zant neck snap

“What is this Tree that blights our land of constructed things? And we never see his hands, because he doesn't have any: he hides his wings under those long sleeves.—Preceding unsigned comment added by Remiel Hayabusa (talk • contribs), Yes, I know that everywhere Zant is labelled as a Twili, but he doesn't even look similar to the semi-deformed Twilis of the Palace of Twilight. You probably think Ganondorf was a Twili too, because he never says he isn't. – 3. Thus, Zant died, which was represented by the neck-snapping. At least most theories about the Twili or Zant had some evidence or any reason to think it was possible, but this is just idiotic! We all are just speculating as to what really happened: did Ganondorf not opt to resurrect Zant and his spirit killed itself? ), and I'm pretty sure he was inspired by the world that we live in... Oh, and just a little advice; don't call the people you are trying to convince "ignorant" or that they "don't understand what's being discussed here." Look, Nintendo may make things complicated, but they wouldn't overcomplicate stuff this much.

There are multiple ways of defeating Zant, the first suspected way being the use of the Fused Shadows. He's great at speeches. We will leave it at Twili. How does clothing explain skin color?--FierceDeku 07:33, January 17, 2011 (UTC). BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets, Color Changing Tingle's Love Balloon Trip,, Oni Dark Link 14:16, 16 May 2009 (UTC), Yes and you can tell that he did not commit suicide because If he had then he would have used his hands,Leekduck (talk), Yes or that he stole the triforce and the power Entering him would have caused his neck to snapLeekduck (talk), Your not actualy aloud to have people commiiting suicide in games witch are rated below 15, and stop comparing zant to hitler because hitler was not mad, hitler knew exactly what he was doing and he knew exactly how to do it, zant was power hungry because he had no ccontrol over anything and ganondorf took advantage of this, hitler wanted control because he actualy believed he was better then everyone, and hitler commited suicide because he believed there was more dignity in suicide then bieng bombed by the brits because he was that prejudicedLeekduck (talk), youve not actualy taken in what I said, Hitler did not commit suicide to avoid justice because he believed he had nothing to be punished for, I dont think zant commited suicide anyway, but hitlers psycology was so different from zants, hitler was completely sane and not 'screwed' Zant was obbsessive about taking control of atleast SOMETHING in his life to the extent of going into a fantasy world were everything would be okay and any opposition would cause the apocolipse, he did not have the psycology for someone to commit suicide, especialy when he thinks that things are starting to look up for himLeekduck (talk), I dont think zant is dead, and now that I think of it the most logical reason his neck went click was the triforce pulling out of him, the triforce prbably left ganondorf because ganon was going to use the triforce to try and destroy another triforce, the triforce would not do that so it left ganon and silmuntainiously left zant since zants power was second hand via ganon92.10.165.75, I was just wondering...I seem to remember somewhere something about Zant serving the Twili royal family/household/whatever for years because he thought he could get power from it. I guess it's like trying to understand somebody when they're talking underwater.

It's all up for speculation. I believe that he is full Twili. He didn't want to face justice for everything he did and knew he would've died anyway and thus killed himself. What I mean is that not only is this (in my opinion) meaninglesss to the plot, but it is meaningless to the rest of the Zelda fans. Zant and Midna agree in that they belong to the same tribe. So he killed himself, in a way, ending his own life with a good deed. Do we? And as the Prince watched, the Child was thrown down by his father and broken with the wood of the Prince’s Soul, but as the Child’s Body, Mind and Soul began to drift apart, the Prince held them together, and he said, – it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts. When I went through it I thought he was just getting a crick out of his neck, which is, symbolically, Ganondorf, who just lost all his power (the Triforce of Power is shown fading off the back of his hand). Not all Twili are all powerful, just the ones that get super-powered rock helmets. Also, the Ganondorf thing you said was just really just...well, not right.

Maybe he thinks that snapping his neck would make him powerful enough to exact revenge on Link. No. And to everyone that actually considered that Zant might be an Oocca, come on! Icarus203 20:34, 23 July 2008 (UTC), Or not. I must admit I might be having delusions as I'm definitely not sure about this one, but something about the beginning of that section didn't seem right. When he grows up, Link wants to be a speaker of the house. Favorite Zelda villain. About the combat section I want to fight him one more time to get my facts stragiht and I already have the master sword lighted up. We had background information on Ganondorf, but not on Zant (at least not from other games.)

Honestly I never even got the impression that he died at the end.

Just because the game doesn't give you definative proof? He is history. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Remember, I didn't come up with this theory. Icarus203 01:17, 24 July 2008 (UTC). If you could even grasp the point that we're discussing here, you would see that there's no evidence that contradicts Zant being a Twili of Oocca descent. He is also not there size. Another thing about Twilight Princess that could be interpreted as evidence for Zant’s ancestry could be the fact that the Ooccoo were only just introduced in that game.

It's obvious that you also don't understand what's being discussed here, as we're implying that the Oocca and Hylians became the Twili at the same time.

Also, it seems that I offended you in some way and that you are retaliating. Seeing his master lose(he was watching from his throne room), he thought,"Hmm. It's like what you're doing here. Only because we all have different ideas of what it should be. Plus, you don't know if there might be taller Oocca somewhere. If you've beaten Twilight Princess, you may remember Ganondorf's death scene. But its clear now that Twilis are a race. Zant's already dead, so how would he be able to impose his will on whether Ganondorf lives or dies?

This was signed at: 00:20, April 3, 2012 (UTC). (VicGeorge2K9 (talk) 21:01, June 27, 2010 (UTC)), Well, thank you for your support anyway. Zant said something along the lines of "as long as my master survives I will be resurrected without cease", Zant is already dead at this point, Midna blew him up, and Ganondorf dies too, so Zant can't come back.It's not Zant killing Ganondorf, it's Zant dying a final death because he can no longer be resurrected. I’m sure there were many aspects of the game that weren‘t explored because of this. I deleted the Midna size comment because you would have to be macroptic not to see how small Midna is. They adapted to their new environment and became the Twili. I'm sorry.

AuronKaizer, was that comment really necessary? Giants in the human species are roughly twice as high as normal humans at most.

He also doesn't make bird-like movements, but contortions. Also like I said, we're probably delving more deeper than we have to. Get real. Chances are it just sounds like that. If this is true then all races descend from the Oocca. So what if Zant looks/resembles a Oocca; I look French, but I'm 75% Irish...though once again, I suppose you're just going to call me "ignorant" and say that the rules of our world don't apply to Hyrule...but remember, the entire concept of Hyrule was thought up by a person at Nintendo (Shigeru Miyamoto; if I'm wrong, you don't need to point it out. Agreed. Remember the sword thing. That's absurd.

Last time I checked the gametesters for Nintendo were pretty neurotic in checking through the games, and they would never let something like that slip through the cracks. XD Honostly maybe it was just symbolic, and nintendo was saying, ok he died, leave us alone. Couldn't find a GIF so a still image will have to do. A tribe of sorcerers known as the Dark Interlopers are sealed away for trying to seize control of the Sacred Realm. Isn't it obvious that he is an Oocca? Zant could be a Twili of Oocca origin. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Prince came to him and his guest, and he struck the Innkeeper down, and the Innkeeper knew the name of the King. And so George W. Bush was created. That's pretty similar to my interpretation. Chances are we're just making a big deal out of nothing. One of these things could have been a connection between Zant and the Ooccoo.Icarus203 23:49, 25 July 2008 (UTC), Not that I think that this theory is right, because I don't (That's not to say that I think that this theory is bad; I just don't personally think that it's true), but XXXXX, Medigoron is 10-20 times as big as the average Goron, Biggoron is 20-35 times as big as the average Goron, King Dodongo is 5-15 times as big as the average Dodongo (Correct me if I'm wrong on that - I'm just basing it on what I can remember about King Dodongo, but I haven't actually fought him for a long time), the giant Dodongo skull that you go through is even bigger, etc., so I don't think it's unreasonable for an Ooca to be 5-8 times the average size. Hero of Wisdom, I believe someone already brought up the size issue, and I gave an explanation for why the Twili aren’t the same size as their Hylian counterparts. I don't see anything in Zant's character that would make him realize he was being used, whatever that means, and punish Ganon for that. I've found that insulting people is not the best way to convince them. It's where any kind of self-post that helps generate more in-depth discussion goes. Also it is highly possible that Zant did in fact kill himself by snapping his neck because remember: he got an assload of new powers from Ganondorf such as being able to kill Lanayru without raising his arms.

Also just to let you know it's subtedly implied that Hylians were the first race created and it is stated by Shad that the Oocca created the Hylians. He sounds like a bird, also. This actually makes a lot of sense, because he was destroyed by Midna earlier. As to Baltro's suggesiton, at first, making a whole new page for the fight with Zant doesn't seem like a very good idea, but we did the same thing for Majora's Mask, which turned out ok. LapisScarab 23:25, 30 November 2008 (UTC), who even came up with this teroy? :diamonds: |SkyCat| :diamonds: #secretzeldas. – Time Right Now: Tuesday, 27 October 2020, 06:44. Moblinslayer, did you even bother to read the comments right above yours? I stopped counting after 70,000,000. But why is it, I'm just comparing why Zant would commit suicide to Hitler. When Zant steals these away from Midna and returns her to the Light World, t… "There would be no way for them to... come together, because ooca are from the light world and twili are from the twilight world." Oocca? Press J to jump to the feed. Xykeb Zraliv 02:49, 2 August 2008 (UTC), Guys, the anonymous jerk that started this thread clearly did it to get this exact reaction.

– He's a schizophrenic, homicidal maniac who drains the blood of his victims and paints a wall in my basement with it for fear that a deranged monster will emerge from it. He would've died anyway so it's better to get it done with rather than rotting in prison for a good year, doing your best to avoid dropping one's soap in the men's washrooms and going through trial day after day until you finally get executed. In addition, how would Zant have held the swords without hands?

We will not allow such majesty that was not built by us.”. But please do not call me ignorant; I'm anything but ignorant. Maybe he just had a crick in his neck and was trying to sort it out. Yes.

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