of wood. These exchanges were soon connected together, eventually forming an automated, worldwide public switched telephone network. When a landline telephone is inactive (on hook), the circuitry at the telephone exchange detects the absence of direct current to indicate that the line is not in use. The junction box (B) arrests lightning (B2) and adjusts the line's resistance (B1) to maximize the signal power for the line length. Credit for the invention of the electric telephone is frequently disputed. In modern telephone networks, fiber-optic cable and digital technology are often employed in such connections. The switching office signals restoration of contact by transmitting a low-frequency “dial tone”—actually two simultaneous tones of 350 and 440 hertz. Ausführliche Definition im Online-Lexikon. 22 August 1865, La Feuille d'Aoste reported "It is rumored that English technicians to whom Mr. 1874: Meucci, after having renewed the caveat for two years does not renew it again, and the caveat lapses. A dial, if present, is used by the subscriber to transmit a telephone number to the central office when initiating a call. Im Jahr 1876 konkurrierten vor allem zwei Männer um das Patent für das Telefon: die US-Amerikaner Elisha Gray und Alexander Graham Bell. I want to see you." Telephones are duplex devices, meaning they permit transmission in both directions simultaneously. ", This page was last edited on 15 April 2021, at 23:35. [16] In phones connected to common battery exchanges, the ringer box was installed under a desk, or other out-of-the-way place, since it did not need a battery or magneto. 23 und 24 TKG) noch Rundfunk i.S.d. – SiOWfa15: Science in Our World: Certainty and Controversy", Next-Generation Networks Set to Transform Communications, "Telephone Memories (Reel 1 of 2) (1931)", "Telephone Memories (Reel 2 of 2) (1931)",, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles needing additional references from July 2019, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the New International Encyclopedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. At the same time the DC voltage across the line causes a DC current which is split between the resistor-coil (A8-A3) branch and the microphone-coil (A2-A3) branch. [14] In the U.S., a somewhat dated slang term refers to the telephone as "the horn," as in "I couldn't get him on the horn," or "I'll be off the horn in a moment."[15]. To place a telephone call, the calling party picks up the telephone's handset, thereby operating a lever which closes the hook switch (A4). The exchange detects this current, attaches a digit receiver circuit to the line, and sends dial tone to indicate its readiness. The term came from navy slang for a speaking tube. Corporate Vice President and Director, Communications Research Laboratories, Motorola Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois. In manual service exchange areas, before dial service was installed, telephones had hand-cranked magneto generators to generate a ringing voltage back to the exchange or any other telephone on the same line. At first, the benefits of a telephone exchange were not exploited. When the telephone is “on hook,” contact with the local loop is broken. Charles Bourseul, Antonio Meucci, Johann Philipp Reis, Alexander Graham Bell, and Elisha Gray, amongst others, have all been credited with the invention of the telephone.[9][4]. Large wall telephones in the early 20th century usually incorporated the bell, and separate bell boxes for desk phones dwindled away in the middle of the century. Others even accuse Bell of stealing the basic design elements of his own telephone design from Gray. After World War II, the telephone networks saw rapid expansion and more efficient telephone sets, such as the model 500 telephone in the United States, were developed that permitted larger local networks centered around central offices. Such advances supplement, but do not replace, the basic telephone design. Mueller, Milton. 19 February 1876: Gray is notified by the U.S. Patent Office of an interference between his caveat and Bell's patent application. Since the current path A8 – A3 has a far lower impedance than the microphone (A2), virtually all of the incoming signal passes through it and bypasses the microphone. The control and signaling equipment consists of three components, the ringer, the hookswitch, and a dial. Invented in year : 1876. In the 1930s, famed industrial designer Henry Dreyfuss created what many consider to be the first modern telephone: the Model 302. Some local farming communities that were not connected to the main networks set up barbed wire telephone lines that exploited the existing system of field fences to transmit the signal. Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish-born American inventor, scientist, and teacher of the deaf whose foremost accomplishments were the invention of the telephone (1876) and refinement of the phonograph (1886). "[19] The technology has spawned a new industry comprising many VoIP companies that offer services to consumers and businesses. Home Knowledge Inventions & Discoveries Telephone. [12] The Bell patents were forensically victorious and commercially decisive. Hand-held mobile phones were introduced for personal service starting in 1973. The hookswitch signals to the central office that the user has picked up the handset to either answer a call or initiate a call. Oktober 1861 präsentierte der 27jährige Physiklehrer Philipp Reis (1834-1874) im Physikalischen Verein zu Frankfurt am Main erstmals einen Apparat, der Sprache mit Hilfe des elektrischen Stromes in die Ferne übertragen konnte - er nannte ihn "Telephon". As with other influential inventions such as radio, television, the light bulb, and the computer, several inventors pioneered experimental work on voice transmission over a wire and improved on each other's ideas. The most interesting part for modern readers is figure 7, shown here, in which Bell explains … Edison was granted patent 222,390 for a carbon granules transmitter in 1879. Ericsson DBH 1001 (ca. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The incoming audio signal passes through a resistor (A8) and the primary winding of the coil (A3) which passes it to the speaker (A1). 30 January 1877: Bell's U.S. patent 186,787 is granted for an electromagnetic telephone using permanent magnets, iron diaphragms, and a call bell. A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. Ein Telefon, früher auch Telephon (von altgriechisch τῆλε tēle fern und φωνή phōnē Laut, Ton, Stimme, Sprache;[4] Begriff geprägt von Philipp Reis), auch Fernsprechapparat (FeAp) oder Fernsprecher (bahninterne Abkürzung Fspr) genannt, ist A common short form of the term is phone, which came into use almost immediately after the first patent was issued.[1]. Instead of telegraphy's make-and-break signal, the telephone used a continuous variable current … Perhaps the earliest use of the word for a communications system was the telephon created by Gottfried Huth in 1796. When the called party picks up the handset, they actuate a double-circuit switchhook (not shown) which may simultaneously disconnects the alerting device and connects the audio circuitry to the line. Meaning "distance" and "sound," a telephone is the end user terminal in a telephone or voice over IP (VoIP) network. 7 March 1876: Bell's U.S. patent 174,465 "Improvement in Telegraphy" is granted, covering "the method of, and apparatus for, transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically…by causing electrical undulations, similar in form to the vibrations of the air accompanying the said vocal or other sound.". Billions of telephones are in use around the world. The customer equipment may be an analog telephone adapter (ATA) which translates the signals of a conventional analog telephone to packet-switched IP messages. [13], In the United Kingdom the blower is used as a slang term for a telephone. Am 26. The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell,a Scotsman who became a US citizen. I want … In most landline telephones, the transmitter and receiver (microphone and speaker) are located in the handset, although in a speakerphone these components may be located in the base or in a separate enclosure. [17] The coupling transformer and the ringer were mounted in a separate enclosure, called the subscriber set. In local battery configurations, when the local loop was too long to provide sufficient current from the exchange, the transmitter was powered by a local battery and inductively coupled, while the receiver was included in the local loop. Cordless telephones represent a return to individual power sources in that their low-wattage radio transmitters are powered by a small (e.g., 3.6-volt) battery located in the portable handset. During the 20th century, telephones powered from the telephone exchange over the same wires that carried the voice signals became common. Being impractical beyond just a few customers, these systems were quickly replaced by manually operated centrally located switchboards. (His big debut of AC electricity occurred at the 1893 World’s Expo in Chicago.) Disadvantages of single-wire operation such as crosstalk and hum from nearby AC power wires had already led to the use of twisted pairs and, for long-distance telephones, four-wire circuits. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. A few days later, he spoke the first words ever communicated via telephone to his assistant, Thomas Watson, who was in the next room: "Mr. Watson, come here. Of all the early instruments devised and used by Bell and the other telephone hopefuls, Bell’s Liquid Transmitter is perhaps the most intriguing. Satellite technology may be used for communication over very long distances. It was invented by Graham Bell in 1876. 1877 - The very first permanent outdoor telephone wire was completed. Telephones are inexpensive and simple to operate, and they offer an immediate, personal type of communication. Some used a water microphone, some had a metal diaphragm that induced current in an electromagnet wound around a permanent magnet, and some were dynamic – their diaphragm vibrated a coil of wire in the field of a permanent magnet or the coil vibrated the diaphragm. Are in use, the first modern telephone networks, fiber-optic cable and digital technology often! 222,390 for a U.S. patent for the invention of the telephone occurred in June 1876 at Centennial. Famous battle over the issue still arise from time to time a transformer connection to a standard electric telephone 1876 definition is! Switch ( A4 ) is open ), alerts the user was less likely to the... To spread ] before Bell 's patent application telephone made with a switch in it, known as a,... 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