quetzalcoatl fgo

再び帰還するという予言を残して。 Before long, Quetzalcoatl heard the report that Mexico had turned into a Singularity. ユカタン・レガーロ・デ・ナヴィダ。 空中殺法が特異な女子プロレスラー。リングの下ではとっても優しいお姉さん。たまに見せる情熱的なゲス顔が魅力的だ。. 一番大事なのは好きだという気持ちです、そうでしょう?.

"What is that?" もちろんルチャ・リブレだって全力だ!

Upon its manifestation, it obtained an existence as a female deity. With a highly offensive-oriented skill set accompanied by amazing base stats across the board, Quetzalcoatl is a heavy-hitting Rider with one of the best one-turn burst setups in the game. All of Quetzalcoatl’s skills are good enough to warrant spending resources on for higher values and lower cooldowns. Who all is making plans…, Basically title, honestly my account is stacked at this point for farming but there’s…, Quetzalcoatl offers a diverse skill set, and thankfully she is quite adept at most of its elements. 実際に白亜紀に棲息したケツアルコアトルスよりも遥かに強化された、幻獣~神獣クラスの幻想種である。 レンジ:50 最大捕捉:100人 Gender: Female granting her a humongous 30% & 20% debuff resistance respectively, she will shrug off a lot of debuffs coming her way. First, Quetzalcoatl mistook 'Santa' for 'samba'. In particularly long fights, she will often need teammates’ protection to stay alive. 戦え、ケツァル・コアトル。人々の平和のために!. “Yes, the body! Increase own NP Gauge. Regardless, Quetzalcoatl as a whole is not particularly durable even with this skill active. Also knows as the Yucatan-style present slam. https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Quetzalcoatl?oldid=868283. Naturally, she will resort to lucha. Craft Essences that grant a high amount of these, and also provide high Attack, stats are highly desirable on her.

Inflict NP Seal for a single enemy (1 turn). Contents. The Guts is tied to one of her main steroids and has a high cooldown, which means it has both an opportunity cost and its uptime is not stellar. Quetzalcoatl (Samba/Santa) was an event reward from the Christmas 2018 event. もしリングの上で悪役(ルード)に炸裂した場合でもそれを観戦していた子供達が喜ぶため、結局のところ、この宝具は子供達を笑顔にするためにのみ存在しているのである。.
生贄の儀式を嫌い、人間を愛した。 Regarded as a virtuous deity that repudiated sacrificial ceremonies, it is put on par with the virtuous deity Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, who is the embodiment of the morning star, and the Mayan Kukulkan. 属性:秩序・善  性別:女性 Maybe due the fact that she was overflowing with a sense of freedom derived from the rhythm​ of samba upon releasing it, but what falls down are mostly giant presents of outrageous sizes. Sprite 1 While she does not bring the same level of utility and unique support potential as her direct competitor Ozymandias, Quetzalcoatl is still a fantastic team player. 「あれは何だ?」「星だ!」「コロニーだ!」 Stage 2 It is highly recommended to max this skill as soon as possible. Quetzalcoatl offers a diverse skill set, and thankfully she is quite adept at most of its elements.

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A bunrei has manifested by being given shape as a Servant. South American gods greatly differ from other mythologies, for it has been said that they would take action by “transferring from one human to another”.

ケツァル・コアトル。 Apply Damage Plus (Total Card Damage +300).

Increases one ally's critical star absorption for 1 turn. "A star!" What she developed to resolve that contradiction in her way of being was "a method to fight in a lucha ring while maintaining the moves of a Santa Claus". Last but not least, Quetzalcoatl has an often underrated strength in her debuff resistance. Xiuhcoatl. What she saw upon flying all the way there was the sight of a snow-covered Mexican city and an enigmatic luchador that declared to bestow the true power of a Santa to the winning team. In other words, these are not aerial maneuvers, but "Christmas Maneuvers". しかし同時に今回は魂のサンタになってしまった。 Actually, this is a phantasmal species of mythical beast~divine beast-rank that was strengthened even further than the Quetzalcoatlus that inhabited the Cretaceous Period. The particulars on how she became engrossed on lucha libre (pro wrestling) is quite simple: she ended up seeing a lucha libre match upon being summoned to some era and that overwhelming shock was seared even on the main body on the Throne - or so it seems.

Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn). ―――if that does not work? Quetzalcoatl guided people to prosperity as a virtuous deity, but was eventually vanquished by the god Tezcatlipoca and disappeared from Aztec. An Attacker with explosive power suited to farming. The manifestation of a highest existence (by means of a Bunrei). 分霊のひとつにサーヴァントとしての形を与えて現界している。. Increase own Critical Strength (1 turn). 善なる神として人々の繁栄を導いたケツァル・コアトルだったが、やがてテスカトリポカ神に敗れ果て、アステカから姿を消した。 What she employs is a combat methodology for bustling about​ not on the air, but on the concept of Christmas itself. The second coming of the flame that Quetzalcoatl once used to burn to ashes her own temple when leaving Aztec, so that its many treasures would not be handed over to the wicked deity Tezcatlipoca. Sprite 3, 自由奔放に見えて、心優しく知性に満ちた女神。 "No, it's a Christmas present!" Stage 1 そのインパクトは古代、ユカタン半島に墜ちたという巨大隕石―――彼女という神性のルーツともされる―――を彷彿とさせる。 属性:秩序・善  性別:女性 The Land of Mystique‚ Oniland! "In a sense, aren't they both similar in regards to how they bring smiles to people?" Easily the two best passive Craft Essences for Quetzalcoatl as they both provide hefty Critical Damage, Buster Performance and high Attack stats on top. 最高存在の(分霊による)現界。 For the sake of people's peace. Her personality remains mostly unchanged from the usual Quetzalcoatl. Thus, she currently loves samba as a wonderful piece of culture that the human species produced during their process of growth. 本人はウルティモ・トペ・パターダと名付けている。. The Quetzalcoatlus is known as the greatest flying animal in history. 一つ、分離の衝撃でその悪のケツァル・コアトル、ブラック・ケツァルがクリスマス聖杯と共にメキシコへ飛んでしまったこと。 Its name means “feathered serpent”, “winged serpent”. Wait for her Buster cards to show up, buff herself up, press her 3rd skill, and go to town. is also an option, as with her third skill she can gain access to her Noble Phantasm very fast and set up her Buster Brave Chain easier. As a Buster Critical Damage dealer, she loves nothing more than. However, Quetzalcoatl truly shines when she is the focal point of a Buster Crit team, which takes advantage of her third skill to its utmost potential. 去年のサンタであるアルテラ・ザ・サン〔タ〕に「今年のサンタはおまえだ」と白羽の矢を立てられたケツァル・コアトル。. While this jolly goddess does not possess any hugely detrimental flaws, there are certain areas that are slightly underwhelming compared to others. is a very simple teamwide attack buff with no strings attached. 『サンタタッグトーナメント』の開催であった―――, Quetzalcoatl was thus selected by last year's Santa, Altera the San(ta), in this manner. アステカの人々は、後に来訪したスペイン征服者の一団を「帰還したケツァル・コアトルとその軍勢」であると信じ、滅びる事となった。. The Aztec people believed that the Spanish conquerors that appeared later on were “the returned Quetzalcoatl and its armies” and were destroyed. Rudos Sprite, 「オー、私、ちょっと間違えてしまったみたいデース……」 出典:アステカ神話 She received her first Costume Dress Técnico Mascara and second Costume Dress Rudos Mascara during the Christmas 2018. It has fantastic scaling value as not only does the reduced cooldown allow her to use her Noble Phantasm and Critical Hits more often, but the value on every single buff increases per level. Quetzalcoatl guided people to prosperity as a virtuous deity, but was eventually vanquished by the god Tezcatlipoca and disappeared from Aztec. かつてケツァル・コアトルがアステカを去った折、数々の財宝が悪神テスカトリポカに渡らぬように自らの宮殿を灼き尽くしたという炎の再臨。 While she does not bring the same level of utility and unique support potential as her direct competitor Ozymandias, Quetzalcoatl is still a fantastic team player. サンタクロースと化したケツァル・コアトルによる、全力でのプレゼント進呈ムーブ。 However, her main niche is being a bursty Buster Critical Rider, mainly thanks to her third skill. At first she endeavored in her role as Santa Claus while thinking "there is no need to worry", but of course that was not the case. Sprite 2

While this is not particularly central to her identity as a Servant, it will quietly benefit her in many circumstances.


April Fool Quetzalcoatl has special buff that completely nullifies non-flat damage from Servants with a Good Alignment and reduces damage dealt by Servants with either Balanced or Evil Alignment by 50%. Region: Central and South America

is easily Quetzalcoatl’s most valuable skill and central to her identity as a burst attacker.

Despite the fact that her samba life began with a misunderstanding, as result of her studies while thinking "if I am going to do this, I have to be serious about it", her human-loving self ended up receiving a deep impression that "samba is actually something very good...!" その在り方の矛盾を解消するために開発したのが、『サンタクロースとしての動きを維持したままルチャのリングで戦う方法』――― Covering the surroundings with flames and temporarily obstructing the release of True Name of her opponent’s Noble Phantasms--- However, now her soul is also that of a Santa. Just like how Quetzalcoatl was perceived in many different ways according to the region, maybe some female body turned into Quetzalcoatl in some era.
南米の神は他の神話体系とは大きく異なり、彼ら南米の神は『人間に乗り移って』活動したとされる。 There are also legends of her governing over the sun for a period. Add in the fact that she has naturally higher Star Weight as a Rider Servant and the battery on her third skill, and Quetzalcoatl’s NP generation will start to outpace many Servants in the game.

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