the mummy's foot characters

They are part of the mummy outfit. While the main character of the short first describes the foot as something akin to a foot of Venus or polished bronze, he quickly realizes it is the foot of a mummy: I was surprised at its lightness. The toes were slender and delicate, and terminated by perfectly formed nails, pure and transparent as agates; the great toe, slightly separated from the rest, afforded a happy contrast, in the antique style, to the position of the other toes, and lent it an aerial lightness–the grace of a bird’s foot;–the sole, scarcely streaked by a few almost imperceptible cross lines, afforded evidence that it had never touched the bare ground, and had only come in contact with the finest matting of Nile rushes, and the softest carpets of panther skin. He escaped Hamunaptra with the others to Cairo, but later while guarding Evelyn's room, was attacked and drained of body fluids by Imhotep. She looked at her foot—for it was indeed her own—with an exquisitely graceful expression of coquettish sadness, but the foot leaped and ran hither and thither, as though impelled on steel springs. Red Willits (Bruce Byron) is the leader of the three thieves that were under the employ of British Museum curator turned cultist leader Baltus Hafez. It is shortly revealed that the Emperor was cursed once he was made immortal and turns into stone, as does his army. I had entered, in an idle mood, the shop of one of those curiosity-venders, who are called marchands de bric-a-brac in that Parisian argot which is so perfectly unintelligible elsewhere in France. In the night, he sees a vision of the princess and strange things starts happening. He also has a bitter history with Rick considering that he left him to hold an unknown merchandise in Marrakesh that lead to him being shot in his rear end, while Rick enjoyed the company of the local ladies. After being summoned by Imhotep, who wished to rob Mathayus of Anubis' army, he was tricked and engaged into battle with Rick (Imhotep's powers having been taken by Anubis when he entered Mathayus' tomb). In the ruins he comes across a mural with what looks like jewels carved into the shap… He also possesses a pet falcon named Horus, which he uses to send messages to the other Medjai tribes. With Arthur Shields, Herbert Anderson, J. Edward Bromberg, Phyllis Coates. However, the scene of Daniels' death in the novel is when a blood curdling scream echoes. Played By: Freddie Boath ( The Mummy Returns ); Luke Ford ( The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor) (To … Click below, The Night The Ghost Got In, James Thurber, A Lovely and Terrible Thing, Chris Womersley. He has some skills in marksmanship, often holding his own against mummies when armed with a gun. His body is excavated by Alex O'Connell and placed in a museum, where he is revived through the intervention of General Yang. that is very little, very little indeed; ’tis an authentic foot,” muttered the merchant, shaking his head, and imparting a peculiar rotary motion to his eyes. Rick then stabs Imhotep in the stomach. Choi (Jessey Meng) is General Yang's assistant, second-in-command, and possibly his lover. After they failed to obtain the chest, Red and his gang were ordered to obtain a chest from an unknown mausoleum, which turns out to be the very same chest that resulted in the deaths of Burns, Dr. Chamberlain, Henderson and Daniels from the first film. The O'Connells place unyielding trust in Izzy after his homemade hot-air balloon allows them to outrun Imhotep's attempt to eat them as a giant water face monster. He began an affair with Pharaoh Seti's mistress, Anck-su-namun, and they murdered the Pharaoh when he discovered it. This Unknown Character, as an appearance of a Pig Mummy, is a character that has been leaked by MiniToon for Chapter 8. ",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with style issues from September 2008, Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from October 2010, All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 May 2021, at 03:09. However, through repeated work as a mercenary (as depicted in the third, fourth and fifth films), Mathayus again managed to become king years later and set out on a bloodthirsty quest to conquer the world. When the Scorpion King responds to Imhotep's summons, Imhotep tricks him into attacking Rick O'Connell. He intends to use the foot as a paperweight. After granting the Emperor his immortality, she wished to be with Ming Guo, but the Emperor instead had him killed. Dr. Terence Bey (Erick Avari) was an Egyptologist, the curator of the Cairo Museum of Antiquities and a member of a secret society sworn to prevent priest Imhotep from being resurrected. She, along with Rick and her brother Jonathan, travels to the lost city of Hamunaptra, where she hopes to find a rare, ancient book, the book of Amun-Ra. After finding the bracelet on the arm of Alex O'Connell, Imhotep captures the boy and uses him to find the lair of the Scorpion King. Rick realises that the sceptre Jonathan has been carrying opens up into the Spear of Osiris, which can be used to kill the Scorpion King, but Imhotep almost manages to use the Spear himself before Rick grabs it mid-flight. After doing so, they were discovered and Anck-su-namun committed suicide with the intention of having Imhotep resurrect her. He is captured by Imhotep's followers, and much of the film focuses on the attempts of his parents to rescue him. The name "Ardeth Bay" is an anagram of "death by Ra". The only way for his army to be stopped is for him to be killed in battle with another, with his killer subsequently taking control of the army of Anubis. Imhotep recruits Beni to act as his henchman with the promise of gold. Once again Mathayus embarked on a quest of vengeance, but would be aided by the likes of many in a quest to usurp Memnon. I had entered, in an idle mood, the shop of one of those curiosity-venders, who are called marchands de bric-a-brac in that Parisian ar got which is so perfectly unintelligible elsewhere in France. She kills the pharaoh and then herself at the beginning of The Mummy after her affair with Imhotep is exposed, and then waits for Imhotep to resurrect her so they can continue their relationship. Jonathan is also the only person in the crew that was saved from a flesh-eating scarab beetle, after Rick removes it from his arm with his pocket knife. Anck-su-namun (Patricia Velásquez) is the secret lover of Imhotep and the mistress and bodyguard of Pharaoh Seti I. Anck-su-namun had a deep rivalry with Princess Nefertiri. In his preoccupation with prying off the jewels, he fails to notice that one slips from his pouch and falls to the floor. The Marston family — which consisted of mother Veronica, sisters Sophia and Bethany, and Bunion — had plenty of wealth, and so at least it was a nice carpeted floor that bunion knelt on, as … When he puts on the Bracelet of Anubis, it reveals to him the path to the pyramid of the Scorpion King. [2] She and her brother were to be the children of the "cursed" Lord Carnarvon. He was a ruthless warlord who desired immortality. He comes along on the expedition with the intent to protect his investment. Mathayus set out on a personal quest of vengeance to kill Sargon. Imhotep nearly kills Beni before learning Beni can communicate in Hebrew, the language of the slaves in ancient Egypt. 2,000 years later, Ming Guo was resurrected by Zi Yuan to lead an undead army consisting of the Emperor's enemies buried under the wall with him against the also resurrected Emperor's Terracotta Army. Peter Renault (Herbert Anderson) is a young playwright who literally gets wrapped up in his story of ancient Egyptian times. nothing is more rare.”, “Assuredly that is not a common article; but, still, how much do you want? Dr. Allen Chamberlain (Jonathan Hyde) is an Australian-British Egyptologist who travels with a trio of Americans, their guide, Beni, and a number of native diggers to reach Hamunaptra. 'That foot will be my choice,' said to the merchant, who regarded me with an ironical and saturnine air, and held out the object desired that I might examine it more fully. Not wanting to rule under anyone she betrays him. Here you can read both the most famous ones and not-so-known ones or even publish your own short story :). The Dark Universe is Universal Pictures’ new franchise of rebooted classic horror characters that include the Mummy, Frankenstein, the Wolf Man, the Phantom of the Opera, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, the Invisible Man, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and more. After freeing Imhotep, she allows him to have her past-life's soul enter her body to completely become Anck-su-namun, regaining her memories and combat skills. After killing Memnon, Mathayus wed Cassandra and was crowned the king of Memnon's empire. Once Evelyn had mistakenly called Imhotep back to life, he screamed out against it as it would put his and the Americans' cursed lives at risk, but it was too late. Today we’re looking at Theophile Gautier’s “The Mummy’s Foot” (“Le Pied de momie”), first published in the September 1840 issue of Le Musée des familles. The dealer followed me closely through the tortuous way contrived between the piles of furniture; warding off with his hands the hazardous sweep of my coat-skirts; watching my elbows with the uneasy attention of an antiquarian and a usurer. He is an American adventurer, hightly decorated veteran of WW1 (Knight of Legion of Honor, Médaille Militaire, Croix de Guerre) a former Captain of the French Foreign Legion. As punishment the Pharoah turned her into a mummy. Freddie Boath as Alex in The Mummy Returns. The Mummy's Foot by Théophile Gautier is a traditional and charming Gothic tale. Navigation: Book. All Right Reserved. I was surprised at its lightness; it was not a foot of metal, but in sooth a foot of flesh--an embalmed foot--a mummy's foot: on examining it still more closely the very grain of the skin, and the almost imperceptible lines impressed upon it by the texture of the bandages, became perceptible. The Scorpion King is an ancient warrior whose power Imhotep needs as he is still mortal. After the Emperor is defeated, the now-mortal Lin settles with Alex. He escaped Hamunaptra with the others to Cairo, and was the fourth of the American party to survive until, during the escape from the mind-controlled Cairo citizens, Daniels is jerked out of the back of the car and is trapped by the citizens. It had those beautiful ruddy and tawny tints that lend to Florentine bronze that warm living look so much preferable to the gray-green aspect of common bronzes, which might easily be mistaken for statues in a state of putrefaction: satiny gleams played over its rounded forms, doubtless polished by the amorous kisses of twenty centuries; for it seemed a Corinthian bronze, a work of the best era of art–perhaps molded by Lysippus himself. While trying to flee the city with the Book of the Dead, he ran into Imhotep, who had consummated the curse and assimilated Dr. Chamberlain's organs and fluids, leaving behind a dried husk in his clothes. In the second film, Anck-su-namun's body was reincarnated as a woman by the name of Meela Nais, who, after Imhotep's secondary imprisonment, unearths him along with the Books of the Dead and Amun-Ra. Ultimately, Imhotep is defeated when his immortality is taken by the powers of the Book of Amun-Ra and he is impaled by a scimitar. He was the third of the Americans to die. After accomplishing the task, Mathayus was offered the position of king, but turned it down for a life of adventuring with his older half-brother Jesup. He held the canopic jar with the jackal head. "—and is later sucked into quicksand. In the ruins he comes across a mural with what looks like jewels carved into the shape of scarabs. For this treachery, Ming Guo was executed, but not before Zi Yuan placed a curse on the Emperor that turned him into stone. Alex O'Connell. The story focuses on a collector obtaining a mummy’s foot from a curiosity shop with plans to use it as a paperweight. Mathayus was then hired to kill the Egyptian Tyrant, Memnon, who ruled a part of Egypt with his sorceress Cassandra and planned to rule it all. A bespectacled American adventurer, Bernard Burns (Tuc Watkins) was one of the treasure hunters that made his way to the City of the Dead in search of treasure. He then stabbed Zi Yuan, but not before she revealed that she had in fact laid a curse upon him that turned him and his army into stone. “That foot will be my choice,” I said to the merchant, who regarded me with an ironical and saturnine air, and held out the object desired that I might examine it more fully. General Yang (Anthony Wong) is a commander of a Chinese military faction, possibly part of the recently defeated Collaborationist Chinese Army allied with the Empire of Japan. In the novel written by Max Allan Collins, it is said that Daniels thought he might be spared after Imhotep smiled as he produced the jar to him. Jillian and Addie find a creepy mummy's hand. His hands–thin, slender, full of nerves which projected like strings upon the finger-board of a violin, and armed with claws like those on the terminations of bats’ wings–shook with senile trembling; but those convulsively agitated hands became firmer than steel pincers or lobsters’ claws when they lifted any precious article–an onyx cup, a Venetian glass, or a dish of Bohemian crystal. On examining it still more closely the very grain of the skin, and the almost imperceptible lines impressed upon it by the texture of the ban dages, became perceptible. Gautier tells the tale of an aristocratic Frenchman who purchases a mummified foot to be used as a paperweight in a curiosity shop. In the second film, Imhotep was resurrected and freed from the resin he was trapped in at the end of the first movie. He returns at the end of the movie to provide covering fire for the O'Connells and Jonathan, wanting to go someplace where there are no mummies, gives him his club. Han (Jet Li), also known as the Dragon Emperor, is the main antagonist in the third film. Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr) is the chief of the Medjai, the Muslim descendants of the royal bodyguards. He later aids Rick's crew to fly to Hamunaptra by providing them with an aircraft after they confirm that he probably won't live through helping them. It was a singular face that of the merchant:–an immense skull, polished like a knee, and surrounded by a thin aureole of white hair, which brought out the clear salmon tint of his complexion all the more strikingly, lent him a false aspect of patriarchal bonhomie, counteracted, however, by the scintillation of two little yellow eyes which trembled in their orbits like two louis-d’ or upon quicksilver. The Mummy’s Foot has all of these elements, masterfully combined from a somewhat surprising source. Old Pharaoh would certainly have been surprised had some one told him that the foot of his adored daughter would be used for a paper-weight after he had had a mountain of granite hollowed out as a receptacle for the triple coffin, painted and gilded–covered with hieroglyphics and beautiful paintings of the Judgment of Souls,”–continued the queer little merchant, half audibly, as though talking to himself! 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