how to answer what are you currently doing

You might answer this way if someone you don't know, like a waiter at a restaurant, asks how you are. Sara McCord is a freelance writer and editor, who most frequently covers the career beat. See below for three ways to gracefully answer, “What do you do?” (no matter what you’re really thinking). One other thing that you should know: all of these questions can also be used to mean "Hello". This question means the same thing as "What's up" and can be answered in the same way. When you’re unemployed, discussing your current professional situation with new people can be tough. If you don't say anything else, though, it might be a signal that you don't want to continue the conversation. A person who likes to be grammatically proper might answer this way. So, don’t be shy. This answer makes it sound like you're having a tough day. When you show how enthusiastic you are about something, you are a magnet.

But remember, “What do you do?” is meant as an innocuous way to get to know someone better. For example, at a recent party I told someone I was a communications consultant, but then followed up with a story about a client that offered context for my work and illustrated the need in the market for what I do. Responding to this common question can feel uncomfortable if you’ve recently quit or lost your job, and your response begins, “Well I used to…” or, “Well I’m looking…” But there’s no reason you should have to feel bad or give an awkward answer. Talk about the void in the market that you are filling. For anyone with a gap on their CV, you’ll inevitably be asked in interview what you’ve been doing since your last job. How to answer the question "What do you do?" It helps us make connections. My theory of "hook phrases", Six Skills to Develop As You Learn the English Language, How the Benefits of Tutoring to Learn a Language Outweigh Those of the Classroom Environment, they're walking by you and don't stop to hear your answer, the tone of their voice doesn't go up at the end. This question means "What's happening in your life?" And you can plainly see how much better that is than saying “I’m an accountant” the next time someone asks. Ever. We're going to go through what's required to answer this interview question effectively and how you might be able to design your own impactful answer. She’s the creator of the online copywriting course. These questions are simple tools to find out if there are any interesting topics to discuss: You've certainly heard these questions, but you might be confused about how to answer. “What do you do?” may forever be synonymous with “Who are you?” but with one of these alternative answers, you have a say in who you get to be in the mind of the person you’re talking with.

Never tell yourself that you "know" an English word or phrase.

They Think: You’re a numbers geek. I go school for study English. We need more people who can speak frankly about the value they bring to the clients and organizations with which they work. First, he’s not going to connect you to every single person he knows. The answers discussed above all work for "How's it going?" You’re actually doing everyone a favor by being honest about what you’re good at and what lights you up. So you need to find a way to explain your job in a way that it makes for an energizing conversation starter, instead of a fast track to the pigeon-hole.

You might be, say, a copywriter. Rather, your goal should be to genuinely connect with your new contact, because that’s the first step to building a professional relationship. This answer is formal. Intuitively, you may think a quick response (e.g., “My department was downsized”) signals that you’ve answered that question and are ready to change topics.

Second, it can make you look unfocused or like you haven’t really thought your career through. Relay the details about you and your work that are relevant to the person you’re talking to. (Bonus: To keep with the flow of conversation, a new contact will often naturally respond with an indication of how connected he or she is to that field—“What is SEO? You are doing fine. After more than a decade in corporate communications, Amanda Berlin now uses her pitch powers for good, helping entrepreneurs position themselves as experts and create compelling stories that sell their services. Here's another answer that will also work for "How's it going", but not for "How are you?".

I am a nurse. And you can plainly see how much better that is than saying “I’m an accountant” the next time someone asks. What's happening? The problem with language learning "levels". I’ve used this at dinner parties to great effect: It instantaneously removes stereotypes about your job title and explains the value you bring to the table. Come prepared with a stellar response, and you’ll impress new professional and social contacts with your poise in light of an (unintentionally) tough question. Read our tips from top interview experts and be more prepared at your interview than anyone else. This is an enthusiastic, excited response.
Talk about the latest thing happening in your industry.

So instead of just saying your title, explain something he or she might not know about your work or industry.

Common answers to the question "What do you do?" The question “What do you do?” has basically become synonymous with “Who are you?” There’s a reason it almost always follows “What’s your name?” in polite conversation: It’s helpful. Perception becomes more about the experiences accumulated by the people you’re talking to than anything that they may or may not know about you, personally. And best of all, to solve the “What do you do?” problem, you get to provide context for the person you’re talking to, instead of relying on the picture they have in their minds of what you do. But “I’m transitioning” has a “never complain, never explain” air about it—there isn’t enough information for your contact to ask a follow-up question. It’s get-to-know-you shorthand. But there’s also a dark underbelly to introducing ourselves with this kind of shorthand: When labels go wrong, they can lead to stereotypes. You can tell that it's just a greeting if: Improve your English ability by understanding and memorizing common English phrases. However, just a tip. Infographic: How many words do you 'need'? But you don't have to answer honestly. Third, it can take the conversation off-track (or end it altogether). This is another really common answer. Most people, when interviewing for a job, aren’t especially eager to talk about their weaknesses.How, then, are you supposed to answer the so-standard-it’s-now-a-cliché interview question, “What are your weaknesses?”. You’re actually doing everyone a favor by being honest about what you’re good at and what lights you up. It's always good to ask a question back to the other person if you want to continue the conversation. For nearly three years, she was an editor at The Muse, and she's regularly contributed career advice to Mashable. Why Memorize?

The people who do are "by the books" types who insist on using grammatically correct language. Answer this way if you do mostly the same things each day. You can follow it by sharing something interesting that's happening: "Nothing much. I am a car mechanic. This is more to-the-point. Actionable Steps to Fight Workplace Racism: explains the value you bring to the table.

I repair cars. I am looking for a job. In that case, you don't have to answer. This is a more friendly-sounding answer than "fine". And doesn’t that sound infinitely more interesting?

First, this thinking is totally backward—you should be leaning on your established contacts! Actionable Steps to Fight Workplace Racism: highlight your experience and showcase your awesomeness. So don’t let it get you down, and do choose a smart answer from above: It might just help you gain a great new contact—and job opportunity.

Or you might be someone who helps companies tell compelling stories about their brands.

The best move here is to answer the question by referencing your field of work. More people would be doing things they love.

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