qu dongyu

Before coming to FAO, Qu served as China’s Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, where one of his achievements was to promote inclusive and innovative development and make sure information and communication technologies (ICT) were available in rural areas so that more than 400 million farmers could use their smartphones as a new farming tool. QU Dongyu. Le vice-ministre chinois de l'Agriculture dirigera pour quatre ans l'agence de l'ONU chargée de lutter contre la faim dans le monde. En positionnant un Chinois à sa tête, Pékin va en partie avoir la main sur l'agenda de l'agence, laquelle distribue notamment des crédits vers les pays en développement. Chaque jour, la rédaction des Echos vous apporte une information fiable en temps réel. I am aware, as I write these lines, that the analogy with 1945 can only get us so far. We are not day-dreaming either. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); So nations came together, and FAO was established on 16 October 1945. We strongly believe that the future is made of such gestures – by ourselves, by our partners, by civil society. Wed, Sep 02, 2020. Qu Dongyu, vice-ministre de l'Agriculture à Pékin, a été élu dimanche à la tête de l'Agence des nations unies pour l'agriculture et l'alimentation (FAO), en obtenant une majorité absolue dès le premier tour de scrutin. Let’s return to 1945, the year FAO was founded: a third of the victims of World War II had died of malnutrition and associated diseases. "C'est une date historique, un nouveau tremplin" pour l'agriculture et l'alimentation dans le monde, a immédiatement réagi le nouvel élu, qui a promis de "tout faire pour être impartial et neutre". What we now need is smart, systemic action to get the food to those who need it and improve it for those who have it. Biography Highlight Qu Dongyu, male, Han nationality, is a native of Yongzhou City, Hunan Province. France 24 n'est pas responsable des contenus provenant de sites Internet externes.

Back then, the crisis was one of production. Action to rescue biodiversity from relentless erosion. So at 75, FAO is far from thinking of riding off into the sunset.

Qu Dongyu, who was born in 1963, is currently Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China. Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa. Qu Dongyu, vice-ministre chinois de l'Agriculture, a été élu dimanche 23 juin à la tête de l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), basée à Rome, en obtenant une majorité absolue dès le premier tour de scrutin.

Qu Dongyu from China, one of the candidates for the Director-General position of the FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organization), arrives to address a plenary meeting of the 41st Session of the Conference, at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Saturday, June 22, 2019. Airbus-Boeing : Paris prône des représailles contre les Etats-Unis, La richesse des ménages peu entamée par la crise du Covid. Until the mid-2010s, the world was making impressive progress in reducing hunger. The newly reformed FAO is more inclusive, efficient and dynamic, focusing on what we have designated as the “Four betters”: better production, better nutrition, a better environment, a better life. Three-quarters of a century later, its mission has been made more relevant to the world at large by another global scourge. Téléchargez l'application France 24, La FAO réclame une aide "massive et urgente" pour la Corne de l’Afrique, Le Brésilien José Graziano da Silva élu à la tête de la FAO, La FAO publie un guide des aliments contaminés, Bangladesh : des dizaines de milliers de manifestants contre la France "ennemie des musulmans", Caricatures de Mahomet : l'ambassadeur de France convoqué par les autorités pakistanaises, Covid-19 en Australie : Melbourne va tourner la page de trois mois de confinement, Thaïlande : les manifestants réclament le départ du Premier ministre, Journée sanglante en Afghanistan, un attentat fait 24 morts, un dirigeant d'Al-Qaïda tué, Les Galapagos enregistrent une hausse record du nombre de pingouins et de cormorans, Covid-19 : coup d'accélérateur pour la croissance chinoise, Covid-19 en Australie : Melbourne assouplit ses mesures après 100 jours de restrictions, Nouvelle démonstration de force du mouvement pro-démocratie en Thaïlande, Thaïlande : des dizaines de milliers de manifestants continuent à défier l'État d'urgence, La Première ministre néo-zélandaise remporte un large succès électoral, Thaïlande : les manifestants prodémocratie à Bangkok dispersés au canon à eau. Evoquant entre autres de futurs partenariats avec le géant de l'agrochimie Bayer, le géant de la distribution chinois Alibaba ou encore la fondation de Bill et Melinda Gates, très active en Afrique notamment dans la promotion des cultures OGM pour accroître les rendements agricoles. Three-quarters of a century later, its mission has been made more relevant to the world at large by another global scourge. Our Hand-in-Hand matchmaking initiative accelerates agricultural transformation and sustainable rural development in countries that have the highest rates of poverty and hunger. The pandemic has reminded everyone that food security and nutritious diets matter to all. Qu Dongyu received a total of 108 votes out of 191 cast, constituting a majority in the first round. COVID-19 has made it abundantly clear that our mission is as relevant as when our founders created FAO in 1945. He then progressed through a range of national and international activities, engaged simultaneously in science and management, all during a time when China’s reform and opening-up process led the country to dramatically reduce poverty and hunger in a country with 20 percent of the global population, 9 percent of the world’s cultivated land, and where over 90 percent of the rural population is engaged in small holder farm operations working less than 3 hectares. Le climat des affaires s’améliore-t-il en France et à l’étranger ? While challenges loom, Qu’s cardinal principle is that “problems can also be the source of progress”.

Recognized for scientific innovation as a young scholar, Qu has for 30 years been involved in international exchanges and orchestrated major events including the World Potato Congress, the International Rice Congress and the International Conference on Plant Protection, and participated in multilateral initiatives such as the World Trade Organization and the G20 as well as numerous bilateral initiatives involving Asia, Africa and Latin America. Qu says he represents the combination of an “Asian soul” and a “global mind”. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa.
QU Dongyu, directeur général de FAO, l'organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation . Elle vous donne les clés pour décrypter l’actualité et anticiper les conséquences de la crise actuelle sur les entreprises et les marchés. ». googletag.enableServices();

Le contenu auquel vous tentez d'accéder n'existe pas ou n'est plus disponible. Qu Dongyu received a total of 108 votes out of 191 cast, constituting a majority in the first round.

Qu Dongyu of China elected @FAO Director-General today. Indeed, it takes all of us. }); The PML Daily, published via www.pmldaily.com is a publication of Post Media Ltd, a professional Digital/New Media company in Uganda.

The UN’s food agency was born in the wake of catastrophe.

FAO’s foundation, after all, had preceded – if only by a matter of days – that of the United Nations itself.

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