unbothered person

Which of the following words is an antonym (opposite) of unbothered? But you can’t fix a problem you won’t even admit to having. Analyzing whether or not a person is just going through a funk or if they're just an unfit individual will help you from losing out on people who should be a part of your life. — Inner Practitioner (@MindTendencies2) July 17, 2020, i’m so unbothered that i leave my phone in do not disturb the entire day. We become the "fake" strong friend who no one ever checks on because they think she always has life figured out. And if you have to take the time to make grandiose announcements about how you can’t be bothered, I’d like to submit to you on today, beloved, that you are indeed bothered. LOL. (Photo cred: http://www.youthareawesome.com). That’s how life works.