Landslides and avalanches off the slopes of Mt. Both the Gorda and Explorer plates are less than six million years old. The Juan de Fuca is a tectonic plate west of the North American continent between the North American plate and the Pacific plate.
Seismic modeling suggests that the plate enters the subduction zone at a shallow initial angle of 10 to 15 degrees, which in turn, creates a shallow trench. [3] Aufgrund der Lage von Rücken und Subduktionszone nimmt das Alter der Kruste des Kleinplattensystems von Westen nach Osten zu. The overall topography shown in a Raisz landform map in Fig. There are several probable causes for active deformation so far inland. Die Juan-de-Fuca-Platte ist eine kleine, rein ozeanische Lithosphärenplatte am Nordostrand des Pazifikbeckens auf Höhe der kanadischen Provinz British Columbia sowie der US-Bundesstaaten Washington und Oregon. Accreted terranes in the Cordillera (as well as in the Appalachians) were later dismembered and shuffled along strike-slip faults, thus complicating the collision history. De plus, ils ne se sont pas produits sur la limite de la plaque tectonique, mais plutôt au milieu de la plaque. Notice that landscape along the Oregon-Washington coast shown in Fig. [1], Die Juan-de-Fuca-Platte (im weiteren Sinn) ist ein isolierter Rest der Farallon-Platte, der heute rund 2500 km vom nächstgelegenen Farallon-Fragment, der Cocosplatte, entfernt liegt. En 2008, de petits tremblements de terre ont été observés dans la plaque Juan de Fuca. Axis 2 = negative (contraction)—this is the axis in the NE-SW orientation.
Generalized map showing the impacts and deposits of the 1980 climactic eruption in the vicinity of Mount St. Helens. 4c). The relationship between topography and tectonics is well displayed in Fig. (a) Cascadia forearc at about 47.5° N. (b) Cascadia forearc at about 46.7° N. (c) Cascadia forearc at about 45° N. Structure above the dashed line is modeled by onshore–offshore experiments. The calamity caused by a major earthquake or large volcanic eruption is obvious. Harris, R. A., et al., Imaging the Juan Defuca Plate beneath Southern Oregon Using Teleseismic P-Wave Residuals, in Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 96, 19879-19889, 1991. Stay up to date on the coronavirus outbreak by signing up to our newsletter today. In Chapter 20, we will discuss how the Juan de Fuca plate originated. Dezember 2017 um 18:16 Uhr bearbeitet. Translation is not important for determining earthquake hazard. Flueh et al. We thank Gene Humphreys for allowing us using data from their deployment at Wallowa Mountain. Scotia-Platte | Sa superficie est de 0,006 32 stéradians. Letztgenannte umfasst erstgenannte sowie zwei weitere Kleinplatten, die Explorer-Platte und die Gorda-Platte (auch Gorda-Region genannt und dann nicht als separate Platte ausgehalten[1][2]). After correcting the oblique trend of the cross section, the real dip angle is 50Resolution tests show that structures at shallower depths are better recovered in terms of amplitudes and smearing is less significant. La plaque Juan de Fuca elle-même s'est depuis fracturée en trois morceaux, et le nom est appliqué à la plaque entière dans certaines références, mais dans d'autres uniquement à la partie centrale. Reproduced from Major, J., Scott, W.E., Driedger, C., Dzurisin, D., 2005. 0 rating rating ratings The arrow shows the direction of convergence.
It was once thought that the absence of a trench coupled with the rarity of destructive historic earthquakes indicated that the Juan de Fuca plate was too warm to generate a great earthquake as it slipped below North America. In this model, Explorer microplate, born about 5 Ma, accounts for strain partitioning between Juan de Fuca plate and the Queen Charlotte transform. Mt. 11 Mio. The present-day rate of northward migration is 16.4 feet per 100 years. (1998a). For the Vs inversion, a total of 95 events (Figure 27.1) with clear S and SKS phases were recorded at 45 stations, and a total number of 2148 rays were used. (b) Topographic profiles along a N–S axis through Mount St. Helens’ crater showing the new lava dome relative to the south crater rim, 1980 crater floor, 1980–1986 lava dome, and 2000 glacier surface.
The general location of the PC-NA-JF triple junction shifts about 36 km to the northwest in 1 Myr, relative to the hotspot reference frame. Eurasische Platte | The forcing of this slab across the Cordillera was the likely impetus that elevated the Middle-Southern Rocky Mountains from sea level beginning 75 million years ago as discussed in Chapter 14. As the Pacific and North American plates diverge slightly, the remnants of the underplated Paleo-Pacific (Farallon) plate may be acting as a mechanical couple that helps drag the North American plate westward with the Pacific plate. Figure 19.4. The IRIS DMC provided seismic data. A small tectonic plate, referred to as the Juan de Fuca plate, is present north of the San Andreas Fault off the northern California-Oregon-Washington coastline. The Farallon plate was split into two major sub-plates, and the Juan de Fuca plate is the central part of the northern sub-plate. 6. The range stretches along the West Coast of the continent from California to British Columbia. 19.2. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Sie grenzt westlich an die Pazifische Platte und östlich an die Nordamerikanische Platte. Forearc crustal structure changes significantly along strike (Trehu et al., 1994; Flueh et al., 1998a) (Fig. Beginning about 80 million years ago, rather than subducting directly into the mantle at a (normally) steep angle as shown in Fig.
La plaque Juan de Fuca est une plaque tectonique de la lithosphère de la planète Terre.
A triple junction offshore Vancouver Island is hypothesized to be evolving at the junction of Juan de Fuca Ridge and Nootka fault (Rohr and Furlong, 1995). Figure 27.
The western edge of the North American plate along the Cascadia Subduction Zone will continue to define the location of the North America-Juan de Fuca plate boundary at the triple junction. By the Early Miocene, most of the remaining Farallon Plate had been subducted under the North American Plate, bringing the Pacific Plate into contact with the North American Plate in southern California. Instead, it is the partial melting of the solid upper mantle directly above the subducting plate. The subduction region is prone to earthquakes, but the last major quake was in 1700.
Thus we speculate that the slab likely stops at 400 km depth and does not extend deeper. The Mendocino triple junction marks the transition to the, Yorath et al., 1985; Hyndman et al., 1990; Cook et al., 1991, Spreading at the East Pacific Rise continued during the Oligocene, causing the complete subduction of the Farallon Plate near Los Angeles by 30.0, Ma, leaving two remnants to the north and south still undergoing subduction. 6).
The result of this interaction is that the fast moving Pacific plate is diverging slightly from the North American plate. Figure 28.
55 Millionen Jahren entlang der Mendocino-Verwerfung von der Farallon-Platte löste, wird Vancouver-Platte genannt.
To these events we can add Late Pennsylvanian-Early Permian (c.300 Ma) uplift of a series of mountains from Colorado to Texas known as the Ancestral Rocky Mountains. NY 10036. The boundary between the Pacific and Juan de Fuca Plates at the PC-NA-JF triple junction is a right-lateral transform fault—the Mendocino Transform Fault—as is the boundary between the Pacific and North American Plates—the northern San Andreas Fault. USGS Special Interest Publication, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 56 pp. 19.1, the Juan de Fuca and Gorda segments.
In detail, the three plate boundaries at the PC-NA-JF triple junction do not converge at a common point after finite displacement in the first-order kinematic model, just as the boundaries did not converge at the NB-SM-AR triple junction. The last great earthquake occurred more than 300 years ago on January 26, 1700. The data from these seismometers showed how seismic waves traveled through the plate, which, in turn, revealed information about the plate's composition and varying temperatures. The bulge block was the first to slide, followed by the graben block. In 100 years, the stations would be 2.5 m further apart. North American mantle starts from more than 40 km depth. Problems and Solutions in Structural Geology and Tectonics, Beth Pratt-Sitaula, ... Donna Charlevoix, in, Developments in Structural Geology and Tectonics, , is an active continental margin that involves three tectonic plates: the North American plate, the Pacific plate, and the, Cordilleran Sedimentary Basins of Western Canada Record 180 Million Years of Terrane Accretion, The Sedimentary Basins of the United States and Canada (Second Edition), ). Pazifische Platte | (f, g) Chile margin models at about 32.75° S and 33.5° S, respectively. We can make the same sort of assumption to locate the future trace of the San Andreas Fault half-way between the slightly divergent edges of the North American and Pacific plates. The rotation is negative (clockwise). Application to the Cascadia 1993 data set, in Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 106, 30795-30807, 2001. 5.6B. USGS Fact sheet 2005–3036. The oldest rocks on the Juan de Fuca and Gorda segments are less than 10 million years old. Amurplatte |
5.12 shows the southern termination. Both the Gorda and Explorer plates are less than six million years old. "Where other people had debated whether or not it [the tear] was there, we can pretty confidently say that it's real," study lead researcher William Hawley, a doctoral student in the Earth and Planetary Science Department at the University of California, Berkeley, told Live Science. This sort of uncertainty in the exact location of a triple junction after finite displacement, based on kinematic reasoning alone, might be a characteristic of all such first-order kinematic models. Much like the San Andreas Fault, the Queen Charlotte is a right-lateral transform that separates the North American and Pacific plates. Ioánnis Fokás (grec : Ιωάννης Φωκάς), mieux connu sous le nom de Juan de Fuca (né en 1536 sur l'île Ionienne de Céphalonie ; mort au même endroit en 16021,2), était un navigateur grec au service du roi d'Espagne Philippe II. By the Early Miocene, most of the remaining Farallon Plate had been subducted under the North American Plate, bringing the Pacific Plate into contact with the North American Plate in southern California. Explorer-Platte | La plaque Juan de Fuca est une petite plaque tectonique (microplaque) générée à partir de la dorsale Juan de Fuca qui subduit sous la partie nord du côté ouest de la plaque nord-américaine dans la zone de subduction de Cascadia . The volcanoes in central Oregon may have arisen because of a tear in the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate. In fact, it's incredible how many geographical and seismic features in the Pacific Northwest fit into the researchers' hypothesis, he said. San Francisco is east of the fault. The approach here is to gain a first-order impression of how the North American, Juan de Fuca, and Pacific plates might interact in the vicinity of the triple junction—a first impression that can be refined with the inclusion of additional kinematic or geodynamic data. Les formations basaltiques de la plaque Juan de Fuca pourraient potentiellement convenir à la séquestration à long terme du CO 2 dans le cadre d'un système de captage et stockage du carbone (CSC). Juan de Fuca Provincial Park on Vancouver Island's West Coast is named … 7B); in other words, assume that convergent deformation will be shared equally by the two plates along the boundary. En 2019, des scientifiques de l' Université de Californie à Berkeley ont publié une étude dans Geophysical Research Letters dans laquelle ils ont rapporté qu'en utilisant les données de plus de 30000 ondes sismiques et 217 tremblements de terre pour créer une carte tridimensionnelle, ils avaient révélé l'existence d'un trou. Michaelson, C. A., and C. S. Weaver, Upper Mantle Structure from Teleseismic P-Wave Arrivals in Washington and Northern Oregon, in Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth and Planets, 91, 2077-2094,1986. W.D. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Mount St. Helens erupts again.
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