what is mysterium tremendum

Choose the best definition or synonym for the word in bold: "There are some. I could not any more have doubted that He was there than that I was. Accessed 14 May. In the mysterium tremendum (“awe inspiring mystery”), the numinous is experienced as mysterious, awesome, and urgent. Our temporary connection or unity with this supreme perfect goodness reveals to us our highest transcendent nature: our soul which can only be satisfied by the supreme goodness. In mysterium fascinans we find the numen attractive, alluring, charming, fascinating, and enchanting. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Proof of a Soul from the Transcendentals and Our Interior Sense of God, Why (Some) Scientists Say There is No Such Thing as a Soul, The 12 Capacities of Man's Trans-Physical Soul. No one has influenced the study of the interior awareness of transcendence more than the great scholar of comparative religion, Rudolf Otto, in his classic work, The Idea of the Holy. When the second pole (which includes a sense of goodness, love, comfort, peace, and joy) is considered along with the characteristics of the first pole, the personal element of the “wholly Other” becomes more clear, because the characteristics of the second pole are oriented toward relationship—and specifically, fulfillment and joy in relationship. The term was given its present sense by the German theologian and philosopher Rudolf Otto in his influential 1917 German book The Idea of the Holy. It was released by 360° Productions on April 10, 2012. Notice that these two characteristics are categories of thought, and Otto insists that such categories are not primary to the experiencing subject, but rather are derived from more primary feeling-contents. There are two special characteristics of this first pole of experience: overwhelming power and spiritual presence. The numinous was, Otto said, a mysterium tremendum, and also a mysterium fascinans. There is one additional element in the feeling-content of the first pole—Otto describes it as “energy or urgency” which betokens passion or will within the numen. “Mysterium tremendum et fascinans” (fearful and fascinating mystery): “Mysterium“: Wholly Other, experienced with blank wonder, stupor “tremendum“: awefulness, terror, demonic dread, awe, absolute unapproachability, “wrath” of God overpoweringness, majesty, might, sense of one’s own nothingness in contrast to its power (New York: Oxford University Press, 1958), 12-40. William James recounts a case study in which the superior power of the numen manifested itself gently and sublimely: “The perfect stillness of the night was thrilled by a more solemn silence. The term was popularized by the German theologian Rudolf Otto in his influential 1917 German book Das Heilige, which appeared in English as The Idea of the Holy in 1923. A sense of awe and fear. That I … It made the top 2 of my list, and the top 10 of many others. My mysterium tremendum moments, experiences which Otto says mark real religion through the millennia, are rare enough that I can remember most of them. 2. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). The notion of the numinous in religious experience goes back to German theologian Rudolf Otto (1869-1937). Both James and Otto pay close attention to the heightened or mystical dimension of the numinous experience. n?s/) is a concept derived from the Latin numen meaning "arousing spiritual or religious emotion; mysterious or awe-inspiring". Otto describes our experience of this incomprehensible mystery as “stupor” which he distinguishes from “tremor:”, “Stupor is plainly a different thing from tremor; it signifies blank wonder, an astonishment that strikes us dumb, amazement absolute.”, We are tacitly aware that we cannot comprehend this higher power, and so we view it as “wholly other.” In its overwhelming presence, we sense our creatureliness—what Otto and Schleiermacher term “creature consciousness.”. In theological contexts the term is associated particularly with the German Protestant theologian Rudolf Otto (1869–1937). "Mysterium tremendum" (MT) refers to an experience of awe, even fearfulness, in the encounter with God. Others say it’s all by chance. He is both sweet and terrifying. In response to this Otto significantly asks, 'Who is the Lord of Hosts?' Antonyms for Mysterium tremendum. The fear we feel when confronted by a ghost or spirit (or hearing a ghost story) is quite different—it makes us feel cold, causes our blood pressure to drop, the blood to drain from our face, and our flesh to creep or crawl. He has made many TV appearances including: Larry King Live (debating Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow), the Today Show (debating on the topic of active euthanasia), The History Channel in “God and The Universe,” a multiple part PBS series “Closer to the Truth,” and the Hugh Hewitt Show. My happiness is of me but not within me. It doesn’t require sitting overlooking the magnificent Gulf coast, but that location surely doesn’t hurt meeting God, either! The fear of natural objects (that can threaten survival or safety) tends to produce a hyperactive state (induced by adrenaline) raising blood pressure, inciting panic, and/or making us feel warm and causing the face to flush. The concept forms part of a description of how the numinous can be experienced by the religious feeling of the human subject. Mysterium fascinans : a sense of something fascinating, desirable, good, caring, and comforting which invites us into its fullness, fulfills us, and in so doing produces a unique kind of spiritual joy (bliss). In this propulsion, we sense the numen as perfect goodness and a supreme being (known only to religion). Mysterium tremendum et fascinosum. Find the full article here. Mysterium Tremendum 2. Otto identified the other class of experiences, in which the numinous is fascinans (“fascinating”), with the “Dionysian element,” as defined by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. 2021. Its exploration of death goes beyond longing for it to see what lies beyond (“Lacerated Psyche” is about the death of Evans’ sister). These are moments that pierce, in remembrance, with feelings and impressions that are almost painful, the sort of pain that makes you grateful to be alive. So what is so fascinating, alluring, enchanting, and even intoxicating in the numen? Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. is a Catholic Priest in the Jesuit order (Society of Jesus) and is currently the President of the Magis Center and the Spitzer Center. – J. Edward Culpepper Currently appearing weekly on EWTN in “Father Spitzer’s Universe“. As mysterium tremendum, the numen appears as a wholly Other, superior, incomprehensible, and mysterious power with passion, emotion, and will which elicits from us a sense of creatureliness, humility, submission, respect, reverence, and worship. Otto referred to the numinous, which he claimed… “Mysterium tremendum.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mysterium%20tremendum. When we combine the studies of Otto and Heiler, it is difficult to imagine that the numen is not in some sense personal. The elements of dread, awe, dauntingness, and creatureliness are the most evident dimensions of the numen in the early stages of the development of individual and cultural religious consciousness. to which the answer is 'that in whose presence we must exclaim "aaaah!"' The “numen” (that which is experienced as transcendent) presents itself fundamentally as “wholly other,” having two distinct poles of “feeling-content”: Otto nuances the elements of these two poles in considerable detail, careful to show their non-rational (i.e. As we are swept into it, we become aware at once of its supremeness and goodness (including elements of both the first and second poles), and when this happens we are transformed. For Otto, mysterium tremendum et fascinans describes the “determinate affective state” of the human mind or feeling gripped or stirred by that which is an inexpressible mystery revealed. Otto's concept of the numinous influenced thinkers including Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade, and C. S. Lewis. We no longer think that we are merely physical or material, but that we are transcendent, having a soul which can only be satisfied by supreme goodness itself. by In heightened experiences of the numen (such as mystical experiences), the characteristics of the second pole, mysterium fascinans, have an absolute or perfect quality which elicits ecstatic joy. Mysterium tremendum et fascinans(325 words) [German Version] The expression mysterium tremendum was introduced by R. Otto as a basic concept in phenomenology of religion; the author translated it as schauervolles Geheimnis, “terrible mystery.”. Indeed, I felt myself to be, if possible, the less real of the two.” —William James, This higher power carries with it a profound sense of mystery and incomprehensibility. One of my star students, Meredith Doran (who is … The title of piece was The Neural Basis of Consciousness, a Glorious Piece of Meat, and the Dalai Lama. I can grasp its truth yet it remains a mystery. Otto puts it this way: “....in all these forms, outwardly diverse but inwardly akin, it appears as a strange and mighty propulsion towards an ideal good known only to religion and in its nature fundamentally non-rational, which the mind knows of in yearning and presentiment, recognizing it for what it is behind the obscure and inadequate symbols which are its only expression. The numen causes a sense of propulsion into itself. Privacy Policy | Otto's idea of a mysterium tremendum has to do with a unique sort of sublime dread that makes us tremble before, and at the same time hallow, the source of all mystery. It provokes terror because it presents To experience God as both at once is to experience The Holy. The mysterium tremendum is “the terrifying mystery, the dread, fear, and trembling of the Christian in the experience of the sacrificial gift, . His seminal work influenced the great historian of religion, Mircea Eliade, and most major protestant theologians of the 20th century (including Karl Barth, Paul Tillich, and C.S. Some might say it’s when all the stars align. Mysterium Tremendum is an album by the Mickey Hart Band, a musical group led by former Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart. Mysterium Tremendum is a quarterly chapbook dedicated to this potent intersection. The felt presence of the numen not only indicates spiritual presence, overwhelming power, and incomprehensible mystery, but also something personal and passionate in its energy. Mysterium Tremendum 2 where ancient questions are examined in light of the latest discoveries in physics and neuroscience. c. A feeling of power, energy, or urgency. Test your visual vocabulary with our 10-question challenge! . Mysterium tremendum definition is - terrible mystery. Note: This article is an adaptation of Chapters 3 of “Evidence of a Transcendent Soul” by Fr, Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. There are many layers to it—you might even find parallels between the record’s concept and life itself. That’s the meaning of the Latin phrase “mysterium tremendum” a German scholar named Rudolf Otto coined early in the 20th Century to try and describe the Holiness of God. It now remains to give a nuanced description of each of the poles. . 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? After a comprehensive study of historical and contemporary religion, Otto concludes that most human beings have an irreducibly, non-rational experience of the numinous (the interior presence of the transcendent or divine). Otto notes that this peace-propulsion can be induced by the presence of the numen through many “gateways.” It can come from reading a passage of scripture, reflecting on a supreme truth (e.g. Post the Definition of mysterium tremendum to Facebook, Share the Definition of mysterium tremendum on Twitter. pre-rational, pre-reflective, pre-thematic) feeling-content which is intrinsic to the numen present to us. Filled with or characterized by a sense of a supernatural presence: a numinous place. Lewis), as well as Catholic philosophers and theologians, e.g. : Various influences had played upon Otto’s reflections through the years, aiding him in reformulating the religious category that was to carry him beyond Schleiermacher. God ( mysterium) both attracts ( fascinosum) and repels ( tremendum ). Otto refers his readers to Isaiah 6, where the Lord of Hosts is described as awesome and attractive. MT is, for Otto, a non-rational (= non-discursive) experience. being paralyzed . Learn a new word every day. Fr. Feb 18, 2021 |. Some people, religions, and cultures do not move beyond this initial encounter with the numen (“the first pole”), but most major religions do move beyond it to the second, more positive pole of feeling-contents. When they are experienced in the numen, they have a purer and more integrated reality than when they are experienced in the natural world. Sitemap, Rudolf Otto's 'Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans' in Our Experience of the Numen, Human Intelligence vs. In the magazine MYSTERIUM TREMENDUM (and in the film feature), it is argued that the reason many individuals have a problem with a purely scientific exploration in philosophy and religion is because of a misunderstanding of the term “matter.” A great or profound mystery, especially the mystery of God or of existence; the overwhelming awe felt by a person contemplating such a mystery. Mysterium Tremendum is an emotionally satisfying record, lyrically and musically. It has been applied to theology, ps… It resembles what is fascinating and enchanting in the natural world: love, goodness, beauty, home, and the joy that arises out of them. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! These qualities are attributed to God in all major religions, and they are attributed to the experience of God in all major mystical traditions. 1. For years he studied human feelings when confronted with the Holy and discovered several things. Mysterium Tremendum. Fr. That it is within my reason, astounds me, overwhelms me. a. Rather it is the fear we have toward spiritual presence, such as ghosts. A discussion of his thought can be found in this online essay, " Otto on the Numinous ." P.h.D. Though the numen does not present itself as evil, it does present itself as “beyond us” and capable of overpowering us. Mysterium tremendum et fascinans. Synonyms for Mysterium tremendum in Free Thesaurus. Artificial and Animal Intel. As Heiler indicates in his seven common characteristics of major religions, the supreme transcendent reality for all major religions is loving, and the Deity reveals this love within human beings. Delivered to your inbox! Written by: Mary Pandiani on October 28, 2015. perfect goodness or perfect love), taking a walk in a natural setting, hearing a bird’s song, looking at religious art or architecture, hearing a religious hymn or glorious symphony, or simply sitting at one’s dinner table or desk. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. He also used the phrase mysterium tremendum as another description for the phenomenon. In this remarkable passage, Otto describes three key characteristics constituting a heightened experience of the numen: The two poles of the numinous experience might be compared to the double-helix characterizing DNA—they are not really separated in the numen, but rather fully integrated, complementing each other, presenting a good and even loving Deity. An overwhelming feeling because of the unapproachability of the holy. Nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry that in some way examines or exists within this liminal space is welcome here. We sense its’ overwhelming or superior power even if it is manifest in a “gentle tide, pervading the mind with a tranquil mood of deepest worship.”. . . The darkness held a presence that was all the more felt because it was not seen. Mysterium Tremendum was created by having the Mickey Hart Band, with guest percussionists and other musicians, play music along with what Hart has called "cosmic sounds". b. the mystery of God that leaves us awestruck in reverential fear, yet attracts us to God’s love and grace is not bad shorthand for our experience of God. In mysticism: Reverie. When the feeling of peace-propulsion occurs, it is generally accompanied by a profound sense of unity with everything which takes away alienation, and feels like we are perfectly at home with the totality. For Otto, the first response we have when the numen becomes present to our consciousness is fear—but not the fear we might have toward a natural object. It is also objectively the band’s most indelible and visceral work–a seminal album. Otto phrases it as follows: “The mystery is for [the person experiencing the numen] not merely something to be wondered at but something that entrances him; and beside that in it which bewilders and confounds, he feels a something that captivates and transports him with a strange ravishment, rising often enough to the pitch of dizzy intoxication...” —Rudolph Otto. What is the numinous? "Non-rational" does not mean "irrational," but rather an experience that cannot be captured in the steel nets of logical language. Fr. also a mysteriumtremendum. I love it when a plan comes together in a serendipitous way. One can see in James’ case studies, the contrary elements of both calm and transport—a sense of peace and propulsion. Tolkien and Mircea Eliade, How to Know What Career God Wants for You, How These Scientists’ Belief in God Helped Them Understand Nature, Aesthetics and Spirituality Part II: Quests, © 2020 Magis Center | Mysterium ludens. The “wholly other” numen is immediately present to us, and the two poles of feeling are synthesized in it (not in us). In this short entry, we briefly see the numinous at play in the lives of Joseph Smith (the founder of Mormonism) and Muhammad (the founder of Islam). In general, Protestant and Reformed churches shun the experience of God as repellant to commend God as attractive. L ord Dying’s Mysterium Tremendum was easily one of the best heavy music records of 2019. And this shows that above and beyond our rational being lies hidden the ultimate and highest part of our nature, which can find no satisfaction in the mere allaying of the needs of our sensuous, psychical, or intellectual impulses and cravings. Mysterium tremendum is our initial or primary response to the numen. Otto asserts strongly that the presence of the numen to individuals is the foundation of religion throughout history and the world: “There is no religion in which [the numen present to individuals] does not live as the real innermost core, and without it no religion would be worthy of the name.” —Rudolph Otto. Are you building something up or tearing it down? Max Scheler and Karl Rahner. As mysterium, the numinous is "wholly other"-- entirely different from anything we experience It evokes a reaction of silence. Also to know is, who coined the term mysterium Tremendum? Though Otto borrowed from the American psychologist William James (The Varieties of Religious Experience) and the liberal German theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher, he nuances and goes beyond them in many significant respects. This sense of being “perfectly at home with the totality” is frequently connected with spiritual joy. Before discussing these nuances, it must be emphasized that these different (virtually opposing) poles of feeling-content are not synthesized in our consciousness, but rather in the “wholly other” numen present to us. They called this mystery the mysterium tremendum, or “awesome mystery.” Theologians Stanley Grenz and Roger Olsen explain it this way: “God is … It is a miracle, the greatest miracle, yet I witness it everyday. What made you want to look up mysterium tremendum? Also embedded in our experience of the numen is an awareness that our propulsion toward it (being swept into it) is not caused by ourselves, but induced by the divine “wholly other” present to us. Rudolf Otto - Rudolf Otto - The Idea of the Holy. Even if we concentrate on the mysterious, incomprehensible, and wholly Other characteristics (of the first pole) associated with some eastern religions, we still sense that the numen is making itself felt – inviting us more deeply into itself—and is not simply a passive depersonalized reality (like a metaphysical substrate) into which we are merely and ultimately assimilated. How is mysterium tremendum et fascinans illustrated? Of or relating to a numen; supernatural. 11. by the gaze of God” (6), “a gaze that I don’t see and that remains secret from me although it commands me” (27). with a Latin phrase: mysterium tremendum et fascinans. Post the Definition of mysterium tremendum to Facebook Share the Definition of mysterium tremendum on Twitter So what are the feeling-contents that give rise to these categories of overwhelming power and spiritual presence? In the mysterium tremendum (“awe inspiring mystery”), the numinous is experienced as mysterious, awesome, and urgent. | What is NOT one of the five qualities of mysterium tremendum? Otto identified the other class of experiences, in which the numinous is fascinans (“fascinating”), with the “Dionysian element,” as defined by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. George Coyne, SJ: Astrophysicist, Priest, and Former Director of the Vatican Observatory, The Purpose of a Myth: Insights from J.R.R. Because the mysterium tremendum is wholly Other, i.e., is unlike anything that we have encountered or ever will encounter, it arouses in us a mental state of stupor, a "blank wonder, an astonishment that strikes us dumb, amazement absolute." Numinous is a term derived from the Latin numen, meaning "arousing spiritual or religious emotion; mysterious or awe-inspiring." First, he found people have a difficult time describing the Holy. ‘Mysterium tremendum et fascinans’ is the phrase most commonly associated with the theologian and philosopher Rudolf Otto. The mystics called it the basis or ground of the soul.” —Rudolph Otto. d. A sense of fascination with and attraction to the … Rudolf Otto, The Idea of the Holy: An Inquiry into the Non-Rational Factor in the Idea of the Divine and its Relation to the Rational, John W. Harvey trans. James describes several cases in which ordinary people (not monks or sisters in a monastery) experienced the numen in a heightened state. Mysterium tremendum: a sense of something mysterious, overwhelming, and daunting which elicits from us a sense of diminution, humility, submission, and creatureliness. We’re paying flat fees of $50 for nonfiction (film studies welcome) and fiction of 3,000 to 6,000 words in length. Productions on April 10, 2012, if possible ) tremendum on Twitter not... 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