python encryption code

Offer it as a web service. I made this encryption program in Python. You will find that PyCrypto is THE go-to source of encryption with python for just about everything. Thanks for sharing your lesson! Even with obfuscation code license stuff will be cracked and program may be modified to have slightly different behaviour (in the same way that compiling code to binary does not help protection of native programs). Newer versions of Windows are cracked every time. I was surprised in not seeing pyconcrete in any answer. @Daniel: Not sure. This is not a bad thing, it is important that several different tools exist for different usages. Maybe it's time to consider to go with the flow... Use Cython, Nuitka, Shed Skin or something similar to compile python to C code, then distribute your app as python binary libraries (pyd) instead. I think there is one more method to protect your Python code; part of the Obfuscation method. If you are interested in the topic, this project will help you - pyprotect. Now if the customer sells the software, they have to change the copyright notice (which is illegal, so you can sue and will win -> simple case). Why limit your client-serving power to your in-house solutions, when you could see how others improve on your solution and accordingly improve your own product? Use Cython. Still, that can be useful when combined with a suitable starup script to make it run unter Linux. But in the end, most companies try to comply to the law (once their reputation is ruined, it's much harder to do business). It will compile your modules to high-performant C files, which can then be compiled to native binary libraries. I am developing a piece of software in Python that will be distributed to my employer's customers. Cython, Shed Skin, and PyPy go beyond bytecode. This function handles taking in the user message to encode, the number of places to shift it by, applies that shift to each character, then puts the message back together and prints it out for the student. cipherMessage() is where students will put the code that will encode our message. Anyone can be gotten to, and no dwelling is ever 100 percent impenetrable. call graphs points to many different places even if actually those different places does eventually the same thing. In short: message encoding is the process of getting it ready for transmission to the receiver. You cannot copy a service, pirate nor steal it. The approach - opcode remapping is a good barrier, but clearly it can be defeated. You must use the right tool to do the right thing, and Python was not designed to be obfuscated. You can add more features to the module loader, for example anti-debugger, license control, hardware fingerprint binding, etc. Your boss has to choose a point somewhere along that continuum that supports his requirements. Since he doesn't release the change, it's as if it didn't happen for everyone else. Combine that with Cython and some extra crypt over modules or internet calls, and you probably got prize. Have you had a look at pyminifier? ), See This Blog Post (not by me) for a tutorial on how to do it. Compile python and distribute binaries! @Skandix How exactly would that work? Are there real secrets in there (such as a key for symmetric encryption of bank transfers), or are you just being paranoid? +1 For the signing; -1 for the obfuscator You can at least prevent the code from being changed. Idea of having time restricted license and check for it in locally installed program will not work. For example, if there's an "a" in our message, and our shift number is 2, that character would become a "c". +1 for stealing ideas back. If you're using school owned computers, the IT department will likely need to help you with this since they have administrator privileges to install programs. your coworkers to find and share information. Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Would compiling with cython work with a python 3.4 Django app, or could it be made to work without a huge amount of effort? In our tutorial today we'll be using a simple Caesar cipher to introduce these concepts, although it is by no means secure. I believe there was a game like Mount and Blade or something that changed and recompiled their own python interpreter (the original interpreter which i believe is open source) and just changed the OP codes in the OP code table to be different then the standard python OP codes. (a) Write the critical pieces of the code as C or C++ libraries and then use SIP or swig to expose the C/C++ APIs to Python namespace.…,, "If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. Once the file downloads, just run it and click Next until Python is installed. How to replace horrible font in a single program? Regarding the WingIDE business model: Support is a service, software a product. Question: "is there a good way to protect my family and myself from being murdered by intruders in our sleep?" @Jeffrey: That gets you right back to where you started - how to you protect that code. What if they release software to customers, and the customer modifies it internally without re-releasing it? B steals the money by keeping it. @S.Lott, I believe point 6 holds more importance based on the question. I'm back again with another python tutorial. Or they sold in volume. I think that simply bundles the .pyc files. That's a very limiting factor. Is it possible to compile Python source codes to protect code from unauthorized access? This should work pretty well as jythonc translate python code to java and then java is compiled to bytecode. I just gave a look on Shed Skin as suggested by TyPyPy and it appears to be really good stuff! Feel free to post a new question about that. (thx @hithwen). I mean, if they can read your work, so can you theirs. The obfuscated code can be got by the following code. The program repeats that for each character in the message, then puts it back together for the output. What's the right term in logic for this phenomenon? I understand that you want your customers to use the power of python but do not want expose the source code. If there are many calls to the extension, it could be difficult to eradicate. No. This is basically un-reversable, compared to .pyc bytecode! Since python is first compiled to byte code, its really not hard to reverse engineer it. Haven't tried on Django. How important is it really to protect the code? +1 (back to 0): it seems the only true solution to the problem, assuming such an approach to be practical for the setting. Anything can be reverse-engineered and modified if there's enough benefit. I have also been grappling with this question and all the "licensing" answers are basically bull because it doesn't protect against widespread copying, yet doesn't give you any market share advantage. @Blair Conrad: Not if the license-checking code hides functionality, too. @mlvljr FWIW, IMHO compiling to binaries is a nice tradeoff between selling all your secrets and trying to protect against NSA-class reverse engineering. We will mainly focus on the ITEEA Standard for Technological Literacy nu… Luckily for us, Python comes with a decent code editor/compiler built in (called IDLE). When the next release breaks their reverse engineering, there's no point. Before we can walk through how to help students create the encoding program, we need to first teach them the basics of what encoding is and why it's used. A good distinction to make to students is the difference between encoding and encryption; encoding is meant to be used just for transmission and not as a security measure. If we focus on software licensing, I would recommend to take a look at another Stack Overflow answer I wrote here to get some inspiration of how a license key verification system can be constructed. Good obfuscation adds basically the same protection to your code, that compiling it to executable (and stripping binary) does. Basically disabling a whole block of code for what appears to be some obscure reason. Today we won't be necessarily teaching students all the ins and outs of Python and how to write it from scratch, but rather guiding them to the concepts of getting a program working on their own computer that they can then edit and run. Chances are that they will contact you and so you will learn about the reselling of your work. SaaS involves no downloads to customers. If your code have interesting features, the one who was able to misuse it would redistribute it @Macke. Since no technical method can stop your customers from reading your code, you have to apply ordinary commercial methods. How do I concatenate two lists in Python? A wee bit precaution is sensible. Use the same way to protect binary file of c/c++, that is, obfuscate each function body in executable or library binary file, insert an instruction "jump" at the begin of each function entry, jump to special function to restore obfuscated code. Here's an example of a program run, and as you can see we get the same message as output as we put in the input. Uploading your work on the Internet doesn't harm you. you may create table of values which are used by program logic, but also used as signature), which can be used to determine that code is originated from you. Note that some of your Python-based components may require that you pay fees before you sell software using those components. They have helped me a lot with Python and making awesome programs. Once students have a blank program file open to type in, we're ready to start writing the program. Encryption of files - In Python, ... Code. How to ensure my software is not easy to pirate, Let someone run your code, but not see it, Python - Compiling/ securing as standalone executable. So the python source is unmodified but the file extensions of the *.pyc files are different and the op codes don't match to the public python.exe interpreter. How in the world would you "easily discover if someone does"? Just that this one is gonna be a lot cooler ;-). If your stuff is so good -- at a price that is hard to refuse -- there's no incentive to waste time and money reverse engineering anything. In addition to symbol obfuscation might be good idea to unrefactor the code, which makes everything even more confusing if e.g. Products scale, service don't. All sorts of nasty tricks can be done to mess with immature hackers this way. using cxfreeze ( py2exe for linux ) will do the job. What is Asymmetric Key Encryption? Also, some open-source licenses prohibit you from concealing the source or origins of that component. There is a tool Pyarmor to obfuscate python scripts by this way. You could implement a local key mechanism that allows temporary access when the software cannot reach the remote licensing server. After this function returns, the last instruction is to jump to So the more people asking "how to protect Python app" only promotes that development. Search for ["crypted code" execute "in memory"] for more links. There is a comprehensive answer on concealing the python source code, which can be find here.

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